forbidden place

Chapter 138 Gnomes

Although all three of them held out their long swords and pointed at Han Hui, none of them dared to attack Han Hui first. They had all heard the legend of Han Hui. In the desert, even the elders dared to kill them. Yes, even though they didn't believe in their hearts that Han Hui killed a ecstasy elder with their own abilities, they still didn't dare to do it.

At this time, Han Hui closed his meridians, showing that he is a Qi trainer at the peak of the Pentium Realm, and his spiritual consciousness has disappeared. Although there is no detection of spiritual consciousness, he also knows that there must be many people at this time. Experts noticed this.

If he really violently killed people, then he would really be named as a disciple of the Demon Sect. The world is so big that there is no place for him.

Other demon disciples can survive, but he can't, because he is not a disciple of the demon sect, and without the support of the demon sect forces behind him, being an enemy of the world can only be a word of death.

"Slander me as a remnant of the Demon Sect? If I am a remnant of the Demon Sect, why did I appear in Mocheng? I have already killed the elders of the Sword Sect, and I dare to show up in an open and aboveboard manner. Aren't I afraid of death?" Han Hui's eyes were intense. Mang flashed, looked at the three of them and said coldly.

Before the three of them answered, an old voice sounded: "There is really no fear of death in the Demon Sect. Not only is it not afraid of its own death, but it is also not afraid of the death of others!"

Before the words fell, an old man with a long sword appeared in front of everyone. This old man seemed to be over 80 years old. Han Hui knew that all old men with this kind of face basically reached the later stage of life. At about the same age, body functions begin to decline, Qi and blood are deficient, it is almost impossible to make further progress, and one can only sit and wait for life energy to be exhausted.

"I have met Elder Jun!" The three Jianzong disciples bowed at the same time.

Han Hui also turned around, bowed slowly and saluted: "Disciple Han Hui, I have met Elder Jun!"

"You also admit that you are a disciple of Jianzong? Since the establishment of Jianzong, there has been no disciple like you, who dares to kill the elders of the sect! Such a rebellious thing is worse than the demon sect!" Although the elder Jun is old, The anger is not small.

"Haha, so, does Elder Jun want to punish his disciple?" Han Hui straightened up and said proudly.

Elder Jun frowned, and his lips showed sarcasm. No disciple of the Pentium Realm dared to talk to him like this. Although this kid killed an elder, it must be because of the help of the masters of the Demon Sect. Now Mocheng is full of righteous masters. The devil's holy son will be killed on the spot if he shows up. Who would dare to come out to defend a young disciple at the Pentium level?

Han Hui flipped his palm, and three scorpion puppets appeared in front of him wearing the armor of the purple-gold python. Although he is in the Pentium state now, because he has the body protection of Mangdang Mountain, the treasure of his life, and a purple-gold python that can automatically emerge The armor made of scales is not afraid of sudden attacks by masters of ecstasy, which is why they dare to be so proud.

That Elder Jun is also arrogant, he didn't even make the first move, think about it, there is no master of ecstasy in the world, who will fight for the upper hand with a qi trainer who is in the Pentium realm first.

When the three scorpion puppets appeared, Elder Jun immediately remembered something, his expression changed, he stared at Han Hui and said, "Are you really a member of the Demon Sect? Today, all righteous ways are gathered here, and you are destined to die here!"

Han Hui sighed faintly and said: "Even if I don't reveal this scorpion puppet, I will still be called the remnant of the Demon Sect by you!"

"At the beginning, no one said that I was a disciple of the Demon Sect, but now when you hear that the Demon Sect is revived, you pour dirty water on me. If you were the Demon Sect, you would cultivate a young boy in the condensing period who has no future in the Sword Sect like this. Disciple, or to develop an elder?"

Han Hui's words were aggressive, and Elder Jun was furious immediately. He pointed at Han Hui and cursed, "Little bastard, what do you mean?"

Han Hui's complexion changed, and murderous thoughts suddenly arose in his heart. Without the potter, no one could prove his innocence.

From Elder Jun's tone just now, it can be heard that he is already a traitor of Jianzong, and he will strike and kill himself at any time.

Under such circumstances, Han Hui naturally wouldn't hold back his hands, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, mockery in his eyes, and a finger slowly standing on his chest.

Elder Jun was shocked, his hair was calm and free, his eyes shone with light, and a lavender light appeared around his body. These lights were faintly visible, and there were small talismans in each light. Text is jumping.

This is the concentration of the sword energy of his natal sword. As long as Han Hui makes a move, this sword will activate, or resist the attack, or directly kill Han Hui.

"Hold on!" A clear voice sounded.

Following the sound, a young man in white, with a long sword on his back, walked from the void and came to the spot with a smile.

"Elder Law Enforcement!" Elder Jun's face relaxed, and he bowed and said to the young man who was walking.

At this moment, all the purple rays of light around his body have disappeared. With the law enforcement elders here, he doesn't believe that Han Hui can still touch him. If Han Hui can kill him in this situation, even if he is on guard again, he will only have a dead end .

This time, Han Hui did not bow to the young man as he did when he saw Elder Jun. Now that Jianzong has defined him as a disciple of the Demon Sect, there is no need for him to maintain his status as a junior of Jianzong.

"The wave behind the Yangtze River pushes the wave ahead, a new generation replaces the old! When the world is in chaos, there will always be a strong man born in response to the light. Han Hui, you are a rising star of my sword sect. Maybe you will take on the important task of eradicating the demon sect in the future. You must work hard!" The law enforcement elder said with a gentle smile.

Han Hui was stunned on the spot, what does this law enforcement elder mean?

"What? You don't even salute me when you see this elder? Do you think your seniority is higher than me, or do you think you are older than me? Or is your cultivation level higher than mine?" said the law enforcement elder with a smile.

"I've met the law enforcement elder!" Han Hui bowed and saluted.

"Why don't you take these puppets quickly, what are you doing here?" the law enforcement elder waved his hand.

Han Hui hesitated for a moment, the law enforcement elder would not have lied to himself, tricked himself into accepting the scorpion puppet, and then attacked himself.

However, this scorpion puppet is his offensive weapon, is it not his last hole card, his life-saving hole card is Mangdang Mountain.

With Mount Mangdang and the armor on his body, it was almost impossible to kill himself instantly. Han Hui stretched out his hand and was about to put away the three scorpion puppets.

A voice suddenly sounded: "Wait a minute, Senior Gongsun, why does this Sword Sect disciple have a scorpion puppet? Why is he able to manipulate the scorpion puppet? Many masters of ecstasy have suffered doom in the ancient tomb. The soldiers are safe and sound, and can we get so many scorpion puppets?"

Following this sound, an old man wearing a black robe with a black and white strange fish embroidered on his chest appeared in front of everyone.

Following the appearance of the old man, figures suddenly appeared in a radius of hundreds of feet, staring at the three puppets in the field.

One of the short old men, whose height can only reach Hanhui's waist, is obviously a dwarf. This dwarf, with a weird crutch in his hand, walked up to the elder of Jianzong Gongsun, who was enforcing the crutches, with short legs. Said: "My Xingxiu Palace also has a trance elder who fell in the ancient tomb. This kid is an insider of the ancient tomb. He got so many scorpion puppets. He should give us an explanation!"

Han Hui sighed in his heart, he didn't count this after all the calculations, all the people in the past were dead, and now everyone is worried about himself, thinking that he is a remnant of the evil sect.

"I got this thing by chance. I'm a restriction genius, so what's the difficulty in cracking these things?" Han Hui said contemptuously at the dwarf in the Constellation Palace.

"Haha, it's really ridiculous. It's just a little Pentium Realm Qi practitioner who dares to be so arrogant in front of this old man. He doesn't know what to do!" Yuzhi's huge power rushed up from his feet.

"With a loud bang, his body was thrown into the air, the dwarf stretched out his hand towards the void, and was about to grab Han Hui away.

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