A confused concubine fell from the sky

Chapter 90: Food, Sex, and Sex

"He is the infatuated man in your mind."

Shangguande leaned slightly, changed into a comfortable posture, and said calmly: "Originally, there are differences between men and women, otherwise there is no difference between men and women in the world. If everyone is the same, it will become the principle that men have men and women have women. But if you want to use your women's code of conduct to demand a man, isn't he a chastity?"

"Hmph! Brother Shangguan, you are trying to argue for your men!"

Chaoyan retorted disapprovingly: "Even if men and women are different, aren't they all the same emotionally? Why do you require women to marry only one man, but allow men to seek flowers and ask willows outside? The same thing, if a woman before marriage Having an affair with someone is infidelity, and a man is an affair! It's not fair! If I can't love me wholeheartedly, then why should I love him wholeheartedly and pay for him!"

"Well, it makes sense that you women have the right to choose how to love a man, and consider whether you should pay for him."

Shangguande did not argue with her, but nodded in agreement

But what he said next made Chao Yan feel very shocked:

Just listen to him say: "But I can only remind you girls out of the standpoint and psychology of a man: It is meaningless to discuss whether it should be fair or not, as long as the world does not change, this kind of inequality It will never be eliminated. And, Miss Chaoyan, believe it or not, the lustful nature of men is hard to change. If you want to find a woman who is determined for life, you will never be half-hearted; that is almost It’s like climbing a tree to look for fish and sex. The same delicacies from mountains and seas, if you eat three meals a day for decades, won’t you get tired of it? So, sometimes, although you want to change the taste occasionally, it’s just a kind of food. It’s just the mood of cheating, it doesn’t affect our loyalty and love to the woman we love, wife or wife, forget it after the wild food, it’s not on the same level at all.”

"How can this kind of thing be compared with eating?"

Chaoyan felt strangely angry, two people love each other, what a beautiful and touching thing, how can such a vulgar thing like eating be compared!

"The girl is a child after all"

Shangguande smiled softly, and the golden sunlight outside the window pierced in, covering most of his face; making him look a little mysterious

I just heard him say in a joking tone: "Well, since you don't believe it, we can try it. Our Jiuyou has a booklet that records marriages in the world, which is dedicated to recording happy marriages in the world. Monogamy is destined to be together. If you are old enough, you might as well find a few of them at will and check for yourself, as long as there is one man who is steadfast and unmoved by beauty, then what if you win?"

"Marriage booklet? Isn't that kind of thing Yuelao's?" Chao Yan was taken aback

"Yuelao just caresses about the red line, and doesn't care about things after marriage. Although our Jiuyou is not a righteous way, the fate of the world and the result of marriage are all within the scope of my Jiuyou."

Shangguande laughed loudly after saying that, "Don't you hear that destiny is fixed, and there is a ruler of the nether world? It's Jiuyou!"

"This is interesting! So you Jiuyou still have such a magical place?"

Chaoyan suppressed her disappointment and sadness towards Qin Zheng for the time being, and said in her heart: Since they are monogamous and stay together for life, they must be lovers. I see what you say!

So she cheered up and said: "I believe that I will be able to find a good man who is infatuated and see what your Brother Shangguan has to say!"

“good good”

Shangguan De chuckled, picked up the tea bowl in front of him and took a sip, "If I lose, then I don't want you to owe me that wish."

"I still have to pay back the favor I owe you, but I must let you know that a good man in this world is by no means what you said, but one who understands true love and devotion, and will refuse all temptations for the sake of his sweetheart." man!"

Asahi retorted confidently

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