A confused concubine fell from the sky

Chapter 92: Xinyue Fox Loves Mischief

Chaoyan became more and more confused, and didn't want to read the booklet first, and asked: "But if people catch such women, they would soak them in pig cages, ride wooden donkeys, and torture them with cruel methods. Isn't it too unfair?"

"It's not wrong"

Shangguande replied decisively, "Yuelao only takes care of the red thread. As for whether the man or woman who is tied will be discovered and punished, that is because our Jiuyou side is in charge of the one you saw just now, not only responsible for the marriage. Yes, it is also the ghost fairy who is responsible for arranging whether those cheating men and women should be discovered and what punishment they should receive. As enemies, they are destined to hurt each other because of this in this life, so their red line fate is evil fate, which will not bring good results. After the old man pulls the line, the remaining consequences and punishments are what our ghost fairy just concluded. There are only a few individuals Yes, it is to repay a little debt of favor from the previous life. Often this kind of regret and shame will be known overnight. After the debt is repaid, there will be no relationship with each other. This kind will not be punished, but this kind of situation is very rare. Indulging in it, being greedy; wanting more than what they deserve, they should be punished.”

"Huh? It sounds so complicated..."

Chao Yan asked again, "Then what do Star Officer Hongluan and Star Officer Xinyue Fox do?"

"Miss Chaoyan is a fairy in the sky, how come you don't even know what your heavenly official does?"

Shangguande looked at her strangely.

"Uh, I'm just a little fairy, I don't know anything except being in charge of the Queen Mother's jewelry"

Chaoyan replied embarrassedly: "All I know is what I heard from the fairies around Yaochi. I also just cultivated into a fairy not long ago. Zhengdao, so I don’t quite understand Jiuyou or something.”

"So that's why you were kicked out just after becoming a fairy?"


Asakano nodded in embarrassment

"No wonder, hahaha, the one who looked dumbfounded turned out to be Dao Xiu Xiu who was dumbfounded"

Shangguan De stretched out his hand to gently pinch her face, and finally replied: "Let me tell you, the silly girl Hong Luan Xing is the star official who is in charge of love luck and decides whether a man and a woman can become husband and wife, so people often use Hong Luan Xingdong said that a person is going to get married and so on. And Xinyuehu, haha, speaking of this star official, she was also a disciple of our Jiejiao in the past, and she was an apprentice of our Master Tongtian and was named by Jiang Taigong after the Battle of Conferred Gods She is a naughty person, and likes to make troubles for those men and women who are in love in the world, so she is responsible for creating obstacles and tribulations for those men and women who are destined to suffer in marriage, The world also knows her heart, so there is a saying that worshiping Xinyue Fox will make the marriage go smoothly."

"Ah? Does that mean that as long as you pay homage to this star official, you can bless your marriage?"

Chaoyan suddenly thought of Qin Zheng again, and thought to herself: If I go to beg that Xinyuehu, will I be able to be with brother Qin Zheng?Brother Qin Zheng is the son of heaven, so he must be some kind of star official who came down to earth. She would agree to me because she thought of the friendship between her colleagues?

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