forbidden place

Black little beast

Han Hui felt his body tremble, his whole head fainted, and he entered a strange space, where the sky was high and the ground was wide, and the air was filled with primitive atmosphere.

With just one breath, one can feel that the vitality of heaven and earth has entered the body along the respiratory tract and penetrated into the meridians.

This place is much richer than the vitality of heaven and earth in Mount Mangdang, which is too incredible. Could it be that this is also the interior of a space treasure?

Suddenly, he saw two people turning out from behind the boulder beside them, both of them were carrying Jianzong's signature sword.

It was Zhang Shouli and the only surviving sword sect who jointly built the peak Qi trainer Qu Feng.

"Hehe, what a coincidence, I didn't expect the portal to collapse, and I can still see Junior Brother Hanhui in this mysterious space!" Qu Feng said with a sneer.

"Yeah, what a coincidence, do the two brothers know where this is?" Han Hui asked with a smile.

For these two people, he is not afraid at all. Apart from being afraid of revealing his identity, Han Hui doesn't pay attention to people below Guihai's realm at all.

In the past, he was a little scruples about trance masters, but now there are two thugs who are only at the peak of trance. As long as these two can help him contain his opponents a little bit, three or five trance fighters will kill him at will.

"The law enforcement elder is nothing more than a clone of vitality descending. In the end, I used my sword sect's magical powers to forcefully open the portal and send us all here. I suspect that this is Shimudong. If it is really Shimudong, the people here You can imagine how dangerous it is!" Zhang Shouli said.

Han Hui shuddered, this is Shimu Cave?

If it's really Shimu Cave, you have to be more careful. The old guy with the mountain ax outside is so afraid of this place, and the two defiant women in Kunlun are also very afraid. There must be unknown dangers hidden in this place.

However, the vitality of the world here is so abundant, it is obviously a sacred place for cultivation, how could it be a place of great evil?

Seeing the suspicion flashing in Han Hui's eyes, Zhang Shouli didn't say much, but just looked around and said: "Whether it's Shimudong, we'll find out later, if it's not Shimudong, it proves that the law enforcement elder We have been teleported out, and soon there will be disciples of Jianzong coming to pick us up, if it is Shimu Cave, we will be in danger soon!"

As he said that, he looked at Han Hui with his eyes: "Junior Brother Han Hui has infinite supernatural powers, and I don't know how many hidden methods he has. If you encounter danger later, don't hide your secrets anymore. The three of us brothers and sisters are thinking together, and we will work hard." Sending it to one place is the way to save life."

Han Hui nodded, although he didn't believe that these two people would think of the same thing with him, and work hard together, but in this unknown place, it's better to be careful.

"Senior brother Zhang is right, we are all disciples of the Sword Sect, so naturally we have to work together!" Han Hui said slowly.

Just after he finished speaking, his ears moved suddenly, his footsteps staggered suddenly, and a black light passed by him. If it was just him walking in the wild sand, it would inevitably penetrate his body all at once.

The black light hit the air all of a sudden, like lightning in the air, and rushed towards Qu Feng's body. Qu Feng shook his palm, and the sword behind his back came into his palm, and rushed towards the black light.

With a sound of "dang", Qu Feng's body was shaken back a step, and the black light turned upside down in the air, revealing its original shape.

It turned out to be a black, furry monster. This monster was only the size of a palm, with a pair of small eyes like soybean grains.

The two small eyes shone cruelly, the black teeth were bared, and the tongue was like a snake's tongue, which quickly stretched out and retracted.

This little thing's tongue is also black, black and shiny, every time it oozes out, Han Hui can feel the air turbulent, as if polluted by the eyes.


This thing is poisonous!

Qu Feng's face turned cold. This little thing doesn't look big, but its strength is so strong that it can knock him back at once. If this little thing didn't attack Han Hui first and expose the target, he couldn't resist this guy at all. raid.

No wonder the disciples who came in from Jianzong fell one by one.

Qu Feng's cultivation is at the peak of co-building, and he is not sure about resisting an attack, let alone those people are not as powerful as him.

Zhang Shouli flipped his palm, and a burst of sword energy shot towards the little black thing. The little thing rushed out like a tail, like lightning.

With a sound of "squeak", the little thing was shot flying, turned several somersaults in the air, and squeaked non-stop.

Sword Qi cannot hurt!

Zhang Shouli let out a cold snort, and with a movement of his palm, the six sword qi swept away at the same time. Han Hui couldn't help nodding his head when he saw it.

Along the way, he suppressed people with his realm, and with his treasures!

Without exception, the six sword qis all chopped at the little black guy. The fluff on the little guy's body was chopped off, and black liquid flowed out of his mouth.

One sword qi could only knock it into the air, but the six sword qi wrapped him up, and there was no place to hide. Under the blows from front to back, left and right, he was naturally seriously injured.

As soon as Qu Feng flipped the sword in his palm, he was about to behead the little thing under the sword, avenging the fright, and screams exploded in everyone's minds.

Dozens of jets of black light shot out, Han Hui's complexion changed, and he used Kusha footwork, and the emerald green sword light enveloped him at the same time.

A long sword composed of vitality was thrown out of his hand in an instant, and the runes on the sword flashed. Naturally, his understanding of kendo was not as good as Zhang Shouli's, and it was impossible for Zhang Shouli to arouse the life-threatening sword energy like Zhang Shouli with ease.

However, he has research on the way of restraint, and he has a unique advantage in the way of restraint. The runes on this long sword flow like water.

After the black light hit the green light, it was hindered, the speed was not as fast as when it came, and the long sword of vitality came from the sky, and slashed at the little black beast.

"Boom" with a loud noise.

The black fluff flew in all directions, and the little beast let out a miserable squeaking sound.

Han Hui injured the little beast with just one blow.

These small beasts are superior in their hard bodies and extremely fast speeds. Qi trainers who have built a peak together will be ruthlessly attacked and killed if they are not careful.

If they are prepared, it will be very difficult for them to attack and kill the Qi trainer who built the peak together, but with so many small beasts attacking together, it is also very simple to kill a Qi trainer who built the peak together.

It's a pity that they faced three qi trainers, and there was also a qi trainer at the early stage of Dingmai, and the qi trainer at the early stage of Dingmai was not 01:30 points higher than the Qi trainer who built the peak together.

Coupled with the fact that they had been on guard for a long time, Qu Feng managed to save his own life under Zhang Shouli's protection.

He remotely controlled the sword in his hand, his face was pale, no wonder those senior brothers would fall, no matter what other weirdnesses there are in the Shimu Cave, just by encountering these little monsters, those senior brothers would not be wronged if they died.

Fortunately, Zhang Shouli, a master of Dingmai Qi, was there, the three-star sword was fully activated by him, bursting out with golden light, and slashed at the little beasts.

It's just that with the palm of your hand urging the sword energy, it's very difficult to kill this little beast, but it's much easier to kill these little beasts with the sword in your hand.

A white rainbow flashed across, and the little beast's head was cut off and fell to the ground, with black liquid continuously flowing out of its neck.

In the effort of a cup of tea, dozens of small beasts were killed, among which Han Hui killed three, and the rest were killed by Zhang Shouli.

"What the hell is this?" Qu Feng asked.

Zhang Shouli shook his head and said: "This little beast is really weird. It is really unheard of that it can attack and kill Qi practitioners who built the peak together. I'm afraid this place is really Shimu Cave."

At this moment, a ray of light pierced the sky and flew towards here. Zhang Shouli's expression changed, and the long sword in his hand rose into the sky, turning into a white rainbow, and shot towards the ray of light in the sky.

With a sound of "Boom", the long sword rewinds instantly, and the light from the sky also descends, and two women, one red and one green, come in front of everyone.

Han Hui was fine, but Zhang Shouli and Qu Feng's expressions changed. How could they meet these two evil stars in Shimu Cave?

Zhang Shouli was the most terrified, he was also nervous, he couldn't see clearly, so he bombarded towards the light.

Just when he was worried that the two of them would retaliate, the woman in green swayed and almost fell to the ground. She was supported by the woman in red before she regained her footing.

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