forbidden place

Chapter 149 Die One After Another

Following the sound from the ancient times, a faint ancient lamp on the wooden platform suddenly lit up, and when the lights exploded, Qi Junzhijue's mind shook, as if there was an inexplicable connection between the soul and the dark world.

"Okay!" The old man stood up, stretched out his hand, and a ray of light flashed: "You go in, all of this is an arrangement of fate, if you successfully take out the things, not only will you be able to save your companion's life, I will also give you enough The compensation, at least a hundred times more than your current worth!"

Qi Jun showed shock on his face, a hundred times more compensation than his current worth?Isn't that richer than the average co-building peak?

Judging by the old man's attitude, it doesn't look like a lie. If he let himself and others go, he must find a way to resolve the grievances with Jianzong, and he should compensate himself.

Maybe this is a great opportunity, enough to make him the most dazzling figure in Jianzong's Pentium Realm, and after arriving at the mountain gate, he can hit the Hezhu Realm.

"Okay! I hope senior won't break his promise! I don't know what senior asked me to find?" Qi Jun asked.

"A box with a black dog's head engraved on top of the box. Don't open it. After you open it, let alone your level, even a master of ecstasy will surely die!" the old man warned cautiously.

"Senior, don't worry, Qi Jun is self-aware!" After finishing speaking, he cupped his hands, stepped into the light condensed by the old man's waving hands, pushed open a door of light, and disappeared instantly.

Everyone held their breath and waited for the result quietly. Suddenly, there was a long, almost crying sound from the high platform.

Han Hui looked up at the high platform, and saw the flickering lights suddenly go out.

The old man sighed and said: "Qi Jun has already fallen! Shimu Cave has become more and more mysterious, and I can't even figure it out. I'm afraid I won't be able to get that thing out!"

"Old man Shen, Kunlun has not appeared in the world for many years. Have you forgotten the power of Kunlun? Passive sabotage, be careful to instruct the master to ask the crime, your lineage of the mountain ax will be extinct!" The woman in green said with a dark face when she heard the old man's words.

"Miss Luying was joking, how dare I fight against Kunlun? My Shen family was protected by Kunlun back then, so I can't forget the old owner, but this wooden cave has been taken out of control and no one can enter!" the old man explained.

"Hmph, isn't it the same in the Shimu Cave back then. The person who went down escaped death. That person threw the box into the Shimu Cave that day because he was afraid that it would be born again! If it was so easy to get it, I'm afraid you would have taken it long ago. Come out!" The woman in green didn't care about the old man's explanation.

"These people are disciples of Sword Sect, and Natural Sect is a sect of cultivating Taoism, just like Kunlun, it is beyond the scope of the world!" The old man said, looking at Han Hui.

Han Hui knew that the old man began to shirk responsibility for himself, and let Han Hui see that he had tried his best, but the two Kunlun people insisted on doing so.

"What's wrong with Jianzong? What about the sect of cultivating Taoism? When Kunlun commanded the world, there was no natural door! Keep letting people go down!" The woman in green said coldly.

Han Hui couldn't help looking at the two women. When Kunlun commanded the world, there was no natural door in the world.

This Kunlun should be like a thunderbolt, why is there no memory of Kunlun in Duoshe's entire soul?

"If something happens, the old man can't bear it!" the old man said with a sigh.

"If you can't get something, you can't afford it either. It's not just our sisters who came here!" The woman in red said coldly.

"Finally, since Miss Hongying said the same thing, the old man won't say anything!" As he spoke, the old man looked at Han Hui with a wry smile.

Han Hui knew the elegant meaning after hearing the string song, looked at Zhang Shouli and the others and said: "Since senior is also forced to do so, Kunlun is powerful at the moment, and I, Jianzong, have to bow my head."

Zhang Shouli gasped heavily on the spot, what kind of nonsense is this, Jian Zong would rather bend than bend, when he becomes powerful, he has to bow his head?

When the woman in red heard what Han Hui said, she showed a contemptuous expression on her face. A man who surrenders when he encounters a force stronger than himself, and abandons the lives of his fellow apprentices, what can he achieve in the future?It's a pity that such a good qualification.

Zhang Shouli's face was livid, his murderous eyes moved from Han Hui's body, and looked at his several divisions.

"Since Junior Brother Han Hui said so, I have nothing to do, Senior Brother. Two Junior Brothers, which one of you will go down first?" Zhang Shouli asked.

The two looked at each other without speaking. After a while, one of them said bitterly: "Junior Brother, I will go down first. If I order nature to be easy to talk about, if not, I will fall into it, and then let Senior Brother Wang go down!"

He knew that even if he was determined to win or lose in the martial arts competition, he didn't have much chance of winning, so he might as well take the initiative and have to bow his head under the low eaves.

After he agreed, the ancient rap came from the wooden platform again, and the voice carried the desolation of the ancient, and entered the ears of everyone.

The ancient lamp lighted up faintly again, and a flower burst out, entwining the soul of the disciple of the Sword Sect who was about to go down.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the ancient lamp suddenly went out.

Everyone's faces began to darken.

The Hezhu Qi practitioner didn't last as long as a Pentium-level person, and fell into it without warning for a quarter of an hour.

Zhang Shouli said in a hoarse voice: "Seniors, although we belong to different sects, we always practice Qi in the same vein. Why do we have to force each other so hard when it comes to such things as life and death?"

"Who says there is death but no life? It's just two people who went down. I don't believe it if I continue down. This Shimu Cave is so dangerous!" said the woman in green.

Another disciple in the mid-stage of co-building turned cold, and looked at the woman in green and Han Hui and the others with resentment, and stepped into the gate of light and disappeared.

This time it took a full quarter of an hour before the ancient lamp on the wooden platform went out. With the extinguishment of the ancient lamp, Zhang Shouli's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

The rest of them are all at the peak of joint cultivation, you look at me and I look at you one by one, it should be their turn to go down now.

"Who will be next?" the woman in green said coldly.

"Don't even go down, if you die, Jianzong will avenge us!" A Jianzong disciple roared.

As soon as this person said that, several other people also shouted together, glaring at the woman in green.

Zhang Shouli showed embarrassment, he didn't want to resist at this time, anyway, it's not his turn to go down now, maybe a miracle will happen if these few go down.

"Chi!" A ray of light flashed, and a head flew into the sky.

"Those who disobey will be killed!" The woman in green had a cold face.

The restraints in these people's bodies have not yet been lifted, so naturally they cannot withstand the blow of the woman in green. Even if their restraints are all lifted, the realm of building a peak together is still far from that of the woman in green.

"There is still a way to survive, as long as you can get that thing, not only can you survive, but you can also get compensation!" said the old man according to hug.

"You have to take it with your life. You dare to treat the disciples of Jianzong like this. No one in the sky and the earth can protect you!" A disciple of Jianzong roared.

"Really? Jianzong is so powerful? I want to see if there is anyone in the sky who can protect me!" The woman in green said, stretching out her hand and gently swipe the void. The head of the Jianzong disciple who had just roared flew away Go, stir up a puddle of blood.

There were still two people standing in the arena, one was Zhang Shouli, and the other was a disciple of Hezhu Peak. Among the eight disciples of Jianzong, five of them died in a short while.

Han Hui sat next to the old man, his face was uncertain, these people were all dead, who wants to go down, could it be himself?

Zhang Shouli's face was so gloomy that he could drip water: "I don't know what kind of background you Kunlun are, but if you force and kill my Jianzong disciples like this, you will definitely be wiped out. Junior brother Hanhui is the elder of the law enforcement. The person we escorted disappeared halfway, and the law enforcement elders will definitely come!"

Now there are only two people left, if he doesn't speak, it will be his turn to go down to die soon, Zhang Shouli has no choice but to speak.

The woman in green looked at Han Hui: "The person that the law enforcement elder is optimistic about? This cowardly and cowardly person, only you Jianzong regards him as a treasure! I would like to see the strength of the law enforcement elder!"

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