A confused concubine fell from the sky

Chapter 91: The Red Apricot Leaves the Wall

Shangguande saw that Chaoyan said so firmly, so he nodded, got up and walked outside, pushed open the white carriage door, and suddenly raised his right hand facing the blue sky outside, as if reciting some spell, only heard for a while The wind is howling and blowing from the outside


Chaoyan stood up facing the wind, and saw a small black whirlwind faintly spinning out of the misty clouds outside, and turned into a man in black in the corridor of the carriage outside, with a pale and indifferent face, kneeling Then Shangguan De said at his feet: "Jiuyou Marriage Department's small official visits Supreme Tianzun, I don't know that His Excellency summons the official, what is the so-called?"

"It's nothing"

Shangguan De said casually: "I want to take advantage of your marriage in the world to take a closer look, is it possible?"

"This... Tianzun, the Marriage Book records all the marriages in the world, and the only thing that matters is the earth immortals in the world: Yuelao, the heavenly officials Hongluan Xingguan and Xinyuehu Xingguan, together with Xiaguan, the Jiuyou ghost fairy, together with the Three Realms It can only be taken out during the interrogation."

The man in black showed embarrassment, as if he was not willing to agree.

"It's not that I want to create hardships for them to lead the red line, I just want to read the booklet in your hand that records the results of marriage and never interfere with the affairs of the world. You can't believe me?"

Shangguan De's eyebrows and eyes are slightly curved, a half smile is not a smile

"The lower officials dare not, please calm down the anger!"

Seeing this, the man in black seemed to be afraid that he would get angry. He pondered for a while, and finally took out a blue booklet from his arms, and offered it with both hands: "Tianzun, here is the booklet, I just hope that Tianzun will play with it and write it later." Return to the subordinate immediately, otherwise, if the marriage is messed up, the fate of the world and the six reincarnations are messed up, you will definitely turn your anger on the Buddha and the World Honored One, and even our Jiuyou will be implicated."

"Okay, okay, I know, you go down, I'll take a look and return you as soon as possible"

Shangguan De took it over, nodded and waved, the man in black also knew what he was doing; he knew that he was a man of his word; so he cupped his hands briefly, and said, "I'm taking my leave."

After finishing speaking, it turned into a whirlwind again and blew into the thick or light clouds

"This Marriage Department is not high-level, but it is rigorous in its work."

While flipping through the pamphlet, Shangguande returned to his bed and knelt down. The waiting boy pushed the door, blocking the blue sky and white clouds from the carriage again.

"Brother Shangguan, aren't you Jiuyou and our heavenly realm incompatible? Just now I heard that person's tone of voice, as if Yuelao, Hongluan Xingguan and other gods have nothing to do with him?"

Chaoyan tilted her head suspiciously and asked

"Little girl, don't you know?"

Shangguande handed her the brochure and said, "Don't you know that there are no permanent enemies and no permanent friends? Although we are demons, the world is divided into yin and yang. It needs the coexistence of good and evil to call it the heaven of the world." We are responsible for bringing misfortunes and blessings to the world, let’s not talk about it, just talking about the marriage in the world, Yuelao is only responsible for tying the red line according to the fate cultivated in the previous life, not just those single men and women; You are already a married woman, or a married man, as long as you are destined to have a relationship with a man other than your husband, then he will also tie a red thread between you and that man, so that you can have a destined relationship The dewy marriage is why there are so many red apricots cheating, sleeping in flowers and sleeping in willows."

"Ah? In that case, isn't it justifiable for those women who cheated with their red apricots?"

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