Crossing the Continent in the Eighteenth Century

Chapter 47 Questioning the Church

() "Then your eyes..."

A guard spoke again before I stepped out of the dungeon.

"Eyes? What's wrong with my eyes?" I can't see without a mirror.

The guard said frightenedly: "The black one is swollen from the beating!"

"Oh, that's okay. It's dust from the ceiling of the dungeon that hasn't been cleaned for a long time. It fell on my face, and I couldn't see clearly in the dark dungeon. I accidentally fell in it. Okay, let's go so."

Outside the dungeon, the tragic German Wenqing was surrounded by two rows of guards from the Sanctuary of the Holy Spirit.The front row held halberds, and the back row aimed guns at the two of them. There were more than 20 people in total, wearing church burqas.

Those church thugs are equipped with this level, and muskets are not the weapons they are allowed to equip.But even so, just relying on the number advantage is enough for the German Wenqing chick to be unable to move.If this chick is caught by the church again, her fate will be even worse. At that time, it will not be as simple as being rounded by a few men, but dozens of them.

"Criminal! Put down your weapon! You can't escape from here!" The leader of the team was dressed in bright clothes, and he knew at a glance that he was a high-level figure in the courtyard.

The German chick had nowhere to go. She stood in the compound, looking helplessly at the more and more church guards. Tears were in her eyes and she was about to cry, but all she could do was snark He warned the guards not to come over.However, her warning seems to have had the opposite effect.The front row guards holding halberds began to press forward every step of the way, Wenqing chick only had one hand gun, whoever hit her, the next second, she was destined to be caught with a burden.

The situation is precarious, but I still decided to wait. I just don't know if a certain childhood sweetheart will grasp the opportunity.

"Feretlia, leave me alone! Go! Go! Get out of here! Flee back to Prussia! No one can do anything to you there!"

It was Hans' voice.

"No! We came together, we are leaving here together! I won't leave you here!"

"You take me, no one, no one can go! Leave me here, get on the horse, run!!!"

"No, Hans! I don't want it!!"

"Why are you still so stubborn at this moment!" Hans yelled, and suddenly moved closer to Wen Qing's face, the two whispered a few words, which no one could hear clearly, and then he pushed away Abandoned his childhood sweetheart.

"Get out of here and live!!!"

So touched!I didn't expect to be far away from the 21st world, the United States, and Hollywood. I didn't spend money, and I could enjoy such a close-up Hollywood third-rate plot that is two more advanced than 3D!

What shall I call the scene that is unfolding today? ?

"Dungeon Romance", no, it sounds too embarrassing, as if two prisoners were locked in prison, and then they were lonely and finally fell in love for a long time.This is not in line with the theme and central idea of ​​this play. "Life and Death in Constantinople"?The feeling is not enough. I need a kind of love story that is earth-shattering just by looking at the name. Although Constantinople is big enough, it still can’t reflect the sense of grandeur that I want!

"Love at Dawn"?

That's it!Liming refers to the modern times that are about to break through the shackles of the church. Dawn alludes to the crumbling rule of the church. These two words completely elevate the realm of the entire naming!

Starring, of course, is that, the Prussian noblewoman persecuted by the Church, Pheteria.The hero, Prussian nobleman Hans.Screenwriter, it's me!Wa hahaha!Best Supporting Actor, hahaha, of course it is me!

"Catch them! I heard that a few people wearing the burqas of the Theofano family rushed in. They must be accomplices too! No, maybe it is the devil, the filth summoned by the devil! Otherwise, why now I only saw these two people and didn't see them! It must be that the sorcery didn't last long in the holy place of the church, so it disappeared! Remember to add this to the two heresy charges!"

As expected of a person from the church, the moment he opened his mouth, he had the aura to take away my best supporting actor!In order to guarantee my best supporting actor title, I took a big stride, and before the row of approaching guards completely forced the male and female pig feet I arranged with their halberds, I threw an uppercut on the flank closest to the guards !

The latter convulsed all over his body, curled up and fell to the ground, convulsing!

The priest standing behind was furious: "You dare to attack the church! Shoot! Shoot! She! She killed him!"

The group of guards in the back row ignored the nonchalant priest at all, and fired out a row of guns, but many of them died. In addition, they saw the three of us guards running out wearing the burqas of the Theofano family. Impossible to shoot.The three guards forced the group of halberd church guards away, and the latter gathered aside in a panic.

"Do it! Why don't you do it!!! Nine of you can't beat the other three? You don't want to live!" The priest hiding behind the gunman jumped around anxiously!

"Of course they don't dare to do anything!" I sneered and picked up the halberd on the ground as the three guards used my body as a shield, "The church guards are under the jurisdiction of our Theofano family guards! They dare to attack us Theofano Fano's guards are the ones who really don't want to live."

The priest couldn't believe it: "Bastard! How is this possible!"

"He's right, the deacon in the courtyard." The head guard next to him was extremely embarrassed.

"Then are you sure they are really from the Theofano family?" The priest yelled and wanted to snatch a guard's pistol, but was pushed away. He stared and swelled like a toad , "I said they weren't! They were just heretics in Theophano's burqa! Kill! Kill them all! Ah!~~"

A loud and long scream resounded throughout the Holy Spirit Cleansing House.The priest who was croaking arrogantly just now fell to the ground, looking at the halberd nailed to his chest in disbelief. The blood quickly flowed out from the wound and spread all over the ground. At the same time, A lot of blood gushed out of his mouth.

The head of the guards of the Holy Spirit Cleansing House never expected such a thing to happen, he yelled in panic: "He is the deacon of the Holy Spirit Cleansing House! His position is only under the vice president! You are finished! You are dead! Do you know the vice-president of Holy Spirit Purification Institute! A bishop!!!”

"Shut up!" I interrupted this guy coldly, and I threatened, "Believe it or not, I'll kill you too!"

The head of the guard with an ugly face shouted: "Why!"

"Crime, treason, intended to assassinate the imperial family."

"There is no proof!" Although the guard's face was trembling, he still stood there, "No one can leave until the matter is clarified!"

"Hurry up, you two, bring the deacon to the doctor for treatment!!! You, hurry up and ask the dean to come over!"

"Your Highness, there is something wrong with this." A guard reminded uneasily.

I nodded.

Still, everyone knew that the priest didn't live long.The head guard must have other purposes in doing so.It's easy to guess.Because we are trapped here, it also indirectly shows that there are important people staying in the courtyard.He wanted to create time for the big shot in the courtyard to escape.It also explained why an insignificant little character was sent out, and they didn't dare to meet me.

This can be regarded as scaring the snake away!We couldn't move, and they were able to escape smoothly.But given another choice, I still choose to rush in to save people.A living and intact German youth is more valuable than a damaged German youth!And, I haven't lost yet!I still have a chance to catch those bastards in one fell swoop!As long as Constance is not a fool, I still have a chance!According to the distance, we have been here for so long, and his reinforcements are coming soon!In just a few minutes!

Turning around, I saw Dezhi Wenqing holding Hans back a few steps in fear, her eyes flashed with panic: "You killed someone!"

"If it wasn't for you, if you listened to me, he wouldn't have to die at all!" I put the blame on her, and when she heard it, she immediately showed shame.

Impatiently, I put the rapier on the ground, thinking that Constans would not be so stupid as to send out the cavalry first, didn't I expect that? !

As soon as my heart popped up, there was a rumbling sound of horseshoes!

"Your Highness! Your Highness! Where are you?" Only someone shouted from afar.

"Shoot! Shoot into the sky." I said to the guards beside me.

The guard raised his hand and shot it, the face of the head guard changed drastically, I sneered and raised the rapier and walked outside, he wanted to stop him, but he couldn't stop him now.Because outside the courtyard with the dungeon, a group of Theofano cavalry on horseback was coming here.

The leader choked the horse more than ten meters away, and the horse still stood up and kicked a few times before he galloped over: "The first team and the captain of the second cavalry company of the guard regiment are here to serve you. The second The squad is outside enforcing a blockade by Lord Constance."

"Let a few people who are proficient in first aid come down, and help the whipped guy inside deal with the wound! Then send a team to gather all the priests here, and arrange ten people to guard the gate. Others, follow this person Go to the stables in the courtyard!" I pointed to the head guard.

What's in the stables...?

Of course it's what I want. The carriages with the imprints of those big figures in the church are parked beside them. They can run people, but they can't run these things.I'm just standing here, waiting, waiting for those guys to come and explain to me!

The head of the guard with an ugly face gave a wink to the guard next to him, and the latter unsurprisingly took advantage of the gap between the guards to verify the identity of the carriage to inform those big figures who had gone away from nowhere.

________________________________ The interface of Rome 2, all kinds of anti-humanity!By the way, please recommend, click, favorite...

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