forbidden place

Chapter 155

Han Hui looked at Qu Feng with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth and said: "My Sword Sect requires disciples to go straight, like a three-foot green peak in your palm, but your actions are crooked. You are really not suitable to be a disciple of Sword Sect!"

Qu Feng was taken aback for a moment, he didn't understand what Han Hui meant, he was not suitable to be a disciple of Jianzong again?Could it be that he wants to expel himself from Jianzong?

Before he could figure it out, Han Hui shook his sleeves, and the emerald green light swept away, and the Bimang Excalibur chopped off Qu Feng's head all at once.

The dark monster stared at Han Hui's every move, and he didn't stop Han Hui from beheading Zhang Shouli and Qu Feng.

Suddenly, a long howl came from far away, Shen Hu's expression changed, he recognized that the person was his father Shen Tianqiao.

Could it be that his father was also blasted into Shimu Cave by Gongsun Tianya?

Thinking of this, he also let out a long cry, the entire Shimu Cave was filled with poisonous gas, only the vitality here is pure, there is no poisonous gas, although there are evil stars such as dark monsters, there is still a glimmer of life, it is better than dying in the poisonous gas better.

After hearing Shen Hu's whistle, Shen Tianqiao's whistle continued, and there was a hint of joy in the whistle.

The pitch-black weirdo looked towards the direction of Shen Tianqiao's whistling sound, his eyes couldn't see any information, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

With a flash of light, Shen Tianqiao's tall body descended from the sky, and a small bead hung on his head at this moment. The bead kept spinning by itself, and at a glance, it looked like the sea, which could make people's eyes sink.

Inside the bead, there are wisps of green air lingering, and at the same time lingering with the green air, there is also a trace of black air flow. When Han Hui saw this air flow, his eyes narrowed involuntarily.


The poisonous gas in the sky, that is, this kind of black gas, was actually absorbed by the ball, no wonder the old man Shen didn't see anything wrong.

"Huh? Qimu Dzi Bead, how many years have you seen?" The dark man looked at the small bead hovering above Shen Tianqiao's head and said with a grin.

Shen Tianqiao's expression changed: "You actually know Qimu Dzi, how could you know Qimu Dzi?"

"Show me!" The pitch-black weirdo stretched out his hand and grabbed the Qimu Dzi. Shen Tianqiao's face darkened, and with a flip of his palm, a green handprint was formed, and he bombarded towards the weirdo.

The strange man stared at the void palm print and exhaled suddenly, a black air current hit the palm print, and the palm print suddenly shattered.

But the black air flow also burned in the void, turning into streaks of light blue light, and the air was filled with this pungent smell.

And the Qimu Dzi on top of Shen Tianqiao's head was also caught in the hands of the dark strange man. It was strange to say that after the Qimu Dzi was in the hands of the strange man, the palm of the strange man immediately burned, and the light blue flame also emitted a pungent smell. the taste of.

There was a trace of excitement on the faces of the two Kunlun women. This Qimu Dzi Bead was obviously the nemesis of the strange man. After the strange man touched the dzi bead, it would burn.

It can even be said that this strange wood dzi is the nemesis of the poisonous gas in Shimu Cave, and it can burn the poisonous gas in this strange cave.

Suddenly, the dark monster's eyebrows split open, and an ax-shaped blood-red brand appeared, and a bloody light flashed from the brand on his forehead.

"You, you are grandpa?" Shen Tianqiao almost jumped up, with an extremely shocked expression on his face, his eyes widened and rounded, shooting out an unbelievable light.

Shen Hu was stunned for a moment, and stared at the dark strange man with wide eyes, while the hearts of Han Hui and Kun Lun sank to the bottom of the valley, and the hope that came under their noses disappeared again.

If this is really the ancestor of the Shen family, would the Shen family dare to face him?The only Qimu Dzi Bead that can restrain this monster has also been taken away, how can this battle be fought?

All the burning flames in the dark monster's palm were extinguished, and the magical dzi was circling and wandering in his palm, extremely obedient.

"As expected, it's my Qimu Dzi Bead, hahaha, with this Dzi Bead, I'm hopeful to join the Dao!" The dark weirdo let out a piercing laugh.

"The unworthy great-great-grandson pays homage to grandpa!" Shen Tianqiao knelt down on the ground, kowtowing to the dark weirdo.

After kowtowing a few times, he raised his head and saw Shen Hu still standing numbly, and immediately became furious: "Little bastard, don't kneel down for me, I have seen your grandpa!"

"Grandfather?" Shen Hu had no choice but to kneel down with his father, kowtowing to the dark monster who wanted to kill him just now.

The dark monster suddenly opened his mouth, swallowed the Qimu Dzi Bead in his hand, stared at the two of them with dark eyes and said: "I am your grandfather? I have been here for too long, and my memory is incomplete. How can you prove that you are the descendants of us?"

Shen Tianqiao excitedly said: "Grandfather is the last great power of my Shen family. The bloodline of my Shen family's blood ax was cut off when it was inherited from grandpa! That's what led to the decline of my Shen family!"

Following Shen Tianqiao's narration, Han Hui understood why Shen Tianqiao called this dark weirdo Grandfather, it was all because of the bloody ax mark on his head.

This is the so-called Shen family blood inheritance. The Shen family was originally a monastic family, and there have been existences in the family that surpassed Qi practitioners.

One day, this dark eccentric entered Shimu Cave and disappeared strangely. There was no news of him for thousands of years, and Shen's family thought he had completely disappeared.

However, the bloodline of the Shen family is very peculiar, and after the death of the blood ax inheritor of the previous generation, a new inheritor will inevitably be born.

However, since Shen Tianqiao's grandfather, the Shen family has never had an inheritor. At the beginning, they still had hope, thinking that this old ancestor hadn't fallen yet, but was just hiding somewhere, so no new one was born. the inheritor.

However, as time went by, their hearts gradually cooled down. If the ancestor hadn't fallen, how could there be no news for thousands of years?

A thousand years is an extremely long time for Qi practitioners, at least no one in the Pentium Realm can live for such a long time.

After another 1000 years, the Shen family was completely disappointed. The old ancestor was bound to perish, and the new inheritor did not appear. It must be that the heavens abandoned the Shen family.

It is precisely because of this kind of thinking that the once prestigious Shen family became so cautious. Even in Shen Hu's generation, they can only work part-time as bandits to adjust their lives.

"Grandpa, you are definitely my grandpa. Although I have never met my grandpa, I grew up listening to his deeds since I was a child. This strange wood dzi is also my grandpa's treasure. It can restrain all evil in the world, but This dzi bead is weird, and ordinary people can't control it. I am the only one in the entire Shen family who can control this dzi bead. This is also related to my injury when I was young. It gave me many talents." Shen Tianqiao explained.

The dark weirdo was silent for a while, then pointed at Han Hui and said, "Go and kill him, I will trust you!"

Han Hui's complexion suddenly changed, what was this monster thinking?If you kill me, you will believe me, who am I?

Shen Tianqiao didn't think so, stood up abruptly, stared at Han Hui coldly and said, "Little brother, my father is very optimistic about you, and you are also the pride of Jianzong, but this is Shimu Cave, for my sake For the future of the Shen family, I can only kill you!"

Han Hui turned his head to look at the second female Kunlun standing in the red gauze, and said, "Do you two think the same way? Can you see that the ancestor of the Shen family has already entered the magic way, and he is not even a human being?" Remember, after I die, I am afraid that he will kill you next!"

"So, we should join hands and kill him first?" The woman in red said meaningfully.

"Why? Don't you think so, Miss?" Han Hui said.

"Hehe, my Kunlun has a deep connection with the mountain axe. Now it is rare that the ancestor of the Shen family has not fallen, and it is also a great help to my Kunlun. They want to kill you, of course we have no objection!" said the woman in red.

Han Hui nodded: "Life and death are fate! Old man, if you want to kill me, I can only kill you!"

Hearing that Han Hui dared to insult his grandfather, Shen Tianqiao's face became extremely ugly, and he was about to strike at the slightest movement of his body.

Shen Hu shouted angrily: "You bastard, you dare to scold my grandpa, you really want to die!",

As he said that, the ax in his hand swung, and it was aimed at Han Hui. A sneer appeared on the corner of Han Hui's mouth, and he took a step forward to meet Shen Hu's ax actively.

Everyone felt that Han Hui was stupid. Although Shen Hu was poisoned, he was still a master in the mid-stage of Dingmai, far surpassing the state where Han Hui could build a peak together.

Han Hui didn't avoid his sharp edge, but wanted to meet him head-on. Wasn't he stupid?

Who knew that when Han Hui took a step forward, his aura suddenly climbed a big step, and he instantly changed to the peak state of Cheng Dingmai.

Shen Hu's face was dull at that time, the condensed ax light was swept away by Han Hui's slap, and at the same time his whole body was sent flying by Han Hui's slap.

"How is it possible? Isn't he in his twenties? Can he reach the pinnacle of Dingmai in his twenties? Is this world crazy, or am I blind?" the woman in green yelled in amazement.

Before the woman in red could answer, Han Hui walked towards Shen Tianqiao without any hindrance. Only then did Shen Tianqiao wake up from the extreme shock, let out a roar, and punched Han Hui.

When Han Hui took one step down, the aura on his body changed again, it turned out to be the aura of leaping to the peak, powerful enough to rival Shen Tianqiao.

With a loud bang, Shen Tianqiao was beaten back again and again. Hanhui condensed the vitality of the void to form a rune on the palm to restrict the circulation, and his strength increased greatly, which was not something Shen Tianqiao could resist.

The woman in red and the woman in green couldn't speak in astonishment, and the woman in green stopped screaming. The degree of Hanhui's enchantment had far exceeded her imagination, and she was so shocked that her nerves were numb.

"I didn't expect you to be able to hide from my father's eyes, and even hide your own bone age. It's amazing!" Shen Tianqiao said with a serious face.

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