Crossing the Continent in the Eighteenth Century

Chapter 126 Battle of Boknam: Left Wing

Stunaras shot and killed a French aristocratic officer dressed as if he had walked into a banquet. Then he gave the rifled gun in his hand to his comrades around him, and asked him to help clean the gun chamber and fill the bullets. Then he took another rifled gun from another comrade in arms.

"let's go!"

Stunaras called the soldiers around him to start moving. They were too far forward, a full 70 meters. If the French infantryman didn't open his eyes and shoot, God knows what would happen to them.

Seeing a few reckless recruits running back indiscriminately, he was so angry that his nose twisted: "Idiot, go to the left! Go to the left, damn it, the reputation of our Fifth Spartan Legion for fighting is about to be ruined by you!" Already!"

Whether the Fifth Spartan Legion is good at fighting on the French side, the French don't know yet, but after the war, they will name this Roman Legion of the Roman Empire, which suddenly appeared and did not declare war on France, as an annoying fly.

Because of the harassment of sniping guns, the formation of the French army became vaguely chaotic. Many companies were either too protruding or too backward.

I looked through the binoculars and saw that the left wing that was about to engage first was still more than 200 meters away before starting to contact, but I didn't see any signs of the French army dispatching cavalry.

"The French cavalry did not dispatch to drive out our skirmishers. The French were not fooled."

"The cavalry of the French army has not yet dispatched, it seems that we have to be careful on the right flank!" Constance pointed to the direction of the [White Lion], "This French infantry regiment has moved to the left flank of the French army, I think the French army It's about crushing our right wing with their left wing."

"Then should we prepare to send troops to strengthen the right wing? For example, send five infantry battalions first?" Schwerin asked.

I very much agree with Constance but disagree with Schwerin: "If our right wing can't hold on and retreats, if we use the small village in the middle as a fulcrum for a second line of defense and send cavalry out Stopping the French army on the right wing, the French army will definitely launch a cavalry charge at this time. Charge to the left wing, cut through our left wing, and then sweep the entire battlefield, shaking the battle. If the situation really develops like this, then we will lose. Similarly, if we When the situation is not yet clear, send the reserve team to the right wing. If the French army intensifies their onslaught on Boknum, if they take Boknum, our army on the right wing will be trapped to death due to overcrowding. The situation has developed to this point. Even if we do not lose, we have no choice but to retreat."

"So what do we do?" Constance asked.

"Eugene, what do you think?" Instead of answering Constance, I asked Eugene instead.

The latter pursed his lips and said, "Maybe [White Lion] is on our right wing and doesn't necessarily want to attack our right wing."

I nodded, this is also a possibility.But in any case, the French were undoubtedly determined to ignore the skirmishers on the left.I also want to take advantage of the fact that the French don't have skirmishers.Let them take the lead in using the cavalry, play the hole card of the cavalry, and force the French to launch the cavalry flank battle first.But it doesn't matter, anyway, I have determined the intention of the French army and know the bottom line of the French army on the left.

"Order to the skirmishers of the 90nd Battalion, [-]st Infantry, Fifth Spartan Legion, in central position, to enter the front line. Rifle-holders, target French infantry officers! The rest, fire freely. Order to Dessau Prince, if the French stop advancing, the infantry on the left should not advance either! If the French are still ahead, they will stop at, uh, preferably at a distance of [-] meters. Also, tell him that if the French are in the Our right wing launches a fierce attack and engages in hand-to-hand combat, don't panic! Use artillery to suppress it!"

My order was still a bit late. After the order was fully conveyed, the left wing was still more than 10 meters closer to the French army than I expected, and it met the right wing of the French army at a distance of about 80 meters.

On the 5-kilometer-long plain to our left, those 31 companies of Prussian infantry standing on the front line under the flag of the Kingdom of Prussia are facing 28 companies of French infantry flying countless flags of the Kingdom of France.

The two sides that fired launched a salvo at a distance of about 50 meters.

Pale fireworks shot out from the muzzle of the gun along with the fire. After the sound of the gun, countless blood holes bloomed on the body of the soldier standing opposite the muzzle.

As far as casualties are concerned, there were no more than a few dozen people on both sides.

As far as the result is concerned, both sides are still fighting high.

"Load ammo!!!"

Sharp screams resounded across the entire front of the two sides. Under the flags that were waving, both Prussian and French soldiers quickly took out their guns. Than one step away from heaven.

However, there is a little trouble for the French. In the rear infantry line of the first-line troops, the French have to endure the harassment of the enemy on the left in a daze.

Even though they endured the harassment of cold guns, the French army finished loading the ammunition before their opponents. Under the loud shouts of the French officers, echoing the roar of the cannons, the French army opened fire again.

The casualties of the army under the black eagle flag on a white background were still very small, as if they were protected by the flag. After a few seconds, Prussia also responded.

Compared with the painless battle on the left, the battle on the central and right battlefields is much more intense, but Boknum suffered heavy bombardment from French artillery, while the right side was fired from muskets.

The 40-meter volley did a lot of damage. Originally, there was a thick line of 22 infantry companies on that side. After this round of attack, the front line of infantry line suddenly weakened. The French army, which had a relatively narrow cross-section, suffered more casualties. The front line composed of 17 infantry companies lost hundreds of people, nearly one-tenth of the total.

After a slight pause, the second line of infantry from the French army filled the first line, and the same was true on the Prussian side. At almost the same time, the officers of both sides ordered to load ammunition.

The sound completely stopped within a few minutes, which was a matter of life and death. Apart from the occasional sound of shells falling and exploding not far away, there was nothing that could divert the attention of all the soldiers.

After loading the ammunition, the Prussians immediately raised the musket on their chests as they did in training, so that the officers in charge of the front line could easily observe their own filling rate.

It seems that God made a joke.

The Prussians actually finished loading their ammunition one step earlier than the French army.

"go ahead!!!"

The commanding halberd next to the flag of the Kingdom of Prussia was pushed down, and the Prussian infantry of the 22 companies on the first line had to move forward regardless of whether they had finished loading their ammunition. Even though only half of the infantry of the 5 companies had finished loading their ammunition at this time.

The right flank, which suffered heavy casualties, walked the crucial 7 meters. At a distance of about 30 meters, 22 companies of Prussian infantry opened fire with their muskets.

The first platoon of the left-wing French army suffered heavy casualties, and in some places there were even gaps where the second platoon of infantry could be seen. However, just when the French thought that Prussia was going to take advantage of this opportunity to attack, the Prussians gave an order to load ammunition .

In fact, the French did not know that hand-to-hand combat has always been the weakness of the Prussians.Because the Prussian army is composed of strictly trained soldiers, and no matter how strictly trained these soldiers are, they are still docile and good citizens in essence, unlike the French army who are prisoners caught from street gangsters and prisons.Therefore, if it is a volley of guns in the competition, the Prussians are not much worse than the French of the Tiger Wolf Division, and they may even do better. As long as the grassroots officers do not die, they can stabilize the soldiers on the company's defense line.But if hand-to-hand combat is launched, the bloodless Prussian infantry may not be able to beat the battle-hardened French tiger and wolf divisions.

The French infantry in the second row stepped forward again to supplement the consumption of the first line, and the infantry in the third row also stepped up to fill the gap in the second row of French infantry. During the loading process, a salvo was launched. After the salvo, looking at the casualties on the opposite side, the French did not issue an order to load ammunition, but conveyed the order to prepare for an assault through the grassroots officers!

After waiting for more than 30 seconds, the French army on the right endured another volley from the Prussians, and then they attacked!


Following the sharp shouts of the French officers on the front line, the surviving infantry of the 17 French infantry companies in the first row of the left wing of the French army raised their bayonet-studded muskets and shot towards the opposite side like a flood that was vented through the gate. The enemy charged.

Facing the impending charge of the French, the Prussians did not launch a tit-for-tat countercharge at this time, but squeezed closer together. Unlike the French army who was like raging waves, the Prussians in dark military uniform The Prussians were more like a standing rock, quietly waiting for the charge of the French army.However, it was obvious that these Prussians who formed the reef were very panicked, and they did not disperse due to the spitting and cursing of the grassroots officers.

Two lines of distinct colors collided together, and the battlefield full of artillery and gunfire immediately became a scream full of different emotions.

The first wave of the French charge did not break through the 22 infantry companies on the right wing in the first place. If they had a little more numbers, they should have been able to do it. If they did not wait for the long 30 seconds, but after the salvo , launch a charge directly, there is a high probability that Prussia on the opposite side will collapse immediately, the frontline commanders of the French army are not idiots, they know this, but, in order to fully reflect the gentlemanly demeanor, they chose to wait, as for being unable to break through For the enemy's point, it would not be enough to send 17 infantry companies with more than 300 soldiers. (To be continued..)

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