A confused concubine fell from the sky

Chapter 62: Hu Mansion Hongxi

At the same time, Chaoyan also noticed that green paper was pasted on both sides of the cave entrance, on which was written with a brush: Hufu Hongxi

"It seems that this is a wedding event held by a goblin surnamed Hu."

Chaoyan thought about it, and most of the people who claimed to be surnamed Hu were fox spirits. Fox spirits are always the most cunning, so they are not easy to deal with!But if you don't go into the cave, then you won't be able to find the bride to get back the spirit beads you lost, so let's fight it out, sneak in and have a look!

So Chao Yan took a deep breath and ordered himself to calm down.

Then he tidied up his clothes, swaggered out of the bushes, swaggered, and walked into the hole without looking sideways.

"Hey! This little lady, please stop!"

The tauren guarding the cave hurriedly stopped her, and one of them was the head of affairs when he had a white bull head, and he asked politely with a smile on his face: "Little lady, are you here to congratulate me? Please send your wedding invitation Show the little ones"

"Are you the servants of Mr. Hu's family?"

Chaoyan put on a nonchalant expression, tried to ignore the tension in her heart, calmly glanced at the white tauren, and said contemptuously: "I am the girlfriend of your new wife, she asked me to come here specially today. Seeing her off, I don't want me to oversleep, when I arrived at your new wife's natal house, she couldn't wait for me, the sedan chair had already left, so I thought of my friendship with her for many years, so I came here to see her off, this is your master Is it the way of hospitality for the bride and groom?"

"Ah! It turns out that you are our new wife's female companion. You are so rude and impolite. You are asking our new wife to be in the innermost new room right now."

Those tauren were really easy to fool, they were taken aback by her outspoken lies, they hurriedly laughed and stepped aside

Chaoyan tried hard to control the ecstasy in her heart, pretending to be calm and stepping into the entrance of the cave step by step

Those minotaurs who were left behind by her all sighed: "Sure enough, like attracts like, our new wife has changed to be no different from that beautiful woman in the world. I didn't expect her female companion to become so beautiful and cute like them. Let alone 1000 years, you have to have 800 years of skill! It’s not like our brothers, who are half human and half demon, and have no sense of beauty.”

Chao Yan hadn't gone far, when she heard the exclamation of these minotaurs, she almost laughed out loud: What a bunch of stupid goblins!Unexpectedly, I was fooled by me in a few words!

She sniggered triumphantly as she walked in, only to see that it became brighter as she went in. The entrance of the cave looked small, but when she turned around the stone wall in the cave, she came to a wide and flat place as wide as five acres of paddy fields. The seats in the center of the open space are already full of guests, and there are also many men and women who seem to be no different from ordinary people. They are probably some high-spirited goblins.

A group of fireflies the size of footballs are slowly flying on the high ceiling of the cave. They are the natural lanterns, illuminating this huge cave brightly.

A goblin with a dog's head has a small white bag on its shoulders, holding a black tray above its head, on which are placed various dishes that don't know what kind of meat it is, including braised, steamed, and fried; exudes a tempting fragrance

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