A confused concubine fell from the sky

Chapter 54: The Troubled Suyun

"The look in His Majesty's eyes?"

Ye Chiying recalled it carefully, but couldn't figure out what was wrong, so she asked impatiently, "What's the matter with his expression?"

"Your Majesty, your Majesty's eyes on the princess are almost the same as when you look at your empress. It can be said that you are even hotter than when you look at your empress, just like a fire, scorching and powerful."

Suyun reminded her, "That look, what kind of sister is a brother looking at? It's a man admiring his favorite woman!"


As soon as Ye Chiying was reminded by her, she recalled it carefully, and it seems that this is indeed the case:

I remember that at the banquet, Qin Zheng, who was in the center, drank the fine wine he had poured, while looking around, his bright and sharp eyes almost burst into flames, like a head ready to go. The beast is also like a wild fire; as if he himself is a raging fire, and his scorching eyes are jumping flames, ready to explode at any time

He stared at Chaoyan with undisguised deep love in his eyes, both like a hunter looking at his prey, and like a master looking at his beloved pet, and he never left the Princess Chaoyan's body

"Alright, if Suyun hadn't been reminded by you, I thought His Majesty just drank too much and I was really careless!"

Ye Chiying's blunt sense of touch finally came back to her senses. She threw the embroidery needles and threads and other things in her hand on the table casually, looked up at the court lady beside her who was flattering and asking for credit, stretched out a hand as delicate as a white onion, and gently After stroking Su Yun's rosy and torn face, his eyes were complicated: "It's really hard for a bright and intelligent woman like you, but you are just a little female official in the palace. Tell me, how should I reward you?" Woolen cloth?"

"Your Majesty, slaves don't need any rewards, as long as they can serve you, it is a blessing for slaves."

Suyun knelt on the ground obediently and said

"Okay, Yun'er, get up quickly, you are so loyal, I will definitely not treat you badly"

Ye Chiying nodded with satisfaction, "Just tell me, what should I do now? Your Majesty is the king of a country, the lord of ten thousand chariots; if you really like that princess, even the queen can't stop him! "

"Your Majesty, don't worry"

Seeing her calling herself Yun'er affectionately, Suyun immediately showed a flattered look, got up and gave her a blessing, and then continued: "Madam, didn't your majesty also say that you want to help the Princess Chaoyan find her?" What do you mean by the son-in-law? From the perspective of this servant, His Majesty is desperately restraining the love in his heart, so there should be some scruples! Although the servant does not know what this scruple is, the servant thinks that we can take advantage of the fact that His Majesty still has some scruples At that time, take the initiative to show favor and help the princess find a good son-in-law. Once the famous flower has a master, His Majesty will like it in time, and will be concerned about her reputation, so she will not be able to accept her as a favorite concubine."

"Good or good..."

After hearing this, Ye Chiying frowned and pondered for a moment, but reached out and grabbed her ice silk red handkerchief, as if hesitating in her heart

"What are you worried about, Ma'am?"

Su Yun couldn't figure it out: There should be no mistakes in this method, and it won't cause unnecessary criticism, so why is Concubine Ying still frowning?

"Suyun, tell me, besides the queen and me, how many concubines are there in this harem?"

Ye Chiying patted his forehead with the left hand holding the handkerchief and asked

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