The scouts sent the nearby news to the ruins of Zhitomir day by day. The Russians should have learned that Zhitomir and the surrounding area were deserted. They didn't even call in a scout in a hurry. , but intensified the Sanguang policy in villages that are still inhabited.The Russians are much more ruthless than if we just burn down the buildings of the village and allow the Poles to remove their food and all their wealth.

When you live in a Polish village, you must be entertained with good wine and meat. If they drink too much and get excited, they will perform np or other entertainment programs for the local Poles on the spot, and give the locals a green hat.

As night fell on the eighth day of freezing, I gave the order to march, and after two hours of marching, the army arrived at the first destination.

A traditional, typical, and featureless Polish village. Judging from the size of the village, the population, including serfs, is no more than 500. However, there are more than 500 Russians living in such a small village with a capacity of 600 people. All cavalry.

Standing far away at the small slope of the village, even several kilometers away, we could hear the desperate cries of the wind and the screams of women.

"That group of Russians may not even spare a 50-year-old woman." I shrugged my nose to let the army rest, opened my pocket watch, and looked at the time by the moonlight, ten twenty-four in the evening.

After resting for 10 minutes, or shaking in the night wind for 10 minutes, not only the soldiers, but even the officers requested to launch an attack immediately, sending cavalry around, and the battle started at eleven o'clock.

At this moment, the Russians who were targeted did not know that they were being targeted.

Probably because the food in the army was not good enough, and the vicinity of Kiev was wiped out. They didn't even have a sentry post. They either warmed up in the village, drank and ate meat, or had fun in the wooden house.

I have looted many villages, and my impression of Polish village girls can be rated as two points.Quite a few people are probably better than Ruhua with the boogers on her nose. With that strong body, you can tell that you have worked hard. Of course, the younger ones can still score four or five points, but very few, because they are beautiful. They are all in the old riches of the landlords or noble castles.Polish serfs have no human rights, let alone prostitution here, if nobles and landlords want to prostitute every night, the legal wife of your serf old man has to be a bride every night, which is much more ruthless than the aristocratic regime promulgated by England ruling Scotland .

With a compassionate heart that I came to help the poor Polish serfs out of the sea of ​​suffering, I let the Polish hussars rush into the village first, stabbing with swords and swords, and then the chasseurs rushed in as the second team. This time, They were shooting guns all over the place and heading straight for where the Russians kept their horses.

The sea of ​​fire started from the wooden house, the horse neighed and people screamed, and the scene was chaotic. However, although the incident happened suddenly, the quality of the Russians is still worthy of recognition. They were half drunk, sleepy, with their pants up or naked , just picked up all the guys around him who could be picked up and walked out of the wooden house.

In the sea of ​​flames, the awesome Russia could not help but chop off the Poles running around, and then... very sadly, some of them even beat up their own people. What a group of tragedies.

In the light of the fire, shadows followed one after another. As soon as the Russian horses were freed from the ropes, they frantically ran around in the sea of ​​​​fire, and the chaotic village became even more chaotic.

The cavalry rushed into the village from the south, rushed out from the north, continued to fight back to the village from the east, and then came out from the west. At this time, the three infantry battalions were divided into three groups and surrounded the entrance of the village. A row of columns.

With the sound of advancing drums, they walked slowly towards the village. Along the way, Russians jumped out holding sabers, benches, and wooden sticks, but they were quickly shot and killed by a volley of infantry in the front row.

"Change rows!"

With the shout of the front-line officer, the infantry who had shot bullets withdrew from the two columns and retreated to the last column. They shot all the bullets in the entire column, and the next column replaced them.As early as the ancient Roman period, the Romans were veterans of columns and companies. The most famous column formation, the turtle formation, was invented by the Romans. Now we use this type of advancing column, which is called a hedgehog in Rome.Shrink the front to increase the depth of the troops, and shoot while walking. After the entire column has finished shooting, the next column will take over the task of breaking through, and the cycle will continue, moving forward and squeezing the enemy's space until it breaks through the enemy's defense line.Although I don't understand why the Romans can't be as full of artistic and imaginative talents as the Chinese, come to the world and the world, the only one, the eight-door golden lock formation, the dragon and the tiger leaping formation, and the Pingrong Wanquan formation. Forced formation, but in terms of effect, the effect of hedgehogs in street fighting is not bad. There is a premise here, the enemy has no cannons.

The courage of these Russians is indeed commendable, but sometimes wars are not determined by courage alone. They are completely at a disadvantage in terms of quantity, quality, and equipment. Many people were so drunk that they didn't form an effective fight at all.The battle is completely one-sided. It is more appropriate to say it is a one-sided massacre than a battle.

Before they approached, the infantry weakened them with their flintlock muskets, fired a volley, and watched the people around them fall one by one. Soldiers with bullets, even if they can't fire guns, can always fight more and less, a few gangs fight one, and a bayonet can kill a Russian.

Step by step to suppress and encroach on the Russians fighting on their own in the village. After observation, I found that the Russian cavalry units are extremely short of guns. Few of the Russians who blocked our attack along the way had guns. Unlike Rome, the Chasseurs did it with their own hands. A carbine. Although the cuirassiers did not have guns, the stamped steel armor on their chests was enough to make them fearless in the face of swords.But thanks to their cavalry for not being heavily armed with guns, we suffered little damage.

In less than half a day, this Russian cavalry formation became history, and the corpses of Russians and Poles were everywhere.

The village was on fire. It might be because of the cold weather these days. The soldiers put their hands on the fire instead of taking the trophies on the ground. Anyway, the fire had already started, and there were no Russians in a short time. Let the army cook grain and jerky here, and have a big meal with melted wine.

The warm broth was poured into my mouth, and I burst into tears: "What if I can't eat it again in the future."

In the days that followed, I led the troops under my command to attack the Russians everywhere. Although there were many Russians, who let them scatter to collect food.

After two fights, I found that I liked this kind of attack, with very few casualties and excellent results.There are hundreds of vehicles loaded with the most urgently needed supplies for the Russians. There are also chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep accompanying the team, but the entire food requisition team has less than a hundred people guarding it. Once the cavalry rushed, the infantry were basically finished.The next thing to do is to burn the grain carts. Due to the early sunset in winter, it will be almost dark to resolve the battle. The fire will burn the grain, and the thick smoke will make it difficult for the Russians in the distance to notice.In addition, it seems that the cavalry team that was killed first on the first night was the largest cavalry of the Russians, and the Russians had no way to fight back.

But the most important thing is that we have cavalry, and a large number of cavalry has taken the initiative. We can appear around the Russian grain transport team when we want to appear, and on the night of the first night attack, we captured There are many Russian horses, and since many of them are soldiers from Anatolia, riding is not a problem at all.After several attacks, the horses captured by the Russians were equipped by us, and the mobility of the entire army was greatly enhanced. How to play with the Russians is not to play.

But equipping a large number of horses is not without disadvantages. Horses eat more than humans. If this continues, the Russians will not die, and the horses will eat us to death!

Four attacks were carried out in eleven days, killing more than 400 Russians, burning more than 400 grain trucks, scaring away countless chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep, and saving hundreds of Poles.For those Poles who were oppressed by the Russians, I asked our Polish hussars to tell them that our army that rescued them from their misery is the people's army, and it was the Poles who rebelled in the south who came north to rescue their compatriots , gave them some food, cattle and sheep, and Russian weapons, and asked them to go to the south to join the rebel teams.

I think I should accept it as soon as it is good. If I don’t accept it, the Russian fishing nets will come to collect us.

Just before I left, I thought I could still take a risk and make a big fortune.

We hid part of our troops, and let the Russian officers and soldiers who were deliberately captured for the fourth time visit and browse Zhitomir’s food store, and carefully revealed our troops and the news that we would leave after a while during the interrogation. So they let them go on a dark and windy night.

Assassin returned after making sure that the Russians had all ridden on stolen horses and ran away without any risk: "Will the Russians come?"

I think they will come: "Sometimes you must have encountered such a situation, stabbed a big basket, if you are found out, you can only die, and your future will be ruined. If it were you, for your future, what would you do? ?”

"Do everything possible to remedy it." Assassin said without any doubt.

I nodded in agreement: "Didn't we burn a lot of their food a while ago? The Russian dog officer in charge of collecting food would report the big baskets he poked out? If we were here alone, the Russians would not Surely it will come at once, but we have a great stockpile of provisions here,"

"If the Russian officers can get food, even if they can barely complete the task, the huge price paid in front can be used to protect the food to win a lighter sentence or pay off the merits, so I think the Russians really have a reason to come here Take a chance."

The terrain around Zhytomir is flat, and there is no place to hide in the city. I don’t think that the Russians are foolishly attacked by us here, so I decided to hide my team at the ferry of the Teterev River next to Zhytomir. .The ferry there is close to the mountains and forests, and it may be the place for crossing to the west. If you can hit it halfway, it will be perfect.

After waiting for a few days, the Russians did not disappoint. Across a frozen river, the sentinels brought the news of Russia's arrival!

A few Russians really brought a large number of Russians!

Pig team members like Jiang Gan are really awesome!

And there aren't even sentinels, and I'd have a bad conscience if I didn't attack them.


Thank you for the few children's shoes who gave the reward....I'm so busy with the midterm exam, I'm so busy.

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