Qin Qing's eyes were shining brightly, looking at Xue Wuji with a smile on his mouth, and before he could speak, a voice suddenly came to mind: "Mr. Xue is also obsessed with martial arts? It just so happens that I have just achieved innate talent. Think about Mr. Xue and ask for advice!"

It was Lei Hong who was speaking. This kid regarded Qin Qing as his wife, so he didn't allow others to mess with him. He had just advanced innate and had the support of an advanced Qi practitioner, so he must be arrogant.

"Bold, what is this place? Are you allowed to interrupt? What did Mr. Xue mention when he arrived? What a bastard! Get back!" Qin Tianhu reprimanded loudly.

"If this brother really wants to exchange martial arts, I don't mind!" Xue Wuji said while staring at Lei Hong.

Qin Tianhu cursed secretly in his heart, this Lei Hong is really something that can't support the wall, you have just advanced into innate, can you compare with others, and said with a dry smile: "It's not this time to compare, wait for the other three masters to arrive Qi, choose more masters, this guild leader has other ways to compete."

Xue Ying laughed: "The Evil Tiger Gang was established by the leader Qin. It has grown from a small gang to what it is today. There must be a lot of masters in the gang. We will have good luck tomorrow!"

After making arrangements for Xue Ying and the others, all the hall masters of the other three halls also came to the mountain. In the early morning of the next day, rows of seats were set up on the martial arts arena. Xue Ying from Jiuhuan Mountain and several Eagle Kings accompanied him. Qin Tianhu and the four hall masters sat in the main stand.

Qin Qing stood behind Qin Tianhu, Xue Wuji stood behind Xue Ying, and Lei Hong stood behind Lei Lie. These people are all born masters.

Qin Tianhu got up first and said: "My evil tiger mountain suddenly changed two months ago, the martial arts field suddenly cracked, and a big hole was broken. After several waves of people went down to test it, none of them came back. Now the hall masters of the fourth hall have also come. , so many young talents have come to Jiuhuan Mountain, if you are really courageous and knowledgeable, how about going down to have a look?" As he spoke, Qin Tianhu pointed to the middle of the martial arts field, where there was a stage, and he thought it was a martial arts competition Hearing him now, everyone in Jiuhuan Mountain knows that this platform is mainly to cover the big hole in the middle of the martial arts arena.

"I already discussed with Mr. Xue yesterday that our Evil Tiger Gang will form an alliance with Jiuhuan Mountain. This alliance is not a loose alliance, but a unified management. Needless to say, our older generation is all elders, young people Whoever can find out the reason for this crack will be the leader!"

These words moved Han Hui's heart. Jiuhuan Mountain must form an alliance when he came to Ehu Mountain. Marriage is just icing on the cake, but how could Xue Ying believe in such a method of electing the leader?Does he trust Qin Tianhu so much?Who knows what traps will be laid underneath?

He didn't know that the reason why Xue Ying agreed to this method was because he was absolutely sure that his son Xue Wuji could beat the crowd.

This kid's swordsmanship is definitely not inferior to Xue Ying, and no one in the younger generation can match him.

With a sway of Xue Wuji's body, he arrived in the venue, bowed to Qin Tianhu and said: "This junior is willing to go down and have a look!"

Lei Lie's body swayed, and he also arrived in the field. Although everyone who heard Qin Tianhu said that he went down to investigate died, they were all acquired warriors. At the level of innate warriors, swords are hard to hurt, so there should be no problem going down.

One of the disciples of Jiuhuan Mountain stood up and touched the ground with his toes. The whole body was like a cannonball. He shot it out, tapped twice on the ground, and came to the middle of the field. He bowed and said, "Zhouquan of Jiuhuan Mountain is willing scout!"

With this light hand, there was a gasp in the gang of evil tigers.

"Good lightness kungfu! There are indeed so many masters in Jiuhuan Mountain, this week Zhouquan alone is enough to face innate warriors!" Qin Tianhu clapped his hands and praised.

Lei Lie was surprised when he saw Zhou Quan's lightness skill. If he didn't have advanced innate masters, he would definitely not be able to handle it. Now, he is not afraid.

However, two people have already left Jiuhuan Mountain, and Lei Lie is the only one in the Evil Tiger Gang, who was intimidated by Zhou Quan's lightness skills, and no one dared to go up to make a fool of himself for a while.

"Hehe, Han Hui, go up and try it out, I will take over from Liefengtang for the first round!" Lei Lie stood up and said.

Hearing what he said, Qin Tianhu smiled loudly, this Lei Lie is not bad, Zhou Quan's lightness kung fu is too high, as soon as he appeared on the stage, he shocked everyone, no matter who appeared on the stage, he must be no match, the Evil Tiger Gang made people compare on the spot Going down is really a bit embarrassing.

Now that Lei Lie said this, it turned into a Gaefeng Hall comparing with Jiuhuan Mountain, so even if Han Hui didn't look so exciting when he showed up, it didn't matter, after all, it was a Gaefeng comparing with Jiuhuan Mountain.

Han Hui stood up, strolled into the venue, and saw Liu Fei walking past in a big way, and laughed a lot.

Qin Tianhu also smiled, this Han Hui was smart, he knew that he couldn't compare to Zhou Quan in lightness kung fu, so he just walked up directly, without showing any lightness kung fu.

Lei Hong looked at Han Hui and nodded at him. Originally, he was going to kill Han Hui, but now that Han Hui came up, he was with him no matter what. Underneath, he dealt with Xue Wuji. He's in control.

Han Hui came up with a smile on his face, but in fact he shook his head repeatedly in his heart, this is just acting, their alliance is just to deal with Fox Immortal Valley, or to protect themselves against those outside Qi practitioners.

It is much better to choose a young man at random to be the leader, and the old guys like them are the real leaders. It is much better than choosing a leader from Xue Ying and Qin Tianhu.

Choose from young people, no matter who is the leader, they will not lose face, an old fox is an old fox, Han Hui sighed in his heart.

On the platform in the middle of the venue, you can see a deep hole when you lift the cover. Several people looked at each other. As the landlords, the Evil Tiger Gang naturally had to go down first.

Lei Hong is not a fool. After so many people died, he was not afraid, and he would not go down blindly. He pointed at Han Hui and said, "Go down first!"

Han Hui raised his eyebrows: "Why did I go down first? Aren't you the first to jump out just now? What? You do the things that show off the limelight, and I will do the things that are risky?"

Their voices were not loud, and the ordinary disciples couldn't hear them clearly, but the Taishang innate masters could all hear them clearly, and each of them had strange expressions.

The people in Jiuhuan Mountain were holding back their embarrassed smiles, while the people in Evil Tiger Mountain had the urge to jump up and beat them to death.

This is just the beginning of fighting?Both of them are still from Liefeng Hall. No matter how Lei Lie disciplined his disciples, the hall masters and Qin Tianhu all looked at Lei Lie.

Lei Lie's face was flushed, he coughed dryly twice, pretended he didn't hear anything, and sat silently, watching his nose, nose, nose, and heart.

Lei Hong snorted coldly and said, "Aren't there any rules? I have a higher status in the gang than you. If you are told to go down, you should go down!"

Han Hui turned his head away in disdain, ignoring the trouble at all, Lei Hong's eyebrows twitched, if it wasn't all attention, he could kill Han Hui with a single knife.

"Bastard, when the competition is over, I will definitely deal with you with gang rules!" Lei Hong blushed and roared in a low voice.

Han Hui sarcastically said coldly: "Didn't you hear what the gang leader said? After a few waves of people went down, they all died. You can come out after going down? I think Xuan!"

The long knife in Lei Hong's hand suddenly turned over, and he gritted his teeth for a long time before he recognized the master.

After he jumped, Zhou Quan also jumped down without saying a word, then Han Hui's body moved, and jumped down too, and finally Xue Wuji jumped down too.

The entrance of this cave is more than ten zhang deep. If you have ordinary lightness skills, you can fall to your death if you jump down. Unless the Houtian warriors have reached the level of Zhouquan, it is easy to break their legs.

During the fall, Lei Hong thought: "He nainai, why is this hole so deep? Han Hui must be dead if he jumps down!"

How could he know that his eyes hadn't fully adapted to the darkness in the cave when Han Hui arrived, a cobweb-like passage extending in all directions ten feet underground.

"The Lord Qin's intention is to let us explore the secrets of Yizi and the underground cracks. Fighting is the second priority. How about we split up?" Xue Wuji said to the three of them indifferently.

Needless to say Zhou Quan, the two are both from Jiuhuan Mountain, so Xue Wuji's order was the only one to obey, Han Hui was more straightforward, faster than Zhou Quan agreed.

Lei Hong snorted coldly and said: "It should be like this, let's choose our own direction!"

Xue Wuji took the lead and rushed towards a passage on the left, Zhouquan's body shook like a swallow, and rushed towards another passage.

Lei Hong looked at Han Hui and said coldly: "Why don't I let you go!" He stretched out his hand and slapped Han Hui, the speed of this palm was extremely fast, but at this time Han Hui had already untied his dantian. The seal of Qihai has returned to the peak state of germination, so there is no way Lei Hong, an innate warrior, can hurt it.

But now is not the time to reveal his strength, Han Hui lightly blocked his hand, and his body was thrown out all of a sudden, as if he was thrown out by Lei Hong all of a sudden.

When Lei Hong saw Liu Fei flying more than ten feet away, he was stunned. Isn't it so fierce?Although he has become an innate master, he still can't chop people more than ten feet away with one palm?Not to mention that he didn't try his best, Han Hui can be considered a master.

He wanted to go over to check it out, but when he looked towards the place where Han Hui landed, there was no trace, no one.

"This place is weird!" Lei Hong thought in his heart.

He didn't dare to walk towards the path where Han Hui disappeared, he hesitated to choose a path, and rushed out like a cheetah.

Innate masters have already stood at the top of the Raindrop State. Although there are occasional legends of Qi practitioners, none of the three major forces can reach it.

Han Hui didn't kill Lei Hong underground, it wasn't because he was merciful, the former king of the underground, it was no problem to destroy the faction in a fit of anger.

Now is not the time to act.

He walked along the gaps in the tunnels, these cracks in the earth had obviously just opened recently, and he could see new soil and broken rocks.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed.

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