Crossing the Continent in the Eighteenth Century

Chapter 125 Battle of Boknam: Skirmish Line

ps: Thank you for your patience... the update will resume from today

Seven regiments of the Prussian infantry of the Prince of Dessau were concentrated around Boknum for the front line, two for the defense of Boknum, two with the Mustache regiment on the left flank, one on the right flank, and the other in reserve, Behind it is my second line with the Hessians and the Fifth Spartan Legion, and behind it is the mixed formation of the Prussian Infantry Regiment and the Foreign Legion.

150 two guns of different sizes, the Prince of Dessau received most of the small-caliber infantry guns on the first line, and half of the 6-pound guns were also arranged at the Prince of Dessau, and the remaining large-caliber artillery was all on the second line , A small number of 6-pound guns and infantry guns are arranged on the third line, in case the Duke of Hesse suddenly enters randomly, and give us a moment behind the scenes, even though I know that the Duke of Hesse is unlikely to appear here.You know, when we turned suddenly, these guys had already withdrawn far away, at least 150 kilometers away from Brunswick.

The battle for Boknum was fired by the impatient French army at [-]:[-].

Regarding the enemy I faced this time, the Duke of Villeroy is very similar to me in terms of background and status.

The son of the royal family, with high position and authority, can be regarded as a character who is loved by thousands of people in the court of Versailles. He is very young, only less than 29 years old.But don't look at the Duke of Villeroy who is only under 29 years old, but he has been galloping on the European battlefield for nine years. He has fought more battles than the military simulation battles I have done, as small as a hundred cavalry charge , as large as [-] people in a group melee, he can handle it.

It’s just based on the evaluation of the Duke of Villeroy by the old scumbag. The old scumbag doesn’t think highly of this French royal nobleman. He thinks that the Duke of Villeroy imitates the Prince of Condé, but he only learned half of the offensive aesthetics of Condé. .And his achievements are limited to this.Which half of the Duke of Villeroy’s offensive aesthetics did the Duke of Villeroy imitate? The old scum did not say, but according to my observation and explanation to the Duke of Villeroy, the half he learned was the Prince of Condé. The attack is fierce.

Be ruthless to yourself, and even more ruthless to your enemies.

"French Infantry!!!"

"Warriors of France!!!"

"go ahead!"

The Frenchmen on horseback shouted to and fro at the French infantry line, and in French that seemed to be choked in their throats, the French army advanced.

Above one of the infantry regiments, an iris flower was printed on the flying flag. In front of the iris flower was a coat of arms with red top and blue bottom, and a white lion with its teeth and claws in the middle.The one above the lion is adorned with three golden irises.Looking at the officers below with three-cornered hats embellished with bright ostrich feathers, their shoulder straps covered with medals, and a series of colorful and gorgeous military uniforms, I couldn't help but twitched the corners of my mouth.

"The highlight of the French army doesn't seem to be the cavalry!"

I don't need Constance to tell me.

The French army dispatched their elite for the first time!

The infantry regiment of the Duke of Villeroy, the "White Lion" infantry regiment, but the real name of the "White Lion" infantry regiment is the Rhone Infantry Regiment.The name comes from the badge they use on the flag. The badge with a lion with three irises in the upper red and lower blue coat of arms is the badge used by the Duke of Villeroy in the French fief of Rhone.

This infantry regiment accompanied the Duke of Villeroy in a series of incredible battles.Battle of St. Gotthard, Battle of Alsace, Battle of Nzem, Battle of Lamij, Battle of Neerwind, Battle of Tilheim... In short.As an infantry regiment privately recruited by the French royal family, [White Lion] has experienced many battles. Although it can't be as frightening as the private infantry regiment of Prince Condé, the expression changed.However, fighting brilliantly is not the whole of the [White Lion]'s reputation. It is equally famous for the extremely high casualty rate of this infantry regiment and the reputation of the officers for their cruelty to the soldiers under their opponents, as well as their very high remuneration.

So to speak.Joined the White Lion, although you are very likely to be sent as cannon fodder the next day by the noble children who regard human life as nothing, and you may also be beaten by the noble children for no reason, and even dragged by the followers of the noble children to play cruel games .But as long as you join that infantry regiment, as long as you don't commit crimes on French soil, you can play as you like, and if anything happens, the Duke of Villeroy will bear it.

The most famous incident, [White Lion] slept in a convent in the Iberian Peninsula one day, and everyone knows the result.At that time, the commander-in-chief of the French army, Turenne, directly arrested the Duke of Villeroy, and the matter exploded to the point where Louis was paralyzed. The Duke of Roy continued to flourish.

"Left skirmishers, strike. Tell the infantrymen with rifled rifles that their target is a French officer, shoot me whoever is dressed up. And let Leopold, Moritz, Dietrich The cavalry moved to the left."

Schwerin and a group of Prussians immediately widened their eyes when they heard this order,


Constance was about to turn around and leave when Schwerin grabbed his arm: "It's not good to do this. This is war, not massacre! Shooting and killing officers will cause a lot of controversy!"

"I even slaughtered 10 people in the Netherlands. Are you still afraid of these controversies? Constance, go and order."

"The whole battalion of the Second Infantry Battalion of the First Infantry Regiment of the Fifth Spartan Legion spread out and moved to the enemy's left! After contacting the enemy, shoot freely!"

The officers' shrieks covered the roar of the guns, and Stunaras' battalion gradually parted and began to pass the line of Prussian infantry just in front of them, and the flanking artillery.

"God, are we going out like this and shooting the enemy? That's an unbelievable order!"

"Shut up, soldier, what you have to do now is to carry out the order!" As a company officer, Stunaras shut up the confused soldiers under him, "Stay apart a little bit, just like we did in Prussian New York. Mark did that, now is not the time to line up, what are you doing crowded together!"

Although the yelling was very powerful, Stunaras still couldn't help beating the drums in his heart. The rows of French cavalry with brass helmets on their heads behind the French infantry line in the distance, and the French cavalry with red feathers inserted along the helmets were very conspicuous. Leah, everyone knows the consequences of infantry not being able to form a thick square against cavalry, that is, being kicked away by cavalry and kicked over.If the group of French cavalry charged, they would probably go to see God, and then share with their ancestors the feeling of being kicked over by the cavalry in heaven.

Seeing the slow footsteps of the soldiers around him, Stunaras had no choice but to shout again: "Look at you guys! Are these still soldiers of the Roman Legion!!! Don't let our Fifth Spartan Legion be defeated by the Prussians!" Embarrassment with the French!! Quicken your pace! Move to the left as we flank the French."

The Prussian infantry lined up in a neat line opened their eyes wide and looked at the Roman infantry who quickly scattered from the neat line to no formation at all. If they were not heading in the direction of the enemy's advancing infantry line, they would Just think that this unbelievable scene is that the Romans are fleeing.

But even this has sparked whispers from privates to regimental commanders, the most typical of which is the following.

"What are they doing?" a Prussian officer wondered, "How can the officers be separated from the soldiers?"

"Separation from the soldiers is not the key. Once the French cavalry came out, thousands of people who ran out would be knocked down by the French cavalry like harvesting wheat."

"God bless those poor Romans."

Soon, the Prussian infantry on the left received an order from their commander, Prince Dessau, to move forward, not only the infantry, but also the artillery, and the large cavalry behind slowly turning forward.

The long infantry line is composed of hundreds of companies. This time, the infantry lines of the two sides are roughly in line with each other. The mutual artillery fire is gradually approaching each other, but because of the prospect of the Prussian left wing, the French right wing is stronger than other positions. Allied forces attack the enemy in advance.

"Squat down!"

"Free to fire!"

Three or four soldiers fell scatteredly in the French infantry line, but it was not the Prussian infantry who were firing, but the Roman infantry in front of them did a good job. These Roman infantry were either lying on the grass in twos and threes, or squatting The slightly undulating lawn rear raised their muzzles.

After the shooting, many people put away their guns and quickly changed places, loading ammunition in another place they thought was safer. During the whole process, the French army did not fight back, but silently endured these shots like mosquito bites .

The reason is very simple. This is a very simple math problem. These infantry who are too scattered are not worth using the entire line of salvos to kill. Similarly, the artillery of the French army does not need to exchange a shell for A human life, it's not worth it, didn't you see that the French artillery occupying the high ground was bombarding the small village of Boknam and having fun.

But gradually, those Romans became more and more aggressive. They were still shooting 200 meters away just now, but now they retracted to more than 90 meters and shot under the nose of the French army.

"What the hell are those cavalry bastards doing? Why haven't they shown up to scatter the flies?"

"Could it be that I wasted too much energy on those German sluts last night, so I can't move today?"


"Guards! Guards! Our company commander has been shot!!"

Scenes of French meritorious boys being shot and adjutants panicking happened one after another in some companies, but so far, these sporadic casualties still cannot shake the entire French infantry line. (To be continued..)

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