Obviously Assassin wanted to see my muscles but he acted like I was a pervert.After following Assassin into the big wooden barrel, it is necessary to wipe the oil and take a refreshing bath. Assassin took a bath at this time and made a request. It is too cold at night. As a woman, she wants to sleep with me to keep warm .

What else can I say, get her to bed, of course.

"Look, it's dark inside the wooden house. We really don't want to do something fun and interesting?" Assassin was moving around mischievously on the bed.

Holding Assassin's nipples in my hand, I said behind her ear: "I'm abstinent, you must know that the Roman general who abstained from sexual abstinence is not so powerful."

Assassin blushed: "Where did you draw your conclusion?"

"The two generals of Justinian, Belisarius and Narciss, and later Nikephoros II, Basil II, these four."

"Narsis is a eunuch!" Assassin was very annoyed.

"You don't deny that he can't play with women." I laughed.

"But they are all in their 20s!" Assassin complained, "I haven't had sex with a man in my twenties, don't you think it's very pitiful!!"

Assassin is indeed mature enough to squeeze water out with just a pinch, but I am not reconciled: "Just pushing you down like this will make me feel like a failure."

"how come!"

"Why not, surrender to **, this is my failure."

"Don't you want to be abstinent for the rest of your life!"

"How is this possible. I defeated my desire, restrained myself, and if I didn't ask you for sex, then I won." I slid my finger down, touched Assassin's lower body with my index finger and middle finger, and then wiped the wet Putting two fingers next to Assassin's face, "If you came to push me down, it would be very different. Didn't you see that I was teasing you? Ah, yes, there is a premise here. You have to take off the mask Come and push me down, and I will obey obediently."

"You are such a pervert! Then let's see who can endure till the end!"

The fire burned all night, and then sent people into the city to confirm the situation in the early morning. Our mission in Zhytomyr was finally completed.As for the fire at night, it is estimated that it can be seen in a radius of more than 30 miles. I think that after the thorny head that jumped out of Zhytomir, other orders who want to resist the relocation have to weigh whether they have the ability.

However, the benefits of victory are not limited to this. After the war, the soldiers looked at such a small casualty in disbelief. Now the news spreads throughout the barracks. Thanks to my protection, they are invulnerable... This seems to be Xinchun A replica of God's Eternal Life, but this is a good sign for improving morale.

With the captives, we moved forward again. This time, our pace was much slower, not only because of the holidays, but also because every time we passed a village, a batch of captives were distributed to the local landlord Lao Cai and his accomplices. serf.

In less than five days, I packed and wholesaled nearly ten thousand people away, which not only solved the problem of a bloated team, but also gained the support of the landlord Lao Cai with captives.However, some military officers mentioned that there might be old landlords who let the captives go. I am not worried about this. There are not so many good people in this world. You must know that serfs are a huge fortune. If they are released, they will be thrown away for nothing. A lot of money, not to mention, I took care of those old landlords and Lao Cai who could not suppress so many captives alone, and gave some to every young man in the village, so that they could form the same camp because of the captives, so that they could fight with the landlord Lao Cai Let's fight together to protect property.

A few days later, the Polish soil turtles in the south who caused us a lot of trouble finally got news. They had a dispute in a village not far from Zhytomyr because they continued to follow Rome or defected to Russia. In the end, it was inevitable. The fire broke out, the team of more than 400 people was divided into two, 900 people beat 400 people, more than 100 people died, and more than 300 people escaped. The pro-Roman camp won a big victory and ran to us with their heads to receive the reward. up.The rest of these people are relatively sober, knowing that the territory is in the hands of Rome, and the only way to make a fuss is to die, so after they returned to the team, our Polish pigs finally became less pigs.

In the days that followed, it was natural to kill people and set fire to them. Whoever dared to be disobedient would set fire to the village, and the collective captives would be given to the obedient landlord Lao Cai.

In January, after a heavy snowfall, Uncle Zimischia sent us two pieces of news.First, the news that the Russians are coming.Sixty thousand Russian troops went south to break the siege of Kiev.Uncle Tsimiskia led the army to entangle the main force of the Russian army. He wanted us to go south, and if we couldn't meet halfway, we would go to Ulyanovka first.Mao Zi went south much faster than expected. According to my thinking, it will take at least ten days for the Russians to go south. No, I still have a lot of areas on hand that have not been cleared!However, behind the bad news, there is good news. The Poles in the south who I sent as captives to the landlord Lao Cai rebelled!

It is said that the landlords and rich people treated the captives very inhumanely. Not only did they beat and scold them constantly, but they also wanted to occupy their wives and children. In the end, some people couldn't stand it anymore, so they killed and rebelled.Some people rose up and raised their arms, and immediately many people who suffered the same hardships and were actually the tragedies I caused joined their ranks.

When I heard the news, my first thought was, damn it!

The next thing is, no!

The third thought is, hurry up and send soldiers to these people!

Those rebels are the bitter bachelors who want money but not their lives, but if they want to survive this winter, they must have something to eat.No, you can only grab it.I can't beat it, what should I do?Of course we have to recruit more people to fight!

It seems that the more people rebel, the more people rob things. In this way, it seems that what we have to do can be done by the rebels.

But it is inappropriate to immediately encourage the middle and lower poor peasants to join the great cause of resistance!Our present position is 40 kilometers from Zhytomyr and another 120 kilometers from Kiev.I received the news more than a dozen days ago. Although I have to join the main force of Uncle Zimiskia, God knows whether we will be blocked by the Russian army on the way south to Ulyanovka. the way forward.Although I have the urge to play Changshan Zhao Zilong and come in seven and seven out, but there are only three infantry battalions, less than a thousand cavalry and less than a thousand Polish hussars that I played badly, this hardware is not enough My crazy idea of ​​popping a Russian ass from behind.

After careful consideration, in fact, I was the only one thinking, and the others were in a daze. We decided to stay in this place and give the Russian food collection team a head-on blow.

Hiding the trail was a problem. After discussion, we swaggered and robbed a few villages during the day before heading south, but quietly returned to the burned Zhytomyr at night, and sent a combination of three chasseurs and two Poles, Be wary of the Russians and spy on their movements.We have emptied the land of more than ten miles around Zhytomir, and there are ruins all around. This kind of place with neither human habitation nor ears is the most suitable place to hide.

Just to hide my tracks, the days when I can't make a fire are very painful!

This is completely self-inflicted!

I wanted to drink to keep warm, but my expression was only hehe. It was so cold that even the wine turned into ice cream. I licked it and it cooled my heart.Anyway, for several days in a row, my impression of the night was that I was shivering with cold. It was too scary. At night, it was more than ten degrees below zero. The soldiers were better, gathering together in groups of three or four, leaning on the horses to keep each other warm.And I, wrapped in layer after layer of warm bedding, hold Assassin in my arms, and I have no interest in playing with it.

That night, after explaining to us the characteristics of Maozi's army, she remained in my camp after many officers had left.

She was wrapped in a blanket, her little face was flushed from the cold, and she hesitated for several seconds with piercing eyes before she said, "I have something to discuss with you."

"Tell me, if you can't help but want to go to the south by yourself, I'm sorry, I can't do it."

"No, I'm not such a fragile person. This bit of cold can't beat me." Her voice was trembling, but Felicia puffed out her chest beyond the A-level existence, and then she said what she wanted Discuss with me, "Can I borrow her from you?"

"How do you know she's a woman?" I asked.

The she in Feletlia's mouth refers to Assassin in my arms. In front of nature, she lowered her face: "Anyway, I can see it. I don't care how I know. I want her to be with me." Sleep so we can keep warm."

"Can't you find someone else?"

"What do you say!" Felicia asked back.

Assassin resolutely protested: "No!"

"Look, the person involved is unwilling."

"Are you going to watch me freeze to death?"

I looked at Assassin: "I don't seem to be able to do that either."

"At most give you half of his chest!" Hugging left and right?Assassin lifted the blanket, and the cold air outside made people feel refreshed.But this girl, Felicia, is not so cruel. Even a childhood sweetheart like Hans can't hug her, let alone other people, and she will probably be crushed.

Sure enough, Nv Wenqing was not tempted at all.

"How about I come to your side?" Felicia pointed to the place next to Assassin.

This seems to be a way to get the best of both worlds. I nodded, "Frederick the Great" shouted happily, and rushed to Assassin in a hurry. I didn't expect that Frederick the Great, who was not close to women, would have today.Assassin was very resentful, she opened the quilt on her shoulders, and let Feletlia get in: "You didn't even ask me, why did you stuff a big ice cellar for me."

"You are now the heir to two countries, isn't that good?" Seeing the two girls huddling together, Frederick the Great was overwhelmed by the majestic momentum on Assassin's chest. Surprised, I joked.

Assassin pouted, disapproving.

After five days of freezing, the Russians came!They came sooner than I thought, but I was relieved and laughed when the scouts mentioned that these Russian requisitions were all cavalry.

It is estimated that Russia got very little food near Kiev, which allowed this group of cavalry to come here, wiped their noses, and wiped the wall indecently. I issued an order to continue to endure.

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