Seeing that Ye Chiying bowed her head and said nothing, Qin Zheng knew that she was wronged; so he smiled and said, "Ai Concubine Ying, look at the full moon rising outside, let's go to the corridor and watch the bright moon?"

Ye Chiying looked up at Qin Zheng, full of grievances but didn't know whether to say it or not

Qin Zheng had already stood up, beckoning to her, "Ai Concubine Ying, come, come with me to enjoy the moon outside."

Ye Chiying was originally unhappy, but when she met Qin Zheng's burning and warm eyes, the displeasure in her heart melted like ice and snow seeing the sun: this man is simply her nemesis, from the first moment When she saw him, she felt inexplicably happy in her heart, so as long as she saw his smile, she felt that nothing was important

So I couldn't help but bend the corners of my eyes, hummed like a little girl, went up to hold Qin Zheng's hand extended to her, and walked left and right with the queen, under the jealous and complicated gazes of the other concubines below. , cuddled happily with her beloved lover, and then left the dragon chair and went to the east corridor

Seeing that the emperor and empress had gone, the other concubines also got up and walked out in an orderly manner.

Chao Yan has been watching all this in front of her in silence, and said in her heart: Brother Qin Zheng has forgotten me. In the eyes of outsiders, I am just a nameless wild girl picked up by him!How can an inexplicable princess compare with his concubines?

However, think about it the other way around: If he treats his concubines who have been with him for many years as cold as ice, and only loves me who has only known him for less than a year, then it is not normal, only men who have no conscience and no sense of responsibility will So liking the new and disliking the old, it's disgusting to be so ruthless

oops!His indifference to me makes me feel uncomfortable, but if he is not indifferent to me, it will also make me unbelievable whether I am left or right, am I going crazy?It's so complicated!

Chaoyan shook her head in annoyance, looking at Qin Zheng surrounded by concubines, she suddenly felt that he was so far away and unreachable

At the beginning, when I knew I fell in love with him, I was already wrong!

Thinking of this, Chaoyan felt that the tears in her eyes were about to flow out, she hurriedly wiped them with a handkerchief, and said in her heart:

That's all, today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, when people get together with their husbands and wives, I, an outsider, is a bit redundant after all. I'd better not cause trouble for my brother, so that I won't feel uncomfortable seeing him with these women. Most of these concubines are with him Those who were married to him when he was still a prince are also some unlucky beauties; I, a latecomer and an outsider, don't get in the way here

Thinking of this, she got up silently, but did not go to the corridor to enjoy the moon with her, and quietly walked out of the hall alone

At this time, the bright full moon has risen from the top of the mountain in the east. It is bright and full, like a bright silver plate, hanging high in the sky

The whole land is illuminated brightly, the white roads, white railings and steps seem to have a layer of silver frost; even the lanterns seem a bit redundant, and people can even see the hair on each other's heads clearly

"Aifei, just now..."

Qin Zheng took Ye Chiying's hand, and was about to explain to her the unhappiness just now, but Ye Chiying smiled, covered his mouth with a white and tender hand, and said, "Your Majesty, just now Don't talk about it anymore, now I am a little grateful to that Concubine Chen. If it weren't for her, how could I have the opportunity to be so close to His Majesty? Hee hee, as long as I am by His Majesty's side, I will forget all my troubles!"

"Aifei, you are such a cute little princess."

Qin Zheng didn't expect that this little princess, who usually looks unruly and headstrong, would have such a considerate side. He couldn't help but feel his heart warm up. In the hazy moonlight, he felt that she was getting cuter and cuter.

"Oh! Your Majesty, the moon tonight is really round and beautiful!"

Ye Chiying was holding on to the white jade railing, happily pointing at the distant bright moon, clapping her hands and laughing loudly

"Yes, it's so beautiful"

Qin Zheng looked tenderly at Ye Chiying, who looked like a little girl, with one arm on the queen's arm. His cheerful expression showed that he was very satisfied with his lovely wife and beautiful concubine.

The queen is obedient to him, and the concubines are also fond of him, so he has no reason to be dissatisfied

"Your Majesty, with the beauty of this beautiful night, how can you not recite poems and compose poems?"

The surrounding concubines also crowded around and said in one voice, "Why don't we come here and play poetry, and every sentence should have a bright moon."


Qin Zheng readily agreed, but he soon realized that something seemed missing

Asagao is gone

Only then did he think of that ignorant little girl. At this time, where did she go?We sat together at the banquet just now

Thinking of this, Qin Zheng hurriedly glanced around, but the little girl Chaoyan was not among these concubines.

"Yan Er, where did Yan Er go?"

He suddenly didn't want to get entangled with the Yingying and Yanyan around him, and hurriedly summoned the eunuchs who were waiting for him in the distance: "Quick, hurry up and get the princess back to me!"

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