Crossing the Continent in the Eighteenth Century

Chapter 132 The aftermath of the war

Because in order to cover the retreat of the French army on the right wing, the French infantry regiment in the center can be said to have suffered heavy losses. In addition, their cavalry was almost completely trapped on our left wing. Part of the force, and the casualties on the left wing were relatively small compared to the other two parts, and the number was relatively considerable, but the officers and morale that existed as the backbone and soul of the entire army could be said to have suffered huge losses.

It's just that the casualties of our victory are a bit heavy.

Because I want to prevent the French army's hammer and iron felt tactics on the left wing, I use cavalry to counterattack the French cavalry, and I also mobilize the cannons to the left wing. As a result, the right wing can only use Prussian infantry to force it up, offsetting the French army on our right wing. The offensive caused the Prussians on the right to suffer repeated charges of French infantry.If you do the math, the Prussian infantry regiments on the right wing have all collapsed once.

The Prussians who stood on the bulge of Boknum also lost a lot. After all, they were under the bombardment of French artillery from the beginning to the end, even if they gave up half of their position and tried their best to withdraw from the range of the French artillery .In the second half of the battle, the fierce offensive of the French cuirassiers and cavalry caused a sharp increase in the casualties of the infantry on the left, which had fought well at the beginning.It seems that the Battle of Boknam was a battle with relatively close casualties between the enemy and ourselves.However, the meaning is not so.

We beat the French!

They also seized many regiment flags of the famous regiments of the French army. What is the regiment flag? It is the soul of a regiment. The most famous of these regiments is the brutal [White Lion] who slept with countless women of God. Such outstanding military exploits will improve the overall morale and self-confidence of the army not by a little bit, but by a lot.

It's hard to get such a result, of course I have to make good use of it.Good publicity!

I did this for a reason, not to mention the Fifth Spartan Legion, other Prussians will be the capital to conquer the Quartet in the future. First, through such a tough battle to shape their military spirit, it will be convenient for me to build this team. Become an elite division capable of both long-distance combat and hand-to-hand combat, instead of just playing long-distance and bluffing the French like now.If you encounter hand-to-hand combat, you will stare blankly, if you encounter cavalry.Whether you can stick to it or not depends on whether God favors you or not.

Therefore, when the results of the battle came out, for our unmodified figure of nearly 5000 casualties, I put the casualties of the French army at about 6000.The figure of about 1 captured was changed to countless casualties of the French army.The captives were numerous.Using a vague treatment to create the effect that our side won a big victory, and the French army was so dead that even the mother didn't know it.

The sky is blowing wildly, even if it is impotence, I will give them psychological effects to create the effect of a golden gun.

The consequence of this is that the Prussians really swelled in self-confidence, as if they had eaten the middle cover.It doesn't take much trouble to go up to the fifth floor in one breath.After we defeated the Duke of Villeroy, we turned around and bit the two merged armies of the Principality of Hesse.

Not long after I started playing, I was used to watching the Prussians play shooting and shooting, and I was suddenly frightened by the sight of Prussians going crazy like charging.If the Hessians stand up, I'm out of luck.Fortunately.The Hessian combat effectiveness is very poor. After a few resistances, the front line composed of dozens of battalions melted away, and those Hessian infantry regiments that were so crazy that even I was afraid did not survive the last battle. Suffering too much loss, so in this battle also broke out incomparably astonishing fighting power.In general, the battle against the Hessians was very simple. I fought against them from the very beginning, but due to my careful arrangement, I failed to eat too many Hessians in this match. They hurt their bones.

In less than a month, I successively defeated the Duke of Villeroy and the Duke of Hesse, two armies whose combined size was equal to ours, but my own casualties were only [-], and the results were very brilliant.However, compared with the brilliant results, the strategic arrangement of these two battles is of greater significance.

Since the two armies of the Duke of Villeroy and the Duke of Hesse are no longer able to fight, and the French army defends the flank barriers, the Duke of Hesse has been completely exposed to my soldiers. The Duke of Hesse and its southern regions It can be said that it is a mansion that I kicked open the door, and I can go south whenever I want.

In this way, I have laid open the way to the relief of Vienna, and the attack on the main body of the French army, by destroying the troops which the French had deployed on the flanks to protect their main body.

The consequence of this is that if the French army doesn't want me to disturb the trick they are playing with Austria, they must allocate a part of their troops to defend on the only way I must go south.

However, isn't the French army concentrating its main force to attack Vienna? It is obviously not a wise choice to divide troops from the front line.You must know that the lack of the advantage of military strength conflicts with the strategic priority of the French army wanting to kill the Austrians first.

Because of the recklessness of the Duke of Villeroy, or his mentality of making contributions, the French army in Germany is facing a problem, and I don't mind making the French distressed.

Speaking of which, the French generals seem to be very tough, but in fact, they all have various shortcomings,

The reason why I make such a comment is that some generals in the French army are a group of guys who are good at strategy but mediocre in tactics, and some are anxious in strategy IQ, but have extraordinary insights in tactics.

To put it simply, among the generals of the French army, some generals know where to fight and what to do, but they don't necessarily know what methods and means to use to achieve their goals, while some generals... are a group of fighters A guy who was given stimulants and chicken blood, went to the battlefield indiscriminately, hacked at the enemy, and beat the enemy to pieces, but this guy didn't understand why they won so much, but they always faced With this kind of predicament.In general, those guys are just people who fought a battle at the wrong time and on the wrong occasion. Sometimes not only can't maximize the hidden meaning behind the victory, but they often overwhelm their own side because of their arrogance and failure. Push into a dilemma.

The most representative of the above are the French generals who rely on the blood of the French royal family, such as the Prince of Condé and the Duke of Villeroy.It's just that the Prince of Condé has a good friend the Duke of Luxembourg, so there are fewer chances of making mistakes, but the Duke of Villeroy is different.Looking at his strategic arrangement, that is, after defeating me, he wanted the Duke of Hesse to pinch me. He did not consider the consequences of failure at all, nor did he consider the idea of ​​defending the Duke of Hesse.

Fortunately, he met me.

I didn't take a group of troops under my command who had been fed with a few battles and had a bright future to bury the Austrians.You know, the more than 2 Prussians in my hands now will be reserved for Sweden in the north, Germany in the south, and Russia's seed team in the west. Where to go, find such a team again?

So, after defeating the Duke of Villeroy and the Duke of Hesse, I didn't go south immediately, but spent a while organizing a seven-day tour group of the Duke of Hesse, which has always been composed of multinational coalition forces. .

What could be more satisfying than using other people's wealth to build your own prestige and prestige?

No more.

The Duchy of Hannover and Brunswick, which had been disturbed by the Duchy of Hesse in the past, were moved by my generosity and just bowed down. There were also many other small German lords who were invited together.These people are the younger brothers and horse boys I want to fight for in the future. Now let them come over to share a share. In addition to letting them bring some men down to give me a strong momentum, there is also a way for them to cooperate with the Principality of Hesse and its backstage in the future. France draws a clear line. In short, if you are not on my side now, I will destroy him first. If you are on my side, you will be treated with good food and drink.

In this way, we surrounded the remaining main forces of the Hesse Principality while eating, drinking and having fun here, and we had no intention of going south at all. (To be continued..)

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