Crossing the Continent in the Eighteenth Century

Chapter 127 Battle of Boknam: Right Wing

Less than an hour after the start of the battle, the left wing of the French army made great progress. As the Prussian officers' control over the soldiers fell to the lowest point in the hand-to-hand combat, the French army had 34 infantry companies, a total of nearly 2 infantry battalions. 2000 men thus drove back a regiment of Prussian infantry.

Repelling 2000 people with 3500 people sounds good, but obviously this is not the best result of the French army. If it weren't for the three volleys, the French army would be able to launch another powerful attack, expand the results of the battle, and defeat Boknum Another regiment of Prussian infantry on the right was involved in the battle.However, due to the heavy casualties of the French army as the first line, the French army had to retreat temporarily amid the salvo and fierce artillery of 19 infantry companies in the first line of the second Prussian infantry regiment.

This retreat prevented the French right wing from achieving much success, because it withdrew prematurely, which caused the French infantry regiment behind the right wing to fail to follow the baton of the former and launch a powerful attack on the Prussians. , smashed their will to fight, and gave the withdrawn Prussian infantry regiment time to regroup.

But the Prince of Dessau wanted more.

"Your Highness, Prince Dessau, sent me to tell you, please send two infantry regiments up, he will launch a counterattack and regain the lost position! Maintain the original front line!"

The orderly of the Prince of Dessau came to tell me that reinforcements were needed at the front.

I glanced at the situation on our left flank and said: "Tell the Prince of Dessau that I sent him two infantry regiments, but not for his counterattack. Just say that I want him to block the French with his right flank." The army launched a fierce attack in the next round, and then retreated a certain distance. Remember, don't counterattack! He can just carry out his defense!"

Regarding the onslaught of the left wing of the French army on our right wing, we lost a lot of positions. Whether it is to strengthen the defense or counterattack to gain space, the Prince of Dessau needs people.It's just that I don't want the Prince of Dessau to compete with the advantages of the French with the disadvantages of the Prussians. If you lose the position, you will lose it. It's not a fatal thing anyway.

"Prince Dessau, this is a war of attrition with the French." Constance said after the messenger left.

"Why, do you think it's inappropriate?"

"No, I think this is the safest way for us to win." Constance shook his head.

Eugene interjected at this time: "But the French general on the opposite side is not a simple figure. Use the terrain to contain our superior force on the narrow right side, and then launch a fierce attack. If we are not careful, we may face it. There are a lot of French people, but they can't let go of the dilemma."

"Hi, Frenchman, I know the consequences! I just think it's more stable!" Constance raised his brows as if he was dissatisfied with Eugene.

"You two, are you going to quarrel here?" I blocked Eugene's mouth before he was about to speak. Eugene's French identity can be said to be his flaw in our place, but this is better.Only in this way can he hold my thigh even tighter, "The Duke of Villeroy is not an easy opponent. If you are still bickering here. Waste of time, it will only make it more difficult for us to win this battle. Constant Si, you go and carry out my order at once, Eugene, go and show me if the French have made any moves on the left flank."

The Duke of Villeroy is not an easy opponent, since he will use the narrow terrain from the right to make up for his inferior strength.Using [White Lions] an infantry regiment of more than 2000 people to restrain the three infantry regiments on our side of the battlefield, we can see that the Duke of Villeroy, the four famous French generals, is indeed well-deserved, even if he is a The bottom layer for the column rank.

It's not that I haven't thought about the Prince of Dessau's desire to engage in a war of attrition.However, as the name implies, the war of attrition is the same, even if this battle is fought down, we will still be hurt.At that time, how did we still fight Saxony? What kind of capital did Frederick have to threaten Daddy Cheap, and then let me be the king of Prussia.So although, even if the Duke of Villeroy is a little bit difficult, he will not fall into the overall strategic passiveness because he won this tactical victory.And don't forget, we have taken the initiative in this battle.It has a very large force advantage. So far, the French army has mobilized more than 50 infantry companies on the left and right wings, and deployed two infantry regiments in the center. More than 1 troops have been suppressed by them. With 3 cavalry in the size of ten cavalry regiments, the French army only has a reserve team of five infantry regiments left!As for me, apart from the Prince of Dessau's seven infantry regiments and the moustache scum regiment, I still have thirteen infantry regiments and eight cavalry regiments, a reserve force of nearly [-] people.Even if Prussia can't match the French in hand-to-hand combat, I still have the chance to win, and it is a big victory.

You know, the Duke of Villeroy is not without flaws!

The reorganization and reorganization of the battle made the right wing temporarily quiet a little, but it didn't take too long. The left wing of the French army launched a larger-scale charge. Repelled two infantry regiments on the right flank of the Prince of Dessau.

The start of the war was only a news, and our two sides mobilized more than tens of thousands of teams, and about 5000 people actually entered the battle.The Prussian nobles on the right fought tenaciously, and by the way, the soldiers led by them also had to be tenacious.But even so, the huge difference in the quality of the soldiers caused the two infantry regiments to choose to retreat under the onslaught of the French army.

"Prince Dessau's right wing is repulsed!" Eugene's voice was flustered.

In the billowing white smoke, the flag of the Kingdom of Prussia, which was constantly retreating, was very conspicuous. The retreating Prussian infantry gathered in groups next to the officer, and the infantry guns were still being carried. The situation was not too bad. This was a retreat, but Not a rout.

I asked: "How long ago did we issue the order to send two infantry regiments to support the Prince of Dessau?"

"Seventeen minutes ago!" Constance replied.

"How long will it take to arrive?"

"It's estimated to be about 15 minutes! What should I do in these 15 minutes?"

"Prince Dessau, he has to go from an infantry battalion in the army to stabilize the line of defense! So that the retreating right wing can be reorganized! Do you want to send cavalry?" Eugene shouted in the face of the situation where the French army continued to expand its victories, "Send cavalry to stabilize the defense!" Live on the right and center! Buy time for the Prince of Dessau to rearrange the front!"

Just as I was about to speak, someone held my hand, only to see a girl whose face was pale from nervousness.

"Are we going to lose?!" Felicia seemed about to cry.

"How is it possible!" I laughed and knocked on Eugene, who made him scream so loudly, "Next time when you report the situation, please lower your voice."

"I also agree with sending cavalry. Although the French army repelled the right wing of the Prince of Dessau, the French were exhausted at this time. Before their follow-up troops arrived, our cavalry, about the size of five cavalry regiments, We can suppress the results of the French army on the right flank! Even, we use the cavalry as the vanguard, and then let the two infantry regiments that came up behind and the original two infantry of the Prince of Dessau cooperate with the cavalry to counterattack!" Schwerin suggested at this time .

"Counterattack, attack there? Right wing? The French only need an infantry regiment with their cannons to block our offensive. At that time, our counterattack is suppressed, and the French army can launch a cavalry charge in the chaos and sweep us from the left wing. The whole army."

"So what should we do?" Eugene asked.

I smiled and turned to look at the little friend next to me.


What about people?

"Where's Maurice?"

"I don't know..." Constance was also very puzzled, "That psychopath was still calling me boring just now!"

"I know where that lord is." Alexei pointed his hand backwards, and sure enough we saw a hunky man squatting on the ground with his back to us and didn't know what he was doing.

"What is he doing?"

"I don't know, and it's best not to find out."

"Okay, Leon, go and call Morris over here! Just say, it's time for him to kill people!"

As soon as he heard that someone could be killed, Morris slipped over: "Wow, hahaha! We Romans don't ask how many enemies there are, only where they are going! I, Morris, never ask how many enemies there are. , Nikis, say, which side do you want me to fight from?! Do you want to break through from the front, or charge from the flanks, do you want to give me the Fifth Spartan Legion, or all the cavalry?"

"See, I'm pointing to the right wing of the Prince of Dessau, which is being reorganized, and I will give you the Fifth Spartan Army..."

"A Fifth Spartan Legion? Wahaha! Let alone breaking through the French army, even taking the head of the Duke of Villeroy is no problem!"

I haven't finished speaking yet.

"Listen, you only have an infantry battalion, and your order is to help the Prince of Dessau hold his flank line, if he can't hold that line, then we will be in big trouble, you know!! trouble!"

"It's only one battalion, and it's still infantry, you stingy fellow! Forget it, I'm too lazy to tell you! Come on, Romans, kill me!! Wahaha! I can't wait!" Morris pulled out the saddle He raised the saber beside him, and then ran out with his family's guards after letting out a howl that only a psychopath could resonate with.

"Leon, send a few people to protect this guy. When he goes crazy, even his grandfather will kill him with a knife." I was worried about Morris being crazy, so I turned around and asked Leon to find some agile people for Morris. shield.

"Commander, send Morris out, is it because some distant water cannot save the nearby fire?" Eugene wondered.

"Really? Then you watch." (To be continued...)

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