()"Five diocesan bishops, five archbishops, and three metropolitans! Almost half of the diocesan bishops with surnames in Constantinople have come! The two vice-presidents of the Mount Athos Monastery! The holy place of our imperial church It’s a grand event that everyone will participate in, and it’s no wonder that the small church of the Sanctification of the Holy Spirit will suddenly follow with a dozen abbots or vice-presidents from other regions! Why, today is a ecumenical meeting?” Those group of people who knew how to hide The priests who came out without losing their minds, I saw a burst of cynicism, and then gave the dean of the Holy Spirit Cleansing Academy a cold look, "Maybe they are plotting a rebellion!"

"Your Highness, no! We have absolutely no intention of treason! This is absolutely wronged!" An old bishop immediately shouted wronged.

"That's right! We've been doing our best! How can we talk about rebellion!! On the contrary, His Highness led a large number of people to break into the important place of the church. Do you take the church seriously!"

I laughed, very happy, but I don't know if it has the effect of laughing back from anger.Which **** is this?Looking back, a guy who is quite young among the old men is simply outstanding, and when he looks carefully, he is not in his mind at all, "You said I didn't take the church seriously?? If I didn't take the church seriously Here, here is not just a Theofano cavalry, but four squadrons plus four six-pounder cavalry guns! If I don't take the church seriously, let alone The Sanctuary of the Holy Spirit, even if you are hiding in the Sophia Cathedral, I can tear it down! If I don’t pay attention to the church, you can still stand here!”

"Damn..." It was that young priest again, this time he just uttered half a word, and the old dean grabbed his robe. Although it was only one word, I still understood what he wanted What to say and where he stands!

Among the group of bishops, a middle-aged priest smiled and said, "Your Highness, what is it that makes you so angry? Is it some blind priest who annoyed you?"

"That's right, what's the matter?"

"What's the matter? In fact, it's nothing, it's just a rebellion!" I pulled out the rapier and tapped it lightly on the palm of my hand, "Say, who is the mastermind? Why did you treason, and for which kingdom did you sell your souls!"

"Slander! This is bloody spout!! Don't think that you are the second in line heir to the Theofano family, you can do whatever you want here! You know, without the orthodox approval given by the church, your Theofano family Never try to be an emperor!"

"I slander!?" This **** is really cooperative enough, yes, I am slandering them, but so what, take a few steps forward, and my mouth is flying, "Well, how do you explain your Under the watchful eyes of everyone, a heir to a great Prussian nobleman, an envoy of the Kingdom of Prussia, was taken away and thrown into the private prison of the church!?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of all the priests present, regardless of their status, changed drastically.

"You took them into the dungeon, I saw it with my own eyes! Now people are in the courtyard of the dungeon. You want to use cruel torture to make them crazy. I not only heard it with my own ears, but also witnessed it! Now one of them One person is full of scars, what? What else can you say? Could it be that what I see with both eyes is an illusion?!"

"Your Highness, did you just say that they are great nobles?" A shocked bishop ran out and grabbed my hand, his eyes were still full of illusions, I knew what he was imagining, imagining me was alarmist!

But alas, that's not it!

"A Prussian aristocrat from the German region who came to negotiate with us! You have worked hard for others, and you still don't know the importance of the Kingdom of Prussia in that part of Northern Europe? Although the Kingdom of Prussia has a small territory, it is in Austria, Sweden, and Russia. It is a force that must be fought for. This weight can break the balance of the entire balance no matter which force is in the team! Now, you caught that nobleman and beat them! We are done with the Kingdom of Prussia! The entire empire The strategic layout is over!" As soon as I pushed the bishop away, he fell to the ground, just like that, sitting on the ground in a daze, and looked up, the abbots and bishops of the other monasteries were all in place, especially They were the two vice-principals of Mount Athos Monastery, and their faces changed so quickly.

The presence of the people from the Mount Athos Monastery was an accident that even I hadn't expected.But even better, this has been the Holy Land of the Imperial Church since the eleventh century. Ever since Emperor Constance IX ordered all female creatures to enter the mountain, it has relied on the emperor's protection and grace, and has been enjoying it for hundreds of years. With a detached position, even the influence of another holy place, the Mandeola Monastery, cannot compare with this group of taboos.In the past few hundred years, the activities of the church in the empire have seen their active figures everywhere.

"This is framed! It's framed!!!"

"Yeah, let us explain! We are innocent!!!"

Several bishops were there trying to rush forward to explain, I quickly asked a few guards to hold them back, now I know what it feels like to be wronged, and before that...

"Your Highness!" A bishop knelt on the ground, crying so loudly, "I came here only because I heard that a heretic was going to be judged, a heretic from Germany, they!" The priest pointed at Easuo The deans headed by Sishan Monastery said, "They are responsible for everything! They say that person is just a little German nobleman! This has nothing to do with me. I only came here because I have received the kindness of one of them in the past !"

Soon after this bishop, there were several bishops and archbishops who made the same rhetoric, and hurriedly put aside the relationship between them, saying that they came here more out of sympathy, and they didn't know how simple it was. A heresy trial would involve treason!Treason, I have made my words very clear. The church has arrested two nobles of the Kingdom of Prussia, or envoys. This is no longer a purely religious matter, but a diplomatic matter. It has risen to the level of imperial strategy. Anyone who is not a fool can know what that means!

The perpetrators will be arrested for treason, and only death can be used to calm the anger of the envoy of the Kingdom of Prussia!

"However, Your Highness, we did a survey beforehand, and they are just ordinary little German nobles! If they are envoys, how can they not live in the embassy!"

"That's right, and also, Your Highness, please don't be deceived, they wrote a counter-book! That book is not only blasphemy, but it has been checked and verified, and the Satan in it is you! We also know! Conspiring with others to rebel !They are going to overthrow Theofano!!!”

"His Royal Highness, we can make the wrong mistake. Take those two German nobles back in and kill them! Just keep the relevant people silent, and then release the news of the accidental death to the outside world. Tell the Prussian side that the envoy died accidentally while playing. Isn't that all right?"

The people who are inseparable from this matter are still struggling to die. The books written by literary girls and young literary youths are the last straw for their lives. These people will do anything to survive and keep their power. !

Facing this group of seemingly sanctimonious animals, I can only be worthy of my conscience by making the reality they face more cruel: "Little German nobles? Maybe you don't know,

I was the first to receive this messenger!I was also the one who introduced him to Miss Pennywise of the Jimiskis!Otherwise, why do you think I received the news first today!As for treason and treason, tell my father Caesar about it!See if he believes your one-sided words, or the messenger with all the witnesses and evidences!Caesar would not wrong a good man, but he would not spare a bad man either! "

"Come on! Separate these priests and lock each of them in a single room! No one is allowed to visit during this period! No one is allowed to hand over anything! Even if food is brought in, a thorough search is required! But also be careful not to let them in the house Suicide!" The guards took orders, and after I got on my horse, I rode my horse and walked to the priest who spoke loudly just now, I still have a few words to say, but these words are not just for him, but for others, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's! This is the original words of the creed, and it is also God's warning to the church! Have you forgotten? Even Christ Jesus must obey the law of Rome. The virtues of the people can truly judge the world! What power do you, you, your church have, and who gave you the power to judge a person's soul? Ah, could it be that you think you are gods!"

"Oh, that's right!!" I looked down at the young priest who confronted me several times, "You said that our Theofano family can't do without the church, that's right! But you forgot, the church is not just you ! The seat on your buttocks! Hehehe, a lot of people are peeping!"

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