forbidden place

Chapter 154

After hearing this promise, a trace of hesitation flashed in Zhang Shouli's eyes. He really wanted to kill Han Hui in exchange for a chance to survive.

Han Hui turned his eyes to Zhang Shouli, he knew that this guy had bad intentions, maybe he was really tempted to do something to him.

Who knew that Zhang Shouli really had such thoughts, his body froze suddenly, and Shen Hu opposite him was also uncertain for a while.

Isn't the ax in his hand uncertain, whether Han Hui is going to do it or not, the ax in his hand determines the direction of everything.

The green-clothed girl and the red-clothed woman also showed hesitation on their faces, and killing Han Hui would definitely give them a chance to escape.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, I didn't expect you, an old monster, to have such thoughts, you are so delicate!" Han Hui looked up to the sky and laughed.

"As long as anyone kills this kid, I can let you out. I just want to see who can resist Pluto's methods.

"Pluto? Who do you say is Pluto and who is Pluto? Old monster, if you want to order them, you still need to wait for some time!" Han Hui waited for you and said the dark weirdo.

Zhang Shouli's body shook, and he pointed at Han Hui lightly with the long sword in his hand. Han Hui was slightly angry. His hidden strength was enough to easily obliterate the supernatural masters, and there was no need to gather the mere Zhang Shouli.

Zhang Shouli sneered and said, "I was worrying about how to discuss my cultivation experience with Junior Brother Hanhui. After all, Junior Brother Hanhui is a genius of the ages, and there are many things that I can teach you as a brother. However, since this senior said, I want to kill you." Kill, senior brother, I have no choice."

Han Hui stared at him coldly: "This monster brother wants to kill the brothers, and you have to do it? They didn't make any moves?"

No one, including the woman in green, did anything. Of course, apart from them, only Shen Hu could do it.

"I, Chen Hu, am a majestic man, how can I accept the arrangement of a little beast like you?" Shen Hu's bald head shook, and he said something that shocked Han Hui's heart.

Shen Hu is a good comrade, now it's up to Zhang Shouli, I don't know if Zhang can understand.

Just as Han Hui was thinking, Zhang Shouli moved his body, and the long sword in his hand trembled: "Junior Brother Han Hui, don't blame me, I have long suspected that you are a member of the devil, and today I will send you to meet the great Pluto!"

As he spoke, Zhang Shouli waved his hand lightly, and Qu Feng pointed at Han Hui with the sword in his palm.

"Junior Brother Han Hui, I can't kill you either. After all, our senior brother was forced to do nothing today. Every year on this day, I will pay homage to you."

Hearing what Qu Feng said, Han Hui also made up his mind, and said to the woman in red and the woman in green: "The two of you present are powerful, what do you think?"

"Hmph, how can I listen to that monster's drive? Although I also want to kill you, I will definitely not resort to such means and fire!" Although the woman in green was pale, she still spoke righteously.

Han Hui believed in these two people, although he particularly hated the woman in green, he had an inexplicable belief in what these two people said.

"Okay! Since Miss Luying won't do anything to me, I will definitely not do anything to Miss Luying. I don't know who will obey the orders of this monster, can it be Senior Brother Zhang?" Han Hui said.

Zhang Shouli's face darkened: "Junior Brother Hanhui, don't talk so much, I wanted to kill you a long time ago, today is just an opportunity!"

Han Hui smiled and nodded: "Okay, since Senior Brother Zhang intends to teach me, I can only accept the offer. I just look at Senior Brother Zhang's situation, I'm afraid it's not as simple as teaching!"

Zhang Shouli laughed: "You know, brother, I have a bright future, so today I have to sacrifice my brother!" As Zhang Shouli said, he stretched out his hand, and Qu Feng let out a long howl, and shot the sword in his hand towards Han Hui.

A long rainbow condensed with sword energy shot straight towards Han Hui's chest. Han Hui looked at the long sword with a smile. He knew that with his current strength, he would definitely resist this blow, and he could only expose his true nature. .

In the dantian, a wave of Jing Yuan drove straight in, breaking through layers of blockades, and when the long sword struck three feet in front of him, Hanhui was already at the peak of the combined construction realm.

Gently stretching out his hand, the sword light that was attacking directly was pushed outside, and Qu Feng's face suddenly changed.

Zhang Shouli might have this strength, but Han Hui definitely didn't have it, so he flung his sword away lightly.

The pinnacle of Dingmai!

In an instant, everyone could see clearly Han Hui's realm, and in an instant, Han Hui unexpectedly burst out with the peak strength of Dingmai.

"You???? You???? How could you have such a state?" Qu Feng's face was pale, and the corners of his mouth began to twitch.

"Hehe, I said before, killing you is like crushing an ant!" Han Hui said to Zhang Shouli, looking at Qu Feng coldly.

Zhang Shouli's face was livid, and he didn't know what to say, should he continue to attack, or wait a while.

Shen Hu's face changed, he never thought that Han Hui is now at the peak of Dingmai, his grandfather said that Han Hui is only in his 20s, he firmly believes it.

Never thought that Han Hui had the current state, Zhang Shouli turned his eyes, and the sword suspended in the void turned, and stabbed towards Han Hui's face.

Han Hui sneered, Jianzong really fell, Shen Hu didn't make a move, the always arrogant woman in green didn't make a move, this Shou Li actually made a move against Zi.

He is also a disciple of Jianzong, did this guy only learn to kill each other?

Zhang Shouli's sword was in front of Han Hui in an instant, Han Hui flipped his palm lightly, the huge force overwhelmed everything, and the heavy blow like a mountain hit the straight sword.

"This is the peak of Dingmai state!" How is this possible?

The woman in green suddenly cried out, she never thought that Han Hui would be in such a realm now!

"Sister, he's only in his twenties now, and he's hiding so deeply. I, Kunlun, don't have such a genius!" the woman in green said to the woman in red.

"It's unbelievable, I didn't even see a clue, what is the origin of this kid?" The woman in red was also full of doubts.

After pulling out the sword in Zhang Shouli's hand, Han Hui's body moved, his hand badge turned over, and he slapped towards Zhang Shouli.

A palm made of vitality, with the flow of forbidden runes above it, formed a strong hand, and moved towards Zhang Shouli and Qu Feng to suppress it.

Qu Feng was even more surprised than Zhang Shouli, he never thought that Han Hui's realm would surpass him in an instant.

"You are really looking for death!" Qu Feng said.

Han Hui was taken aback for a moment, this guy was really confused, now that he had the upper hand, he actually said such stupid words.

Immediately, Han Hui knew that Qu Feng was not insane, and with a movement of his body, the small flag in his palm flew away instantly, and the earthy yellow light enveloped the whole world in an instant.

Han Hui sneered, and without a moment's pause in his palm, he bombarded the khaki-colored light all of a sudden, completely crushing the khaki-colored shield.

Qu Feng's body retreated instantly, Han Hui took a step forward, and with a flick of his sleeve, a big hand with vitality formed out of thin air.


With a loud noise, a precious sword was snapped instantly, and Qu Feng's body was hit hard.

When Qu Feng's body was blown away heavily, Zhang Shouli's body also moved. Although he was only at the early stage of Dingmai, he was full of anger.

"Bold beast, don't let someone who takes refuge in the Demon Sect be able to do whatever they want. Today I want to eliminate demons and defend Taoism!" Zhang Shouli shouted.

Han Hui sneered again and again, and with a lift of his palm, a huge force gushed out towards Zhang Shouli to suppress the evil.

The long sword in his hand trembled, piercing through layers of obstacles, and shot towards the weak point of Han Hui's protection. Han Hui's body tensed up, and he turned his palm lightly.

A sword that shone coldly was unexpectedly caught in his hand, trembling back and forth in his palm, whining endlessly.

"Originally, I was equivalent to the lineage of Jianzong, but I didn't expect that the first person to make a move was a member of Jianzong, and he was the so-called Jianzong?" Han Hui roared.

At the same time that Han Hui said these words, the woman in green turned her head and said to the woman in red: "World, he is not an authentic disciple of Jianzong, and he has no sense of belonging to Jianzong!"

"There are so many secrets in this kid, he was able to hide his own realm from our sun and twilight, and even old Shen's eyes went wrong!" said the woman in red.

"He is just a disciple of Jianzong Hanhui who is in the Pentium realm. Unexpectedly, after he came here, he easily showed the hands of building a peak together. As a result, this realm did not have the effort to maintain a stick of incense. This kid It is already at the peak of Dingmai." The woman in red said.

"Would he have hidden treasures, otherwise how could he be so weird and magical?" said the woman in green.

While the two Kunlun women were whispering to each other, Zhang Shouli moved his body, and the long sword in his hand turned into a beam of light, slashing towards the top of Han Hui's head.

Han Hui sneered again, stretched out his hand and flicked lightly, Zhang Shouli's body was thrown upside down, spurting blood wildly in the air.

"Sister, what should we do?" The woman in green became anxious when she saw Zhang Shouli was sent flying.

"Don't worry, let's see if Zhang Shouli is the best, or the hidden Han Hui is better!" said the woman in red.

Without any obstruction, Zhang Shouli was sent flying out of the air, instantly torn apart in the air, and instantly turned into a blood mist that filled the sky.

Qu Feng stood there in a daze, holding the sword trembling in his palm, looking at Han Hui foolishly, not knowing what to do.

"Senior Brother Qu, Senior Brother Zhang Shouli has been killed, don't you want to avenge him?" Han Hui looked at Qu Feng and said with a smile.

"Senior Brother Han Hui is a genius, Zhang Shouli is beyond his control, and wants to compete with him, but if he misses for a while, it is inevitable to kill him." Qu Feng said hastily.

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