A confused concubine fell from the sky

Chapter 77: Cold Wind Upsurge

Finally, when the music finally stopped, Ye Chiying leaped down Gushan with a beautiful little swallow wearing flowers, and spread his arms steadily, making a wonderful appearance like Qin Zheng who is high above; Gushan behind him remained motionless

"it is good!"

Qin Zheng couldn't help applauding, he looked down at Ye Chiying, who was already dripping with sweat, and said with admiration: "What a princess Chiying, she deserves to be a princess from the Western Wilderness Kingdom who is good at singing and dancing! Aifei has worked hard, come here, give me wine! This is the first time I have seen such an exquisite dance Aifei, you are like the reincarnation of the flying swallows of the Han Dynasty!"

"Your Majesty, thank you for your reward, Your Majesty."

Ye Chiying bowed to answer according to the etiquette, while peeking at the surrounding concubines, then straightened up, took a glass of wine sent by the eunuch and drank it all, and returned to her seat with dignity

Hmph, you old women who can only be mean and mean to others, now you know what I can do?

she thought proudly


Unexpectedly, as soon as she sat down on her buttocks, she heard a woman laughing eccentrically, and then saw Concubine Chen, who was deliberately picking on her that day, holding her orchid fingers, and while gracefully flicking the tea in the tea bowl with the teacup lid, she said eccentrically: " It’s still a country of barbarians. Well, men and women, high or low, can learn to sing and dance. The livelihood of an actor like us is not like us. I was born in a family of bells and lanterns since I was a child. Not to mention learning to dance, I just want to sing Xiao Qu'er will be reprimanded by the elders."


The surrounding concubines all covered their mouths and snickered: Concubine Chen's jealousy has started again, but it's okay, use Concubine Chen's mouth to scold this wild princess who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, and don't tell her to show off in front of Your Majesty!singing and dancing?We can't, but in this country, only low-level actors and actresses can learn such dirty tricks to please others!Your Majesty actually agreed that the dignified concubine of a country would perform dances in front of people like a lowly actor, what a disgrace!

Ye Chiying heard the meaning of her words, and suddenly raised her head and stared at her with wide eyes, feeling the blood rushing straight to her brain

She wanted to jump out and whip the woman who dared to insult her motherland, but because she was in the hall, it was not easy to act presumptuously in front of the emperor. When she was angry, she suddenly heard that Gao Shang had never spoken. The queen slammed the table and scolded angrily: "What kind of actor is not an actor? Wasn't our Emperor Taizu also born in an actor's family? It's just singing and dancing, but you even talked about the next work, don't you mean that? Concubine Ying who dances for us seriously is a scumbag, don’t people like Your Majesty and I like her singing and dancing like a scumbag?”

"Damn the concubine! Please forgive me for making a slip of the tongue!"

Concubine Chen hurriedly got up and knelt down, but her tone was not nervous.

It seems that she knows that the queen will not punish her severely

"How many times have I told you, don't always pick people's bones, but you are so petty, you just like to mess around; find faults everywhere to satisfy your vanity, how can I tolerate you?"

The queen glared at Concubine Chen, and ordered: "Come here, take her out, and ground her feet against the wall for three days! Reflect on yourself!"

"Zi Tong, forget it"

Qin Zheng said from the side: "You cousin, you are just a simple and straight-tempered child, but she has nothing in her heart. She must have said this out of nowhere, and she didn't think too much, let alone today's Mid-Autumn Festival , every family is reunited, and every household celebrates; why let her suffer this cold treatment? Forget it, let her be spared once."

"But, Your Majesty, it's clear that the concubine is incapable of disciplining her and pampering her too much on weekdays, that's why she's used to this. If she just indulges her blindly, I'm afraid her bad habits will die hard."

Embarrassed and guilty, the queen said to Qin Zheng

"Zitong don't need to worry too much, I believe that Concubine Chen has been taught this; she will definitely change it in the future," Qin Zheng advised, "Let's continue to eat wine and dance, don't disappoint this rare full moon."

"Ah! The concubine thanked His Majesty and sister Queen!"

Seeing this scene, Concubine Chen hurriedly knelt down and thanked the queen without waiting for the queen to nod.

Although the queen was a little bit unwilling, she also knew that she had no choice but to glance at her, and then turned to the sullen Ye Chiying and said, "Sister Yingfei, don't talk to her, this Concubine Chen, although she is my cousin, but she is still a little girl." She's a well-known rascal in the harem, she's always out of her wits, so I've said a lot about her. The singing and dancing of your Xihuang Kingdom is what we've always admired. Tonight, I'm lucky enough to see Sister Yingfei, your superb dancing skills. It is also extremely admirable”

Ye Chiying lowered his head to listen to the Queen's words, but remained silent

She murmured in her heart: You are cousins ​​so, no wonder that Concubine Chen hummed so loudly, if you really wanted to punish her, she would have restrained herself a long time ago, why would she wait until now?You sisters are just conspiring to plot against me!

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