A confused concubine fell from the sky

Chapter 63: The One Who Gives Rouge

Because everyone was eating and drinking, no one noticed Chaoyan's arrival for a while

Chaoyan looked around carefully, and saw five small holes at the opposite end, like a gate, each with a green happy word pasted on it, it seems that fairies regard green as their festive color

A hole in the east is the most gorgeously decorated, surrounded by a large flower shelf with colorful wild flowers, and the inside is even brighter.

Zhao Yan guessed that it should be the bridal chamber with the bride

So she walked around all the people in the middle of the cave along the stone wall, and walked carefully to the entrance of the cave with flower shelves

I saw a piece of green light inside, and the smell of pollen came to my nostrils like a hot wave.

There are green fireflies flying around the cave as decorations, like countless little stars.

The entrance of the cave is a bit narrow, long like a corridor made of stone walls

Chaoyan walked boldly along that corridor to the end and stopped, only to see a bright light inside, and wondered if it was lit by fireflies

A mahogany door was ajar, and only a woman's savage and aggressive voice could be heard inside, echoing from the entrance of the cave: "Chunmei, why are you so stingy, Mr. Hu, even though his family property is so big? I'm not good, but I sent such a broken bead that can only change appearance freely. We are not those stupid mortals, let alone the kind of low-level idiots who can't even change their human shapes; can't they change? I need this superfluous and cumbersome thing! You say what use is it for me to hold this thing! Fortunately, my father still treats him as a treasure, marrying a beautiful girl like this lady to such a coquettish poor s home!"

"Miss, you can't say that. I heard that this is a spirit bead that fell from the sky. The master said it is a fairy's thing, a priceless treasure!"

A naive little girl replied

After hearing this, Chaoyan thought to herself: It seems that the bead is indeed here!Holding the bead that can change appearance freely, isn't it the green one among the nine spirit beads!great!I figured out a way to trick him

She rolled her eyes left and right, and suddenly remembered that there was a box of rouge given to her by Qin Zheng in her waist purse. Because she was not used to putting on makeup, she kept it in her purse and never used it. Now it just happens to be needed.

So she hurriedly took out the box of rouge, held the small round box made of silver in her hand, walked in proudly, and said loudly: "Young Madam! This servant has brought you rouge!"

"Send rouge? What kind of rouge?"

The people inside obviously regarded her as a maid in Hu's mansion, so it was not surprising, they just asked casually

I saw the resplendent decoration inside, and a pair of red candles with thick arms and gold lines drawing dragons and phoenixes were lit on the stone wall; a bride in a red auspicious dress, a phoenix crown and a xiapei was sitting on an ivory bed decorated with flowers and flying fireflies. staring at her

A little maid wearing a pink bunt and a flowing cloud bun came over, pointed at her with wide almond eyes, and said, "You slave, what's your name? Why did you come in without knocking?"

"Ah, I'm sorry, Sister Chunmei's maidservant is Jia Ming'er, and just now I forgot to knock because the maidservant kept the door open."

Zhao Yan deliberately pretended to be a timid maid holding the box of rouge, bowed her head and said

I don't know if she read it wrong, but she found that the spirit beads that were originally decorated on the bride's chest were missing.

"Forget it, Jia Minger, let me ask you, did Mr. Hu ask you to send this box of rouge?"

The bride sitting in front of the ivory bed asked arrogantly through the phoenix crown and pearl curtain that covered her face like a door curtain.

"Return to the young lady's words, it is exactly"

Zhaoyan held the rouge box slyly and said, "Our young master knew that the gift he gave to the young lady was too thin and shabby, so he felt ashamed and ordered someone to look for it at the bottom of the mountain to buy this box of rose rouge. This is what my young master never bought. A eunuch who came out of the palace bought it. It is said that it is a treasure tributed by a certain country. More than 9000 roses, ginseng and [-] pearls and other precious medicinal materials were used to make this small box of rouge. Dedicated to the young lady"

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