After the chasseurs had passed, our lovely friend the Polish hussars came again.


Maozi crossing the river unanimously raised their guns.

I laughed helplessly, as if the Russians were very interested in shooting the Poles. No, as soon as the Chasseurs passed by, they raised their guns to shoot the Poles. There was a loud gunshot, and a dozen Poles fell off their horses. The leading party did not stay any longer, and left the ferry with the chasseur's ass.

At this moment, cheers erupted from the imperial infantry column. Looking around, it turned out that we had captured the Russian flag.

After being cleared by the cavalry, the Russians failed to continue, and the defense line was opened at once. A military flag was successfully captured, and the infantry was completely excited!Roaring like this, he rushed forward in a big run, speeding up the advance with the bayonet straightened, and the Russian retreated step by step.

The morale of the Poles collapsed in an instant, and no matter how the Maozi officers beat and kicked them, they just couldn't go up.

"We can't beat them!"

"We lost!"

"Don't let us die"

The Poles, who had already lost 300 to [-] people, were very demoralized. After several unsuccessful charges, they saw that the bodies of their own family members were all trampled and distorted on the ground. No one can attack anymore, because going out like this, death is a must.

"Whoever dares to escape will die!"

Mao Zi did what he said, and shot a Polish man who didn't like it directly.The Maozi Poles led the Road Party to the front line tremblingly.The Russians would not dare to launch a charge rashly, because the cuirassiers turned their horses. They hid behind the Poles and chose to shoot at us.

I silently kept this tactic against the Poles in mind, and retracted the binoculars: "Tell the Poles to run farther away, then go around to the other side of the river, and wait for an opportunity to attack the Russians."

Fighting a war is like playing a high-latency online game. You have clearly given an order, but the controlled characters are still half a beat behind in reacting before acting in the way you want. The larger the scale of the war, the higher the delay. I think our 5000-person conflict has been delayed by at least 3 people. If it is a [-]-person war, it must be delayed by more than [-].

But no matter how high the delay is, the Poles caught between the Russians and the infantry columns should be tragic, because they can't advance or retreat.Going forward, the Russians' assaults can't beat us, let alone them. In the future, a steady stream of Russians are slowly crossing the ice.It seems that both sides are dead!

"Poles!!! Go!!!" A Polish leader raised his arms in a desperate voice, and dozens of Poles followed him and launched a painless attack without even breaking a wave.

"Afraid of Russians so afraid that they would rather die?" This is not a good phenomenon, but fortunately there are not many such idiots. After all, it is human nature to be afraid of death.

"Look! They are outflanking us! They are going to kill us!!!"

"Run for your life, Pole!"

With a sigh of relief, the returning Poles collapsed.They were no longer afraid of the Russian blades, but turned around and rushed to the river, crawling from the slippery ice to the opposite bank on hands and feet.

I stared at the scene dumbfounded. It is too weird to use the tortoise-like hands and feet, but it is undeniable that it is very useful. In just a few minutes, hundreds of Poles who rushed out first climbed out. Mi, leaving a group of morons staring at the side.You know, it has been 10 minutes since the battle started, and only half of the Russians crossed the river, and the rest were still stepping on the ice carefully for fear of slipping. The Poles only climbed half of the distance in a few minutes. Brilliant speed, I'd have a headache if they'd used that in the first place.

But luckily they didn't.The Poles collapsed, and the Russians seemed to be unable to withstand it anymore, and they also retreated. What else could they do in the middle of the river?

What is surprising is that Maozi actually stood in the middle of the river and shot at us.

On the ice of the river, it was difficult for Maozi to launch another charge. The slippery ice would make them fall on all fours before they touched us. Maozi's commanders shot at each other twice before they came to their senses. They tried to regain Control of the Ferry Coast.

It can be said that Maozi's commander did not make mistakes again and again.

If you lose your charge, Maozi is a toothless tiger, but if you shoot at us, with their inferior flintlock muskets, their volley of 300 people may not be able to kill ten people at a distance of 60 meters, while our volley No fewer than five or [-] of them can be killed in one shot, and more importantly, the time for them to reload the bullets is enough for us to shoot twice.

Compared with the speed, it cannot be compared, and the power of the volley is even worse. After we fired four volleys, Maozi's remaining morale was exhausted.

In the [-]th century, they didn't even know where Ma Dabeard and En Dabeard were. Without the magical body protection of the two masters, the morale of Maozi in the [-]th century was not so strong that the German tanks with mustaches in the [-]th century could not stand it. So, they started to run away.

Our Polish leading party was only able to cross the river mouth at this time, and then what happened was that the cavalry slaughtered the infantry bridge section, and the army was defeated like a mountain. The Russians who lost their armor and armor could even beat the Poles who were better than the five scum It was easy to torture and kill, but some Maozi on horseback escaped.

After counting the casualties, the number of infantry losses is a bit large. 137 people were killed in battle, 27 people were injured and lost combat effectiveness, and 239 were slightly injured. Nearly one-third of the total number of infantry soldiers were killed. This is really an exaggeration. Saw a lot of dead from the front that charged the first wave in Maozi.

An ambush ended like this, it is really hard to imagine what will happen if the two armies confront each other head-on.

With the wounded, we are going to transfer.Because some Maozi broke out, it is not difficult to imagine how many Maozi cavalry will come to encircle us after a while, so although we have just won a battle, and it was the regular Russian army that we defeated, but while the Russians were running, we Also running.

We loaded the wounded into the storage carriage hidden in Zhytomyr, and we burned some supplies that did not need to be taken away, and left Zhytomyr immediately.

It took almost a month to eat up the Russian food requisition team, and now February is approaching. According to the normal marching speed of the army, Russia should be chasing the main force of Uncle Zimischia and moving around Tarasha.

Considering that the mode of operation of the food requisition team is generally that every time the army arrives at a location, a part of the cavalry will be sent out from the troops as the leader to survey the surrounding situation, and then the infantry walking behind will collect and escort them back to the barracks.It is impossible for the Russians to have only such a grain requisition team in one area. Combined with the fact that the grain requisition teams near Kiev have all gone to this place not far from Zhytomyr, if we go south immediately or go directly to Zimishiya The uncle's main force converged, and every day he encountered either the cavalry of the Russian grain requisition team, or their grain infantry.

The Russian food requisition infantry is nothing, anyway, they will only be small-bodied soldiers who escort food.It's just that the Russian cavalry requisition is more troublesome.The combat effectiveness of these food requisitioning cavalry may be mediocre, but those who specialize in this line of work are more sensitive to marching traces. Anyone who finds them will make us unable to eat and walk around. The Russian army that follows will wipe us out. None left.

According to the marching speed of the Russian requisition cavalry, to be on the safe side, we did not head south, but southeast, deliberately staggered the requisition cavalry, and changed the marching time, day and night.In this way, the chance of encountering Russians is minimized. Even if the infantry finds a large number of marching traces, will those small-bodied soldiers protecting food care about these things?For them, I think women and food are enough.

It's just that in this way, the soldiers suffered a lot more crimes.

Marching at night cannot light the fire, otherwise it will be self-disclosure, and there is no government in Poland to repair the roads, which makes the roads not very easy to walk. In addition, it is much colder at night than during the day, and it is impossible to light fires and eat cooked food. Many people fell ill.

In the early morning of the ninth day, we walked into the forest far away from the main road.After a while, officers of all battalion levels came to my resting place while the soldiers were eating, and reported the losses to me.

The situation of the cavalry is okay, but the situation of the infantry is worrying.

"Five men are missing from my battalion."

"Eight men are missing from my battalion."

"Only two men from my battalion are missing, but some of the wounded are dying."

More than a dozen people went missing, and from the evening of the seventh day onwards, soldiers kept falling behind.I have been staring around the team for several days, and when I went to help the fallen soldiers, I was deeply touched.If marching during the day, the soldiers of the companions may still pick up the fallen soldiers, but the visibility of marching in the dark is very low, and it is basically difficult to find who is lost or what is lying on the ground.And the night is colder, once you fall down, it means you can't wake up again.

In the end, though, I killed the soldiers.

The image of them shouting "Long live Rome" in several battles flashed in my mind, and my conscience made a pang of shame well up in my heart.

I can't help but feel that the decision to stay in Zhitomir to destroy the local Maozi grain collection team some time ago is not so valuable.Hitting the Russian requisitions, reducing their supplies, well, that's a reason, but it's more my desire to win that is compelled to stay.

But now, it is my competitive nature that makes more than 2000 people brave the wind, snow and cold to march forward and suffer at night, and it is also my competitive nature that makes them only live on hard dried meat and snow during the day Eat to restore strength. If I went south immediately, they wouldn't have to suffer this kind of suffering. If I didn't get the Russians' idea, there wouldn't be those wounded soldiers at all.

"I'm going to see the wounded."

A total of 27 soldiers were injured and unable to move, but because of lack of nutrition and good medical care environment, I think few of those 27 survived.

When I came to the place where the wounded soldiers’ carriages were parked, there were soldiers feeding the wounded soldiers inside. I told the soldiers on guard to keep quiet and walked in.The patrol inspected and consoled the wounded. Different from the imagination, these wounded were very calm, as if the injury and death were taken for granted.The more they do this, the more it makes me uneasy because if it wasn't for me, they wouldn't hurt so badly.

At this time, a seriously injured soldier vomited profusely while being fed, and the soldier who took care of him hurriedly called the military doctor.

The military doctor dealt with the wounded soldier calmly, and it took a while before he got out of the sick car where the wounded was lying. I went up and asked the military doctor about the soldier's condition.

The abdomen was cut, and the intestines could even flow out of the gap, and he was shot again in the shoulder. After digging out the bullet, but I don't know what went wrong. Even with alcohol and clean bandages, the soldier was still infected, not only Not to mention the loss of appetite, even if he swallowed hard, he finally vomited it out.

I sent the military doctor away, walked to the soldier, and took a look at his uniform. He turned out to be a company sergeant.

The soldier with dazed eyes stayed in a trance for several seconds before exclaiming in shock after being reminded by his companion: "Your Highness! Commander!"

"Your Highness, this is a seriously ill area, it seems inconvenient for you to come here," Leon said.

"Isn't it convenient? I've even been to battlefields with enemy guns, so why can't I come to a carriage with only my soldiers?" I unconsciously spoke a little harder at this moment, and looked around the wounded, and the soldiers who took care of them.The tiredness and shame on their faces made me unable to hold my head up in front of the group of people around me.

"terribly sorry."

My apology stunned the sergeant.

"Why are you apologizing?"

"It was I who led you to this point."

The sergeant said in bewilderment, "You brought us victory and honor too, didn't you?"

I couldn't help asking: "Are victory and honor more important than life?"

"If it is a victory for Rome, I am willing!" The sergeant struggled to sit up, and he said with difficulty, "I am not afraid of death! I am a Roman from Anatolia! And, to fight with you, This is my honor!"

"Your name, Sergeant."


The sergeant's name made me feel dazed for a moment. There seemed to be a Roman like this in my memory, but I couldn't remember it for a while.

"Do you have a wish? Does any of you have a wish?" If there is anything that can reduce the guilt in my heart, I will do it.

Maximus was stunned. He seemed to have thought of something, but he hesitated to say it. The others were also silent for a while, as if they were very reserved.

"Commander, I have it!" A very young man boldly stretched out his hand from another carriage. He struggled to hold up his hand and said with difficulty, "Your Highness, I have a wish!"

"Soldier, I am happy to serve you."

"My name is Kerian, and I am from Swati, a small village in central Anatolia. If I die..." The young man paused, "Please go back and tell my mother that I miss her roast lamb very much. She is my favorite mother, please go back and tell Anne near my house that I like her; please go back and tell my father Giannis that I did not disgrace him."

"Is this your wish?"

Kerian nodded: "In Poland, this strange land, I fought bravely to the end. I killed three Poles in Zhytomyr and two Russians in the battle by the river. I want to let My father knows, I didn't give it to him, shame on Yannis of Swati village!"

Suddenly, I was even more sad: "As you wish, soldier."

"In the name of a royal family, I swear to God that I will fulfill the wish of the son of Yannis of Swati village, Kerian. If he dies, I will convey his confession for him and thank him His parents, they cultivated an excellent and respectable warrior for the empire. In the battle of Zhytomir, where there was a great disparity between the enemy and ourselves, he and more than 100 other Romans bravely stood under the eagle flag to fight against more than 5000 enemies. He never retreated half a step, and heroically killed three enemies. In the battle of Zhytomyr Ferry, facing the Russians' desperate charge, he killed two Russians at the cost of injuries, and defeated them together with other fighters. The attack of the Russians laid the foundation for the subsequent victory! As the commander of the two wars, I, the son of Theofano family, Nikephoros, the royal family of the empire, want to be able to fight with Jan of the village of Swati It is an honor to fight alongside Kerian in Nice!"

The surrounding area of ​​the wounded was so quiet that there was no sound of breathing!

Kerian covered his mouth with tears streaming from his eyes.

I saw that the eyes of all the wounded became hot.


Thank you for the rewards of a few children's shoes, uh, these chapters are very touching?These are archives

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