Crossing the Continent in the Eighteenth Century

Chapter 81 Maozi's Combat Strength

"However, there are too many people. There are a lot of Poles, and the river is still frozen." Half-crossing means crossing the river by boat. Now that the river is frozen, is it still half-crossing?It should count.

I handed the binoculars to the officer next to me and shook my head.The number of enemies is about 2000, and Russia's Polish Leading Party accounts for half of them.If such a number can't explain anything before we invaded Russia, then after our cleanup, there are still so many people standing on the side of the Russians. Maozi's cohesion with the Poles is really strong.

Could this be the legendary, abused love?Let you abuse me thousands of times, and I treat you like first love?

Unsurprisingly, we also quietly set up when the Russians walked slowly across the ice on the river, and after they were halfway across the river, we launched the attack first.

Chasseurs start!

If we had artillery, even the smallest caliber six-pounder, we could stand directly on the bank and bombard the Russians crossing the river.I regret why I didn't bring cannons here, but because we attacked suddenly, the Russians were extremely shocked.

A large number of cavalry poured out, and the screams of the Russians were everywhere.

"Ambush!!" "Ambush among us!!" "It's cavalry!!!"

The Russian officers must have never studied military linguistics. How could they call it that when they discovered an enemy attack? Isn’t this telling their own people that we are going to be in trouble?In Rome, we usually find that the enemy attack is directly given the formation order, no, when they called, the people who had just crossed the river became agitated, and they ran back to the river and fell a big horse on the ice. , Those who were still crossing the river hurried back to the other bank.

"Poles!!! Give me the top!" The big bastard is really a dog's skin plaster, and you can push it wherever you need it.

The Russians occupied the ferry by the river, and many people had just walked down the river. At this moment, most of them were still reminiscing about the feeling of walking unsteadily on the river. The roar of the Russian officers caused many Poles to kick to the end. cutting edge.The Poles looked back at the Russians in a daze, bewildered.But in the next moment, many people were shot and fell to the ground before they could turn their heads.

"Shoot, shoot!!"

We all know how tragic the hit rate of the musket is, but the Russians still fired directly, and the chasseurs were still hundreds of meters away at this time.The very few unlucky ones landed, and the Poles in the front line tragically discovered that they shot buttocks to the Russians. Whoever made the bullets everywhere deflected, so the Russians shot and killed the Poles more than the Russians. There were many more Romans.

"Damn it... stop shooting, stop shooting!"

Just as the Russians were loading ammunition, the Chasseurs withdrew, and it was the turn of the cuirassiers to launch the most proud wall charge. After a face-to-face encounter, the cavalry in the first row knocked over hundreds of Poles, and the cavalry in the second row After bumping and stepping to shake the Poles' defense line, the third column broke through the Poles' defense line, and the Russians who were trying to organize the team behind them yelled again.

After the cuirassiers, our Polish hussars completely disintegrated the defense line built by four or five hundred brave Poles, just when the Polish hussars did not retreat from one side as ordered, but stayed where they were and chopped the Poles.

Taking down the binoculars, I said angrily, "Get those damned Poles out of the way! Get out of the way of the infantry!"

"Shoot the Polish pigs!"

My order has not yet been conveyed. Most of the Russians who took 2 minutes to fill the ammunition received the order to launch a volley. The effect of this round of volley is very good. There are more than 40 Polish hussars in total. He fell to the ground, and of course more than 40 Russian and Polish leaders who fled along with him died. Although all the Poles were killed, the morale of Maozi was inexplicably high.

"It's unbelievable." Could it be that he drank too much vodka and had the special effect of +3 morale?

Thanks to the Russians, the Polish leading party in Rome finally woke up to what they had to do a long time ago, and gave way to the infantry who came all the way behind them.

The Polish leading party in Rome retreated to the second line, and the column formation, which had already been waiting impatiently, accelerated its pace under the urging of the officers.

I stood behind the infantry column with a group of guards and watched them stop at the 90 meter line, when the Russians were still loading ammunition, and we launched a salvo here.

The three infantry battalions were divided into nine brigades and formed a hedgehog formation. Each brigade basically kept 120 people and 20 people in the front.In a volley, 180 flintlock muskets fired at the same time, and dozens of people in the front row of Maozi were shot and fell to the ground.After advancing more than five meters, the second row replacing the first row opened fire again. This time, the number of people who fell to the ground increased significantly, but still did not exceed a hundred people.

"Tell the infantry to stop at 80 meters!" I said to the orderly. "Let them shoot at this distance."

Felicia interrupted unexpectedly: "Why don't you push on? Don't waste your precious time here!"

The signal for the soldiers to stop advancing was passed on, but our infantry did not stop advancing until they crossed the 60-meter line. At this time, it was the Maozi's turn to fire a volley. There were more than 400 Maozi crossing the river, and the number continued to increase.

The effect of their salvo is far inferior to that of our 180 people at the 90-meter line, and our counterattack at the 60-meter line caused dozens of Russians to fall.Seeing that we are about to shoot another volley, on the Russian side, an officer under their flag seems to have exploded into a small universe.

"Russians!!! Kill these Romans, charge!"


My eyelids twitched, what happened to the infantry charging and making the cavalry almost!

Hurry up to raise the flag so that the chasseurs and cuirassiers are ready to enter the battlefield again at any time. I turned my attention back to Maozi's charge, but before they charged, our muskets fired again. The power exerted is not so great, and there is basically no inaccurate aim at such a distance. In this way, Maozi who rushed to the front row was shot and fell down, but some Maozi with tenacious vitality still roared forward, He rushed up with a bayonet, without even stopping, I rely on, the charge of this group of Russian infantry is really awesome!By the way, during World War II, were there any examples of Maozi infantry smashing German tanks?

"Romans!" The officers under the Eagle flag stopped firing, "Charge!"

The formation of the Russians is relatively loose, but our infantry is heavily arrayed, but even if such a strong Russian has created a strong infantry line, it still makes the corners of my eyes twitch.

Russians are very tall, 1.7 meters is short by visual inspection, God knows whether they eat Gaizhonggai, or melatonin and other nutritional products to grow so tall.The 21th century is not the 1st century. In this era of lack of nutrition, very few people can grow above 8 meters, but this level is very common among Russians, and it seems that there are even [-] meters.

Look at my men again.Most of the soldiers under him came from Anatolia. The people of Anatolia were mixed with Greeks, Southern Europeans, Arabs, and Mongols. The characteristics of these races did not have the characteristic of being tall.Therefore, it is certain that the Romans were not very tall. 1.6 meters to 1.65 meters are very common, 1.7 meters are top-notch, and 1.8 meters are outstanding.

How big is the height advantage in charge and counter charge?

Hit a Nissan car with a German car, and it's like a Roman colliding with a Russian.

The soldiers in the first row were overturned as soon as they met each other, holding bayonets and sabers. Even the Swedes, who were about the same height as the Russians, suffered a lot from Maozi's charge, let alone the Romans. With musket suppression, I am really worried that the infantry column will be overwhelmed by the Russians.

Russia's offensive was like a tide. After the first collision, the infantry columns suffered considerable losses, but their blood and courage rose with the casualties.With a wave of enthusiasm and the number of people who have the upper hand, the Maozi can't take advantage of it for the time being, but if the follow-up Russians go off the ice and join the battle group, an ambush will be turned into a head-on contest If something like that really happened, I would just hide in Constantinople and fish for the rest of my life.

The battle situation was stalemate, and the Russians charged without going through the whole team to restore their decline for a while, and outside them were six columns of Roman infantry, and then the cavalry who ran away from one side came back!

Facing the Maozi with huge flaws on the flanks, the cuirassiers did not show any mercy this time, and slammed into it headlong. It is better than a human and has a fat mount. I think Maozi, who can't even stand up to a tall horse, is unlikely to use infantry charges to disintegrate the attack of mustache's tank group during World War II.

The cuirassiers are like road rollers, advancing on the battlefield, and the ground where the horseshoes trod, bloody corpses are everywhere.

"Attack! Attack! Kill them all!! Follow up!"

Maozi was red-eyed. Seeing that the front line was shaken, the officer who had just stepped down quickly blushed and roared, pulling the clothes and hair of the soldiers and Poles next to him, kicking their buttocks, and gesturing on their heads with a saber. , launched a charge again.But the momentum was not as great as the first time, who made them number less than one hundred.Then, the horseshoes of the chasseurs following the cuirassiers kicked over the corpses of these people.

About 200 Maozi soldiers were trampled to the ground. I found that the Maozi who crossed the river were shaken. Many people did not advance but retreated. Cross the river!"

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