forbidden place

Chapter 150

Everyone knew that she was joking, and the law enforcement elder was not here. Of course, she could say whatever she wanted, but something unexpected happened.

"Who wants to try Gongsun Tianya's methods?" A leisurely voice sounded.

"Elder law enforcement!" Zhang Shouli's face showed ecstasy.

The old man who was hugging his body couldn't help coughing, as if he couldn't bear it because of the pressure of this voice.

The expressions of the two mysterious women from Kunlun also changed. Unexpectedly, the law enforcement elders of Jianzong came after them.

"Since Brother Gongsun is here, please show up!" After coughing, the old man with his arms around him said loudly, looking at an unknown place far away.

The vitality between the heaven and the earth was suddenly turbulent, and a figure was formed out of thin air, but in an instant, Sun Tianya, the chief law enforcement officer, appeared in front of everyone. < The human form is much more powerful than a magic talisman, and the Gongsun Tianya composed of vitality is almost indistinguishable from a real person.

It's not that Qi practitioners can't see it at all, the reason why Han Hui can feel that Gongsun Tianya is not a real body is because the vitality in this body is too turbulent.

"I didn't expect the mountain-opening ax to reappear in the world, but I don't understand. With the name of the mountain-opening ax back then, no matter how it fell, it wouldn't be reduced to the level of a path-cutter?" Gongsun Tianya looked at the old man and said.

"My mountain ax is not like Jianzong. What you practice is swords, the means of killing people, but we are only practicing kung fu for chopping firewood and cutting mountains. It can't be compared!" The old man said with a sigh.

Gongsun Tianya ignored the old man's words, and looked at the two Kunlun women: "Kunlun is still in the world, I thought the vast Kunlun had already entered the heaven or hell!"

"Bold! Don't think that you are disrespectful to me, Kunlun, just because you are the law enforcement elder of Jianzong!" The woman in green changed color suddenly.

"Hehe, it's ridiculous. What era do you two little ones think this is? Or the era when Kunlun ruled the world? The era has long since changed. The world of Fang Jin is ruled by twelve sects!" Gongsun Tianya said coldly.

After finishing speaking, Gongsun Tianya looked at Han Hui and said, "Han Hui, follow me!"

"Want to leave? I'm afraid it won't be that easy!" The woman in green stretched out her hand, and a flower basket appeared in his hand, which was full of flowers.

Gongsun Tianya's eyes shone brightly: "Do you still want to fight with me?"

"It's just an incarnation of vitality. If I say kill it, I will kill it!" The woman in green said without fear.

"Haha, how courageous!" Gongsun Tianya laughed, then his expression turned cold instantly, he flipped his palm, and slapped the woman in green on the head.

The words in the green-clothed woman's hands flickered, and flowers bloomed in the void. Han Hui keenly felt that the vitality of the world was isolated.

No, it is not to isolate the vitality of the heaven and the earth, but all the vitality of the heaven and the earth has entered into the blooming flowers in the sky.

Han Hui's pupils shrank again. What kind of treasure is this? It definitely surpasses the four-star treasure. Could this be the power of the five-star treasure?

As the vitality of the surrounding world was absorbed by the flowers, the body of the law enforcement elder was obviously weak, as if it was not so real anymore.

His body is composed of the vitality of the heaven and the earth, without the supplement of the vitality of the heaven and the earth, it will naturally become water without a source, and a tree without roots.

The woman in green moved her body, slapped her palm forward, and a snake-like whip in her sleeve whined and rolled towards the throat of the law enforcement elder.

The elder law enforcement showed anger on his face, he shook his palm, and slapped the whip.

There was a loud bang, the body of the woman in green trembled, blood flowed from her mouth and nose, and the light of the whip in her hand was also dimmed, and she shrank into her sleeve with a wailing sound.

"Even if it's just an incarnation of vitality, it's not something Yuyuejing like you can bully at will!" Gongsun Tianya's voice was cold and full of murderous intent.

The woman in red moved her body, and a piece of jade token flew out of her hand. The jade token shone with light, and the runes flowed, smashing towards the top of Gongsun Tianya's head.

With one blow, Gongsun Tianya's body became more blurred, Gongsun Tianya suddenly stretched out his hand and flicked it, and the suppressed jade tablet from the sky bounced high with a "buzz".

Gongsun Tianya's body instantly burned, and as the body composed of vitality burned, the flowers blooming in the void seemed to be instantly burned by the high temperature and withered.

A long sword appeared in an instant, swiped towards the void, and the portal formed by the wave of the old man burst open.

The old man showed fear on his face, let out a tiger roar, and his body straightened up suddenly, without the slightest trace of hugging and old-fashioned appearance.

The hands twirled and turned around suddenly, trying to re-circle the collapsed portal, but the collapse of the portal was too fast, and it immediately enveloped everyone who was closer.

His body was within the envelope of the portal, and he slapped the scattered rays of light repeatedly with his palms, reuniting the rays of light and turning them into a portal composed of rays of light.

At this time, Han Hui and the two women in green and red clothes disappeared, as did his grandson Shen Hu and dozens of people standing beside Shen Hu.

Zhang Shouli and the Pentium Realm disciple who built the peak also disappeared on the spot, and Gongsun Tianya's body burned up instantly.

"Gongsun Tianya's real body has rushed over, what's going on?" the old man according to Lou roared.

"Father, the tiger is gone, what's going on? Could it be that they were all captured by the old thief Gongsun? You must rescue them!" A tall old man roared crazily with anxious eyes.

"You bastard, what are you in a hurry for? After cultivating for a long time, you can't even advance to the state of ecstasy. My mountain-opening ax was defeated by you! No matter how powerful Gongsun Tianya is, it is impossible for a clone of vitality to kill people in front of me!" Capture away!"

According to the old man, he reprimanded Shen Hu's father who lost his composure: "It's useless for you to practice for so many years, but you can't see that they all entered Shimu Cave."

"What!" The tall old man suddenly jumped up: "They all entered the Shimu Cave? You mean the tigers also entered the Shimu Cave? Then what should we do?"

"What else can I do? What can I do? How about you go down and save him!" said the old man angrily.

"If you save him, save him. It's better for me to go down than wait here. Anyway, my lifespan is only a few years away!" The tall old man calmed down instead.

"No!" Hearing what the boss said, the old man also calmed down, and said in a deep voice: "Boss, you couldn't break through to the trance state before because of the disaster that year, but this time you finally see hope. go down."

"Hehe, have you seen hope? People from Kunlun have also entered Shimu Cave. What hope is there? It doesn't matter. Although I can't do it, I am old and my son is very talented. Become a Jindan real person, revive my ancestral lineage, I can't let him die below!" The tall old man said stubbornly.

"Boss, why don't you understand that no matter what realm people enter this Shimu cave, they will end up in the same way, and it has nothing to do with the realm!" According to the old man, he became anxious when he saw that his son insisted on going down.

"You stay here, if you want to go down, I will go down!" As he said, the old man with his arms around his body was about to enter the light gate.

The man with tattoos on the wooden platform suddenly said: "Patriarch, you can't go down. If something happens to you if you want to go down, our Kaishan clan will be finished! There is also a master of the peak return to the sea outside who is watching, except You can resist!"

According to the shaking of the old man's body, Gongsun Tianya was still outside. If it weren't for Gongsun Tianya's real body not far away, it would be impossible to make such a big commotion. Cohesive projection.

As a result, he was careless for a while, and was taken advantage of by Gongsun Tianya, who used the secret method of Jianzong to destroy the portal, and sent all these people into Shimu Cave together.

"Hmph, Gongsun Tianya, all of this was done by Gongsun Tianya, if something happens to my grandson, I will definitely kill Gongsun Tianya!" According to the eyes of the old man, anger shot out, and he looked somewhere outside the sky.

"My lord father, I'm going to find Huzi!" The tall old man said, stepping into the gate of light and disappearing.

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