forbidden place

Chapter 137 Becoming a Disciple of Zhang Jianzong

Han Hui curled his lips in his heart, speaking as if he was arrogant, breaking the barriers of heaven and earth, not letting the rules be bound, and not even letting the Dao override people.

However, your personal strength is based on devouring others. What the Demon Sect did in the ancient tomb and Mocheng made Han Hui shudder a little.

Especially after personally experiencing the incident of the City Lord's Mansion, the entire City Lord's Mansion was sacrificed by blood, and the masters who jumped into the realm instantly turned into puppets and completely surrendered. puppet people.

Han Hui didn't know if they still had self-awareness, and he didn't know how Momen did it, but when he thought that this kind of method might be forced on him, he felt the fear from his soul.

After all, he was also in the city lord's mansion back then. If it wasn't because he happened to have Mangdang Mountain, and he happened to accidentally refine Mangdang Mountain into the city's natal treasure. A black and red airflow.

Suddenly, Han Hui's face trembled, and he felt that he, who had always been the focus, disappeared instantly from the scanning of many spiritual senses on his body.

For him, everyone's spiritual consciousness is like the light of a flashlight, shining on his body. Although he doesn't feel any physical sensation, he clearly knows that he is being illuminated.

However, at this moment, all the 'lights' disappeared, and all the prying spirits disappeared, and Han Hui stood up abruptly.

Released his consciousness, locked on a master of trance at will, and soon understood the reason why these people no longer paid attention to him.

It was a tall man with short silver hair that stood up like steel needles, and a pair of eyes that showed determination.

"The cubs of the Demon Sect have finally shown their feet, this time we will definitely kill them all!" the old man said in a loud voice.

Han Hui's consciousness shrouded him, like the light of a searchlight shone on him, but he didn't notice it at all.

Beside the old man, a thin old man like an old scholar also had an angry expression on his face. He gritted his teeth when he mentioned the magic gate: "This gang of remnants must be killed, report it immediately, and let the master of the gate come personally. No matter what, we can't tolerate them continuing to fight." survive!"

Han Hui turned his consciousness and looked around the ruins of the City Lord's Mansion. Although no ecstasy masters paid attention to him, teahouses were opened around the City Lord's Mansion, and many Qi practitioners looked out of the windows.

These people are all monitoring the movement of the City Lord's Mansion. There are no surprises in the world. Han Hui has such a magical evasion technique, which can hide it from everyone's spiritual sense, but it may not be able to hide it from human eyes.

That's why there are so many people who are constantly monitoring, but the people who monitor must not be masters of Yuyuejing and trance.

Han Hui seized this opportunity, his body shook, and he came out of Mount Mangdang. Suddenly, a figure flashed over the deserted city lord's mansion. After Han Hui's body appeared, he spanned thousands of feet like lightning, staring lazily at the mansion of the city lord. Everyone just felt a blur in front of their eyes, as if someone had flashed past.

People of the same level may not be able to detect Han Hui's Desert Lost Step out of thin air, let alone these young Qi practitioners in the Pentium realm.

However, when his body spanned thousands of feet, flames shot up into the sky, and there was another restriction. Han Hui accidentally touched the restriction and alarmed everyone.

At the moment when the flames flashed into the sky, before many Yuyue and ecstasy masters could react, Han Hui disappeared.

This time he didn't hide in Mangdang Mountain again. If he hid in Mangdang Mountain again this time, then his hiding method will be completely exposed. Others know that although he has a magical hiding technique, he cannot move his body while hiding.

As long as you set up a large formation, wait for him to appear, and then kill him in one fell swoop, he will have no way out. Even if there is a golden core power, maybe you can take the initiative to kill him without waiting for him to show up.

When the fireworks in the sky had just flashed, he rushed into a back alley in an instant and hid in the gathering place of mortals. With a twist of his figure, he changed completely, from round and chubby to a jade tree facing the wind.

Changing from Chen Hongdan to Han Hui, Han Hui wasn't considered a noble tree facing the wind at first, but this time Han Hui has positioned his realm at the peak of the Pentium Realm, so he naturally has a sense of power.

Immediately after transforming into Han Hui, Taos of divine sense swept over him, and Han Hui walked to a breakfast stall as if nothing had happened, ordered a bowl of tofu nao, and sat on the oil-stained bench.

"Disappeared again! What kind of escapism does this devil boy have? Even the Guihai realm can't detect it at all. Does it still require the Jindan real person to make a move?" An old man roared after searching to no avail.

"Although he has amazing evasion skills, he can't move a single bit under the hidden body. I will seal off the area where he disappeared. I will set up a large formation to completely refine him inside!" Another hidden place, an old man growled said.

After drinking the tofu nao leisurely, Han Hui quickly found a hotel, and then walked leisurely towards Baoshi.

He is no longer afraid of being discovered. After all, there are so many masters in the city. If he hides his whereabouts and is finally discovered, it will be troublesome. If he is not careful, he will become a sect disciple who betrayed the Dao and became a demon.

Sure enough, not too far after he had walked, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. This person was dressed in white with a long sword on his back.

He was about forty years old, and he was already in the middle stage of Hezhu Foundation. After he appeared, the figures of two Jianzong disciples who were in the early stage of Hezhu also appeared, standing quietly behind that person.

"Are you a disciple of the Sword Sect? Why are you wandering here?" The Sword Sect disciple in the middle of the joint construction period asked coldly.

Since the City Lord's Mansion incident, Pentium Realm disciples basically have no use, and they are just running errands in Mocheng. They are strictly controlled, and it is impossible to run around on the street.

Even people in Hezhu Realm can't lead to run around. What can really come in handy are diving and ecstasy. They have spiritual consciousness, and it is much more convenient and smooth to do things than Hezhu Dingmai.

With a surprised expression on Han Hui's face, he cupped his hands and said, "I've met the three senior brothers. I'm Han Hui, a disciple of the Sword Sect. I was captured by the Kuang Shamen, escaped in the ghost sand, and was exiled in Mocheng."

As he said that, a trace of tears appeared in Han Hui's eyes, as if a homeless man who was wandering all over the world suddenly saw his relatives.

The three Sword Sect disciples changed color at the same time, the leader of the person suddenly stepped back, and the long sword on his back swung into his hand, neighing endlessly.

The other three were also shocked. The long sword behind them whined and flew into their palms. Three pairs of eyes looked at Han Hui vigilantly.

"You are Hanhui? You killed my elder of Jianzong and betrayed Jianzong?" The leader of the middle stage of construction pointed at Hanhui's chest with a long sword in his hand, and asked in a cold voice.

Han Hui froze on the spot: "I killed the elder of Jianzong? Then this matter has been settled, the pottery elder Tao did not punish me!"

The reason why he dared to restore his appearance and return to the original appearance of the disciple of Jianzong was because the pottery merchant had pardoned his sins, and he had a life-and-death duel with the disciple of the elder of Jianzong. There are still people who want to harm him, and they can't do anything blatantly.

As long as it's not Jianzong punishing the crime, but some disciples of Jianzong are causing trouble, what fear does Han Hui have?Yuyuejing was like an ant to him, and he could kill it with a wave of his hand.

"Hmph, the elder pottery merchant hasn't returned yet, why don't you just say whatever you want?" a disciple of Jianzong who was in the early stage of Hezhu said coldly.

Han Hui frowned: "At the beginning, the elder pottery merchant asked the teacher for the crime. If I was really guilty, how could I survive? Can I still fight against the elder pottery merchant?"

"Although Elder Pottery Merchant has infinite supernatural powers, he is not invincible. Now that the Demon Sect is alive, who knows if you are the remnant of the Demon Sect?"

"That's right. When you came down the mountain, you were just a young Qi practitioner in the early stage of Qi Condensation, but now you are at the peak of the Pentium Realm. How can you improve so fast except in the world of Demon Sect?"

Hearing the words of a few people, Han Hui's face became colder and colder. It was a mistake for him to pretend to be a disciple of the Sword Sect. Elder Tao Shang didn't report the matter, so he disappeared or died. He was still regarded as a bully by the disciples of the Sword Sect The presence.

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