forbidden place

Chapter 11 9 Ring Mountain

On the surface, Lei Lie kept calm and laughed loudly: "How can my adopted son be a treasure in the pool? Not only can he advance to the innate level now, but he will also become a Qi trainer in the future. At that time, let's talk about his promising future. Innateness is nothing but predictability!"

After finishing speaking, he strode forward towards the top of the mountain in high spirits, feeling annoyed that this Dong Lu was brazenly digging a corner, and Lei Lie, who had been respectfully calling him his adoptive father, seemed to be very useful. He was really an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. .

Lei Hong didn't know what Lei Lie was thinking, so he walked towards the top of the mountain with Lei Lie. Han Hui was at the end of the line, and no one was willing to talk to him. Even the most blind people can see that he is finished.

The highest peak of Ehu Mountain is called Ehu Peak, which looks like a standing tiger. When they arrived at the top of Ehu Peak, the peak was already decorated with lanterns and festoons, and everyone was beaming with joy.

Lei Lie waved his hand and said to the people behind him: "You all stay here, you can go around as you like, but don't offend the seniors in the gang, Hong Er, follow me to meet the gang leader!" Sweeping over Han Hui, his eyes were full of pity.

However, this kind of pity disappeared in a flash, and when he saw Lei Hong, he turned into a tiger's eyes again. Lei Hong was full of joy, and after arriving at Ehushan, he was able to go to see the leader alone for the first time Yes, only the hall master can do that.

Following Lei Lie, they entered the towering Evil Tiger Palace. The gate of the Evil Tiger Palace was three feet three feet high. In the middle above the gate, there was a huge gold sculpture of a tiger's head. This account was as big as a person. Gold casting, showing the financial power and domineering of the evil tiger gang.

At the door are all big men in linen clothes, all of them are full of energy, their eyes are bright, their hands are pressed on the handle of the knife, and their bodies are tense, as if they are beasts ready to attack at any time.

Just looking at these guards, Lei Lie couldn't stop nodding in his heart, the guild leader is the guild leader, although he is not an advanced Qi practitioner, but he has been in Xiantian for more than [-] years, his cultivation is unfathomable, and the means of training his subordinates are even farther Surpassing the four hall masters, these guards who stood upright, they couldn't pick a place in Gaefeng Hall. <Feng Yi's posture of horseshoe disease, he doesn't pay attention to these acquired guards.

He has already entered Xiantian, and after a few days he will be able to advance to the rank of Qi practitioner, not to mention these Houtian guards, even the Xiantian hall master, including his adoptive father Lei Lie who has been pressing on his head, are a little underestimated inside.

After entering the main hall, under the guidance of two guards, they came to a side hall. In the side hall, a big man wearing a golden tiger skin robe sat upright.

There was light in the eyes of this big man, with a straight nose and a tall figure. He sat on the chair with his back straight, as if a sharp sword was stuck there.

However, such a dazzling man is not the most attractive in the side hall. Below the man sits a glamorous and peerless beauty.

This beautiful woman's skin is like snow, her mouth is cherry and her nose is fine. Her eyes are sparkling, like a fairy coming out of a painting. Sitting there, she immediately attracted Lei Hong's attention.

Lei Lie took a few steps, and knelt on the ground on one knee: "Lei Lie, the master of Liefeng Hall, has met the leader and the eldest lady!" Helping Qin Tianhu to stand up from the chair, he stepped in front of Lei Lie with one step, and put Lei Lie helped him up: "Our brother, you have to be so polite, come together today, I will wait for you here!"

Saying that, he gave Lei Lie a seat opposite the eldest lady, and the eldest lady also stood up at this time, and nodded slightly to Lei Lie.

When the three of them were seated again, Qin Tianhu saw Lei Hong, who was the only one standing, secretly looking at his daughter, and snorted coldly, "Lei Lie, who is this?"

Lei Lie hadn't answered yet, Lei Hong was startled, and hurriedly bowed to salute: "I want to report to the leader, this subordinate is Lei Hong, the adoptive son of Hall Master Lei!"

Holding the teacup in her hand, the eldest lady also felt Lei Hong's peeping, her eyes showed disdain, as if she didn't pay attention to this self-righteous young talent at all.

"Okay! Haha, it's not bad to be able to become an innate master at such a young age! Lei Lie, you taught well!" Qin Tianhu laughed and praised, obviously very happy.

A natural master has been added, and he is naturally very happy as the gang leader, which means that the young Evil Tiger Gang has great potential.

Of the three major factions in Yudian State, the Evil Tiger Gang is the youngest, and the Fox Immortal Valley is the oldest and most powerful. The Evil Tiger Gang was created by Qin Tianhu and has become the third largest force on par with the other two old forces.

Lei Hong was also given a seat. He had just sat down and hadn't finished drinking a cup of tea when a guard walked into the hall quickly, knelt down on one knee and raised his hands above his head to report: "Xue Ying, the lord of Jiuhuan Mountain, brought People come to pay respects to the leader!"

Lei Lie's face was startled, Jiuhuan Mountain is the power of the three major factions, even older than the Evil Tiger Gang, Xue Ying is also a veteran innate master, and the four major eagle kings under him are all innate masters.

What is he doing here at this time?Now that the situation among the three major forces is very delicate, isn't he afraid of being left in the Evil Tiger Mountain?

Qin Tianhu stood up and said, "Follow me to greet you!"

Just walking from the side hall to the main hall, I saw a group of people walking into the main hall.

"Brother Xue came here, brother didn't know something, and he was late to greet you, but I hope you will forgive me!" Qin Tianhu said loudly.

"Haha, brother Qin, are you safe? What are we talking about whether to welcome or not?" A sharp voice came, the voice was like a needle that could pierce a person's eardrum.

Xue Ying was thin and thin, but his eyes were extremely sharp, which made people feel palpitations at the first sight.

Behind Qin Ying, there were four eagle kings wearing eagle crowns, and all the four eagle kings of Jiuhuan Mountain came. Beside Qin Ying was Dong Lu who went down the mountain to meet the four hall masters. The Lord of Nine Ring Mountain was greeted back.

Han Hui also followed the crowd and stood outside the hall to watch. Jiuhuan Mountain is also a superpower, and Evil Tiger Hall has no relationship with them. This time Xue Ying suddenly appeared with the Four Eagle Kings, making everyone curious.

This was the night when a person next to him gently pulled him. Han Hui turned his head and saw that he was a disciple of the Evil Tiger Gang. He hadn't talked with him usually, but he had an impression.

The disciple looked at the crowd around him and found that no one was paying attention to them. He said in a low voice, "You are not a disciple of the Evil Tiger Gang, and you have nothing to do with the Evil Tiger Gang. Now you have offended Lei Hong even more. , or leave quickly, no one will pay attention to you at this time, when this is over, it will be too late to leave."

Han Hui was taken aback, unexpectedly someone really cared about him, and said with a slight smile: "Don't worry, is it the innate realm soon? It's nothing, I haven't asked this brother's name yet?"

Hearing what Han Hui said, the man clearly showed doubts on his face, what is the concept of innate realm?How could acquired warriors resist innate warriors?

Scratching his head, he said: "You decide for yourself, and I can't control it. My name is Qin Wu. You must not tell others that I let you escape, otherwise, let alone Lei Hong will not let me go, even if it is a gang leader I will be executed too!"

Han Hui also understood that instigating the gang members to leave the gang is the crime of condemning the gang, and it must be executed. He reached out and patted Qin Wu on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I won't say anything. I will tell you about your favor." Remember."

"Hey, I don't care about you, you can figure it out!" As he said that, Qin Wu's body squeezed into the crowd, leaving Han Hui far away.

Xue Ying looked at the eldest lady standing beside Qin Tianhu and said: "I heard that the eldest lady of the Evil Tiger Gang is the most beautiful flower in our Yudian State, and she really deserves her reputation when I saw it today. This time I, Xue Ying, came to hear Said that the eldest lady is out of customs, and wants to propose marriage to Chief Qin!"

Speaking of dressing up, he turned around and pointed to a young man beside him. This man was about twenty-nine years old, wearing a linen robe, tall and tall, with a long sword on his back, which made him exude a Murderous.

"This is my son Xue Wuji, Wuji, come to see your Uncle Qin!" Xue Ying said to his son.

Before Xue Ying was seated, he even proposed marriage in public, which shocked everyone at once. They didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd.

Especially Lei Hong, who was standing beside Lei Lie, almost jumped up, the eldest lady is his own, what kind of person is this Xue Wuji, he dared to attract the attention of the eldest lady.

"Xue Wuji met Uncle Qin!"

Qin Tianhu laughed and said: "Sure enough, a hero is born with a youth, but young people's marriages are better than my Qing'er. My Qing'er spoiled me, and I can't be his master. Young people's affairs, let them be young People decide for themselves, we old guys, don't participate blindly."

The Qing'er that Qin Tianhu was talking about was naturally the young lady Qin Qing. Qin Qing was his precious daughter, the pride of the Evil Tiger Gang, how could she be betrothed to Jiuhuan Mountain.

Xue Ying shook his head, and said in a sharp voice: "The Lord Qin didn't know something, and Hu Xiangu also sent me a message that he intends to marry me in Jiuhuan Mountain. However, I still belong to the eldest lady, so I brought people here Tiger Mountain."

The surrounding noise stopped instantly, and a needle could be heard.

If Jiuhuan Mountain forms an alliance with Fox Immortal Valley, the Evil Tiger Gang will be expelled!

This is not a joke, it is related to the life and death of all the gang members, the surrounding disciples are short of breath, even people like Dong Lu and Lei Lie who are standing next to them feel very difficult.

"I have heard for a long time that the little princess in Fox Fairy Valley is as beautiful as a fairy, charming and cute. Brother Wuji should choose her. I am obsessed with martial arts, and I spend all day in seclusion. It must be very boring to get along with." In Qin Tianhu When he didn't know how to answer, Qin Qing not only didn't feel shy because of mentioning his marriage, but talked freely.

"Miss is just kidding, she is the most beautiful in Yudian State, besides, Wuji is also the latest martial arts, so she and Miss are like-minded!" Xue Wuji interjected with a smile.

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