Crossing the Continent in the Eighteenth Century

Chapter 78 I'm Naked, You Can't Be Clothed


I fucking won!

This is not a virtual victory where you just click the mouse on the computer to abuse the CPU, but a real victory after a collision of iron and blood. This is my first victory, and it is also my maiden victory!

Look at the bleeding all over the floor, it really hurts the first time.I think the surviving Poles will remember this day till the end of their lives!

It's just that this victory is really not worth mentioning.

It’s true that the Poles have more people than me, but my soldiers are more elite than the Poles, and their quality is more than one level, and their weapons and equipment are better than theirs. They were stunned by the two volleys of guns. They don’t even have cavalry. Not only are there, but there are also some who are considered to be the best cavalry in the world today.With a lineup like mine, it's a bit difficult to lose. Even if I randomly set up a medieval camp, I can kill those Poles at will.

However, winning is winning, and the desperate Poles paid the price for their arrogance.

There are people running away all over the mountains and plains, but even Liu Xiang can't do it if he wants to run over a horse with two legs.Then they were captured.I don't expect these people to pay the ransom, but they have better value than paying the ransom.

Taking the captives collected from the battlefield and driving them to Zhytomir, I gave Zhytomir two choices.

First, surrender and give up the city. I will let them move what they can and keep their own property.Second, continue to resist. If that's the case, I will kill all the captives, then enter the city, and leave no one behind.

Most of the men in the city are here, and the rest are old and weak women and children. If you kill all the captives and then enter the city, you will not be able to climb the three or four meter high city wall and deal with a group of old and weak women and children. What trouble.Therefore, I have given Zhytomir a chance to survive in a disguised form.

The people in Zhytomir rebelled only because they were forced to overreact by the group of Polish landowners in the south, and they were not stupid.Under the threat of relatives and the steel knife we ​​put on their necks, Zhytomir quickly chose to compromise, which made me feel relieved.

Let the residents of the city have only half a day to take away everything that can be taken away, and send a battalion of infantry and cavalry to guard the prisoners and their families. Little famous city.

The moment the fire ignited, there was a lot of mourning.

Across the fire, I camped by the small river beside the city, and one of the several huts there became my room.

I am covered in the smell of blood and sweat, and it would be the best thing if I could clean it up, but the urgency of time can only make me hastily wet a towel with cold water and wipe it on my face indiscriminately.

In the cabin with a leaky roof, I gave orders to the front-line officers at the battalion level to place prisoners, wounded, cook, cook, and get hot water. Then the guards came in and followed me to clean up the cabin of unknown use. Assassin disappeared without a trace for most of the day, and when he appeared, he was followed by a huge wooden basin, and he put the wooden basin in the cabin.

"Where did you go?" I asked subconsciously.

Assassin was very resentful: "It's not you. There are houses in the city that can't live, and they are going to be set on fire. I had to go in and rescue this big wooden barrel."


In the evening, after the army set up camp, they immediately boiled hot water, brought out large buckets of geothermal water, and soldiers in shifts walked into a curtain to clean it.Just after a battle, the filth all over the body is cleaned, this is the best enjoyment.

On one side of the camp, we set up large pots and cooked dinner.

Seeing the group of captives and their families weeping in the cold wind, I asked the soldiers to bring out enough food for those people, anyway, these things belonged to the Poles.In the future, there will be no more looting Poland.

Right now, there is a problem in front of me.

Just then, Felicia came and I asked the guards to let her in.

"You won." Feletlia raised her head, took off her hat, her eyes were a little red and swollen,

I nodded, and she said, "Congratulations, the whole barracks is talking about your heroism."

"Thank you for your compliment."

"Then what should you do with those captives?" The German woman Wenqing clenched her hands, "Are you going to kill them?"

In Zhytomir, the prisoners and their families are more difficult to deal with.I don't have extra hands to escort them south, but let them go south by themselves, which is tantamount to whimsical.

But when Frederick said it, it seemed that all the problems were solved. As expected of Frederick the Great, who will fight alone in the future, it was a bit poisonous, but I still praised: "A very good suggestion."

"Don't do this, okay! There are many old people and children there, how can you be so hard-hearted!" Feiletlia shouted.

Please, it seems that you are the one who is good and I am the one who is bad?

I calmed down and thought about it carefully. Keeping these people is always a restless factor. If we take them with us, our marching speed will be slowed down. If we don’t take them with us, who knows what these people will do? The quickest and most convenient way, just like what Feletria said, is to kill with one knife, and it will be over once.

However, this is thousands of people.If they were all men, the Poles this morning, I'd have drawn the knife straight away.But it’s true, as Fredelia said, there are many old people, children, and women, and I didn’t want to hurt them when I persuaded them to surrender at noon today.

"I really can't do it." Killing thousands of people at once is only possible for Stalin's bearded and moustached heroes. It's my first time on the battlefield to torture a garbage soldier. Chuxiang's rookie hasn't gone crazy to that extent.

"Really?" Felicia was a little unbelievable, she was pleasantly surprised.

Anyway, it is impossible for me to massacre the entire city at once, that would be too cruel: "Really, they have done as I said, I have no reason to kill them, but I can't take them either, Let them be our hindrance."

If the problem is easy to solve, it is not a problem. Anyway, it happened that Frederick the Great came over, so I caught her as a coolie, but it turns out that Frederick the Great, who was hit by the Wen Qing debuff, was just a person who copied the battle example from the book. guy.

"Chop off the fingers of their thumbs. Like Caesar did."

When Felicia mentioned Caesar, I first thought of Daddy Cheap, and then the real Caesar who killed countless Gauls in Gaul.Cutting off the thumbs disintegrated the men's ability to resist, but we still have tens of thousands of prisoners.

After thinking hard all night, I decided to cut off all the thumbs of the men's right hands, and then take these men on the road, passing through obedient and cooperative villages, rewarding them with some of the captives, and then let their families follow the captives.What happened afterwards is none of my business. Although I have seen the birth of countless tragedies and dog blood, as the winner, my punishment for Zhitomir is very light, but it is lighter than this The biggest are our casualties.

After Feletlia left, after dinner, the result of the battle came out.

300 people fought against nearly 500 enemy soldiers, killed more than 3000 enemy soldiers, captured nearly 43 people, and finally wounded 11 soldiers and killed [-] people. The effect of superior troops crushing garbage rebels.But sometimes I can't help but wonder, if I start with the cuirassiers, follow the chasseurs to expand the tear, and then the infantry to keep up with the expansion, will the same results be achieved.

It seems that no matter how you think about it, the casualties of the cavalry may be a bit high, and the two salvos have fully utilized our long-range advantages. If you just use the cavalry to attack, it is not worthwhile to think about it.Speaking of long-range strikes, I kind of want to reproduce the scene after two volleys. What if I choose to load the ammunition and fire the gun again?

Either the Poles scare themselves back, or they will turn back in panic, cross 20 meters, and give us a big blow when we reload the ammunition.That should be very painful, and even the cavalry can only be used to save the field later.The last phenomenon may be that during the time we reloaded the ammunition, the Poles waited for us to fire again like a ****. If this happened, they would run away without the cavalry charging, and we would easily win the victory .

"Although it's very bad to disturb your thinking, I have to take the liberty to ask, do you want to sit there all night?" Assassin's faint voice sounded from behind, "If you want to sit there alone In the evening, I don't mind, but don't you think it would be better to take a comfortable hot bath?"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier."

"It's too late now?"

After a while, the guards outside came in with hot water, filled the big wooden barrel with water, and hung a big blanket on the wall through a rope to serve as a screen.

In this small space that can only accommodate a large wooden barrel, I washed my boots, foot wraps to protect the temperature of my feet, and socks, and washed my feet first.

I took off my red tunic, outer shirt, and white wool-lined shirt. My upper body was empty. Assassin took the clothes, hung them on the wall, and went out to get a change of clothes.

When it was my pants turn, I had just unbuttoned it when I noticed a question: "Why are you still here?"

"Why can't I be here?" Assassin asked back.

"I'm taking a shower." I said subconsciously, maybe I'm not used to nakedness in front of others.

"I've even touched your body, and it's not like I haven't seen it before. I'm not ashamed." Assassin disagreed.

"You were naked back then, too." Naturally, I thought of the bathroom in Odessa.

"You mean, if I'm naked, you'll be fine? But, you know, it's cold outside, and I don't want to stand around naked and suffer from the cold. You wouldn't do that to me!" Assassin's voice was ambiguous.

"So, can I invite you to take a bath together?"

"Can I say no?"

"What do you say?"

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