A confused concubine fell from the sky

Chapter 55: Fatty water does not flow to outsiders' fields

"Back to your empress, when your majesty was the prince, there were already thirty side concubines, and now all of them have been promoted to be concubines by your majesty, plus those in name and form... there are probably more than 100 who have the courage and identity. seated"

Su Yun thought carefully and answered.

"Yes, there are more than 100 people, after all, they are the emperor!"

When Ye Chiying said this, he looked at the white clouds floating over the treetops outside through the glazed round moon window by the table. The quiet clouds were like a flock of sheep, lying leisurely in the blue sky and stopping on the treetops

"Unexpectedly, he is a majestic king of a great country, and there are only more than 100 women. My father who rules a small grassland! But there are a thousand women."

Ye Chiying's eyes stopped on the white cloud on the tree for a long time, as if that white cloud was her father; "It seems that the crows in this world are like black clouds, why do you think I have to go to such trouble?" How about finding a good son-in-law for that princess? If I send a princess away today, there is no guarantee that His Majesty will not fall in love with another princess tomorrow. Besides, there are so many women in the harem, and there is a queen, so he doesn't worry about who he likes , why should I trouble myself again?"

"Your Majesty, do you mean to let it go?"

There is no ups and downs in Suyun's tone, as if the calm before the heavy rain

"Never mind, it's too troublesome. Instead of spending your time on those women, it's better to spend your time on Your Majesty."

Ye Chiying finally withdrew her gaze, and covered her eyes with a handkerchief as if having a headache, "When I first saw Your Majesty and Princess Chaoyan together, I wished I could pull that princess out and whip him because I really I like your Majesty very much and don't want to share him with any woman

But then during the dinner, I gradually calmed down and figured it out: this man is like a teapot, it always wants to pour the water in its stomach into all the beautiful tea bowls, and wants it to pour only into my own bowl , the best way is not to break other tea bowls, there are too many tea bowls in the world, can you beat them?Um?

So, the best way is to use those thoughts and energy to tie the teapot so that it only wants to pour it to me."

"Your Majesty is wise, it's because the slaves are short-sighted"

Suyun had a somewhat resentful expression upon hearing this, but she still did not forget to praise her

"Suyun, you are right, you are so loyal and smart, it is really likable"

Ye Chiying put down the handkerchief, and turned to look at her again, his obsidian-like eyes shone with unfathomable brilliance: "You are a beautiful and lovely person, and you have your own scheming; a beautiful woman has no scheming She is a woman who is at a disadvantage because she is scheming but not beautiful, but she can do great things. You are beautiful and scheming, and you should be born to be a concubine..."

"Your Majesty, please forgive me! This servant has no such intentions!"

Suyun's expression changed drastically when she heard this, and she hurriedly knelt on the ground and kowtowed to confess herself

"Get up, don't be nervous or afraid, I don't mean to blame you"

Ye Chiying just glanced at her sideways, then lifted her body up on the chaise longue, and half-lyed comfortably on the chaise longue, her gaze once again connected to the horizontal line with the blue sky, white clouds, and green treetops outside the wide moon window; so her voice There is also a leisurely and lazy atmosphere like Baiyun: "I really don't mean to blame you... Since you and I are master and servant, it is fate. You share with me; the fat and water don't flow into outsiders' fields..."

[Two updates in the past two days, uh, it broke out...]

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