Crossing the Continent in the Eighteenth Century

Chapter 131 The Battle of Boknam: The End

Cannonballs intertwined with bullets intertwined into a rain of death on the plain, and poured down on the heads of the French. The French cavalry in the charge, due to the lack of heavy armor protection, made them fall down one by one, howling tragically. And rise.But these French cavalry are elite, even if the cannons in front of them are constantly blazing, they still look like a group of crazy piranhas, shouting "Long live the king" and "Long live France" and launched a tidal attack from all directions to the left wing.

The confrontation between infantry and cavalry is basically a fight with life and courage. Infantry muskets have the advantage of length and can easily pierce and kill French cavalry on horseback. But in front of fierce horses, basically Many people on the road will choose to avoid the horses at the first time, and this gives the cavalry a chance to kill the infantry.

Blood splashed, people turned on their backs, and every moment there were fresh lives lying down like weeds that had been cut down, and often a French cavalry could exchange the lives of three or two infantrymen.

Casualties on the left wing increased sharply in an instant.

At this time, our cavalry launched a charge against the French cavalry, and the front and rear flanking attacks had already begun. Under the scolding of our Roman officers, the mustache scumbags on the front line panicked and lined up one by one. It can be regarded as a barely passable phalanx.Behind the French cavalry, there are two French infantry regiments. However, the French, who originally wanted to launch a counterattack when their cavalry opened up the situation, were forced to stop when they saw the cavalry sent behind me. Cuirassiers, but it is not a problem to charge on the wide and flat ground and break through the thin defense line of the two French infantry regiments with less than 5000 people.

The old scum said, for these offensive generals, just jam them on the side of their onslaught, and force them to not use iron felt and hammer tactics on my flank.The outcome belongs to the side with the larger number of people, and I am the side with the larger number of people.

Well, it can be said that the battle has progressed to this point, and the outcome seems to have become a final decision.

"Congratulations, Commander, you have won this victory." Eugene congratulated, even though the battle was far from over at this time. .

I smiled, and was about to answer, when I heard Felicia shouting in surprise from behind: "Win?"

"Almost. The rest is to expand the results of the battle!" I nodded and said, finally I can breathe a sigh of relief.

Feretlia let out a cheer, and then, under my bewildered gaze, greeted her entourage, who nodded in a distant greeting.

Just when I was wondering what she was doing again.I saw a large group of people filing out.

What is this?

I saw the group of people walking out with a proud look on their faces.Several people shouted and drank a few times.A huge wooden frame was propped up, and then these people unanimously put the wooden board covered with white cloth on the wooden frame.

Soon, these guys pointed their thumbs at me, are they complimenting me?

Uh, I really want to know what they are going to do?

The next second, someone shouted from behind: "The general in front. Can you cooperate with us and do a few poses at this moment full of historical significance? Let's start with a pose on a horse!"

I'm speechless, are they taking pictures?

I took a closer look and realized that one of them was an artist who was very good at drawing in the mouth of Feletria: "Drive them out, this is not where they should come."

"Nikis. Can you change your position? On a horse, preferably! Pull the horse up! Put on a majestic look."

I glanced at the battlefield full of gunpowder in the distance, well, I admit that this background is really suitable for people who like to show off to create an art, but I am not the kind of person who shows off, and this eighteenth-century capture method is very Wasting time?

"Frederick, it's a war right can't..." I sighed when I saw a girl with shining eyes from the side, a girl in love is really, "Leon lead my horse come over!"

Turning on the horse, I lifted the horse under my crotch, and then got off another one to let the Prince of Dessau send people to surround and wipe out the right-wing French army. At the same time, according to the requirements of those so-called artists, I foolishly pointed a telescope forward. But he looked sideways at the capture scene below the hill behind.

Below, those painters were either blushing like squatting toilets who have been constipated for a week, or they were dancing and brushing on the drawing boards.

It's conceivable that soon I'll be on drawing boards surrounded by perverted exhibitionist babies.

But in a sense, if I'm not the guy being manipulated by them, I really think they are very hard.Also, if Felicia is in the 21st century, she will definitely be the main force who posts personal photos on Facebook all day long.

Suddenly I shook my back and asked in a low voice to Felicia next to me, "Does this cost a lot of money?"

The latter shook his head: "How come, I'm not an idiot who wastes money."

"Then those guys will work for you for free?"

"Of course not, I just told them that you want to add a few full-time painters to your Royal Painters of the Roman Empire, so I asked them to use today's great victory to draw a painting with you. When the painting is finished, you can say a few words of praise, recommend him to your brother or your father, and let them reward them, or else it will be fine."

I couldn't help but oh: "You are thinking of cheating my brother and my father so quickly."

"Isn't it possible? Anyway, they are so rich, so it's okay as a wedding gift!" Felicia said in a low voice.

On the battlefield of Boknum, besides this group of fiancée painters, there is another group of weirdos. Do you still remember those German science lovers who asked to join the army on their own initiative?

Now they caught the corpse of the Frenchman and turned into a perverted maniac, blushing and yelling excitedly at the stumped limbs that were constantly transported from the front line.It's no wonder that the conservative Catholic Church treats these strange creatures as demons and ghosts. Anyone who sees these people will immediately associate them with bad things.

The battle of Boknam was still going on at [-] o'clock in the afternoon. Due to the desperate resistance of the French infantry regiment in the center, and the artillery positions of the French army on the hill at the beginning, the French army on the right retained its basic strength.The Duke of Villeroy barely completed his retreat, but the escaped French division no longer had the combat effectiveness.

Regarding the battle of Boknum, it was actually a contest between me and the Duke of Villeroy in terms of terrain, cavalry and infantry, but the most critical point of victory or defeat was the position of the cannon.

In terms of terrain, the Duke of Villeroy has a high ground that can cover Boknam, where he can carry out heavy bombardment of most of Boknam, and because I occupied Boknam, I used this scale to be quite large. The town blocked the spread of the French army.This made it difficult for the French army to spread out the cavalry while spreading out the infantry. If they wanted to use the cavalry, they had to huddle the infantry together.

Faced with this dilemma, the Duke of Villeroy's approach was to deploy troops according to the terrain.Because the left wing makes it easier for us to give full play to our superiority in military strength.Therefore, the left wing was watching and paddling, while the right wing was narrow. We could not send too many soldiers, so we mobilized the elite and the main force to storm the right wing.

The main point of this method is to use the terrain to gain partial advantages locally.and.Trying to get us to call in support from Boknam when we were tight on the right flank.If we do.Then he can take advantage of Boknum.If we move up from the rear, it will suit the Duke of Villeroy as well.The follow-up reinforcements were deployed at the rear of the Prince of Dessau, that is, Boknum, because of the vigor of the right-wing French army. Once the battle started there, we would face the dilemma of not being able to send reinforcements.In other words, the reason why the Duke of Villeroy attacked the right wing was to isolate Boknum for a period of time.He can just take advantage of this time to break through Boknum's defense.As for the right wing.The Duke of Villeroy is obviously very aware of the deterrent power of his cavalry. If I really dare to launch a fierce attack on the left wing, the moment the left wing collapses is the moment when the French cavalry has room to spread out.And the spread out French cavalry will deal a devastating blow to our infantry on the left.

If things develop as the Duke of Villeroy imagined, then the end result is that the Duke of Villeroy uses less than 5000 people to flank my army of nearly 5000 people and cause confusion to my army.In the chaotic melee, the triumphant French army will deal a devastating blow to my Prussian troops who want to retreat but cannot retreat, and want to fight but cannot fight.Even if the left wing defeats the French infantry, it will be defeated by the onslaught of more than 5000 cavalry. If the left wing retreats, even if I send all the cavalry up, I will not be able to save the tens of thousands of infantry on the right wing and Boknum, because by then , they will be attacked from three sides.

Facing the Duke of Villeroy's approach, my way of dealing with it is very simple, that is, to do whatever I can.

He wanted to use cannons to lower my morale in Boknum, so I sent the more elite Prussian veterans to the Prince of Dessau, and used the Prince of Dessau and Boknum to attract the French artillery.With the presence of the Prince of Dessau, the morale of the Prussian veterans has been maintained at a relatively high level.On the left wing, the reason why I know the Duke of Villeroy's offensive method is to constantly test here.First the dispatch of the skirmish line, then the engagement of the Prussian infantry regiments, and then the arrangement of the firing range, there are indications that the Duke of Villeroy's arrangement on the left flank is just a weak brigade for delaying time.Then, he wanted to break through our right wing, and I also sent the Prussian infantry on the right wing into a weak brigade of recruits, but when the French army tore a hole in the right wing behind me, I didn't act like the Duke of Villeroy imagined. Instead of sending a large number of infantry or cavalry to the rescue, a battalion of the Fifth Spartan Legion and two infantry regiments were sent.One regiment of infantry and one battalion of the Fifth Spartan Legion would have sufficed, but I sent an extra regiment of infantry only to create the illusion that I was blocking the rear of the Prince of Dessau.As a result of this, the Duke of Villeroy sent his elite to attack Boknum.Use Boknum's cannon and veterans to wear down this elite force, and in this case I also start the onslaught on the left flank.And probably the reason why I was the victor in this battle was that my onslaught on the left flank was so swift that the Duke of Villeroy could not have expected it.Still, he never thought that his left wing would be torn open by me in just a short moment.Then I launched an attack on his troops in Boknum from the flanks, and knocked out the elite who couldn't attack.

At this moment, the French army still has a chance of victory, because they still have a huge cavalry of 5000 men. As long as this cavalry is used well, it will not be a problem to defeat us.But the Duke of Villeroy is obviously not a qualified artillery general. He concentrated most of his cannons in Boknum because he was greedy to bombard the high ground of Boknum.I mobilized the artillery to meet his cavalry on the left flank, strangled the French cavalry with infantry, cavalry, and artillery, and then sent troops from the center to break through Bocknum to encircle the French army on the right flank, thus forcing Villeroux Duke Va ordered a retreat. (To be continued..)

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