forbidden place

Chapter 160

Han Hui frowned, he didn't have Song Shixiong's means, and he didn't understand Song Shixiong's method of manipulating treasures, but he believed that Song Shixiong must go all out.

Song Shixiong's human form formed by the consciousness above his head slightly twisted, and instantly became invisible, and re-entered his sea of ​​consciousness.

"My subordinate, Yu Shi, won't move this wood god's ladder." Song Shixiong said with a pale face, showing frustration.

Han Hui looked at Song Shixiong's face, as if Yu Shi had seriously hurt his vitality this time, he shook his head helplessly and said: "Since this thing is in your hands, you should have the method of Yu Shi." Han Hui looked at the woman in red.

The red-clothed woman blushed again and said, "I told you, this wooden god's ladder is a token of love he gave me, and I don't have the ability to protect it."

Han Hui nodded, looked at the bodies of the two men surrounded by black air and said, "Forget it, I'll get rid of the poisonous air on your bodies first."

As he said that, he flipped his palm, and the pitch-black inkstone flew out again, hanging above the heads of the two of them, circling non-stop above their heads.

Streams of black air flowed out from the bodies of the two, like rivers returning to the sea, and in an instant, the poisonous gas in the bodies of the two had been completely expelled.

"Thank you senior for your help!" The two Kunlun girls bowed at the same time.

Han Hui waved his hand and said: "Don't be too polite, this is part of our deal, you didn't take advantage of me."

The two of them just saluted sincerely. Hearing what Han Hui said, they immediately had a lot of good feelings for Han Hui. It really is the demeanor of a senior and a master.

Even in the state of ecstasy, it is impossible to use this magical ladder of wood gods. Only the powerful ones in the Guihai state can use it, but where can I find the powerful Ladder of Guihai now?

Suddenly, Han Hui's mind flashed, Cui Zhongqing.

Although Cui Zhongqing is only a qi trainer at the peak of trance, but he has a way to make him return to the peak.

Thinking of this, Han Hui said: "Wait for me, I'll find a return-to-sea master!"

Said, the body disappeared instantly, this time the two women did not show the slightest surprise, after all, they experienced too much shock today.

Seeing Han Hui suddenly appear, Cui Zhongqing quickly stood up: "Senior!"

Han Hui waved his hand and said: "We are in a special place now and need your help, but your strength is not enough now, I want to improve your realm!"

Cui Zhongqing's heart was beating wildly, and she almost passed out from excitement, raising her realm?

After seeing Han Hui's heaven-defying methods on Song Shixiong, Cui Zhongqing gradually believed that now he was not excited to hear that Han Hui was going to use such wonderful methods on himself.

Slowly sitting on the ground, Han Hui's palm was lightly pressed against Cui Zhongqing's back, and a trace of essence went along the acupuncture points on Cui Zhongqing's back and entered into his meridians.

"crack" "crack" "crack"

Cui Zhongqing's internal meridians beeped three times, and Han Hui stopped his hands and stood up.

After half a stick of incense, Cui Zhongqing stood up slowly, her face twitched, and her whole body was covered with blush. After standing up, she opened her mouth, said nothing, and fell to her knees again with a snap: "Whether senior is Not a demon god, Cui Zhongqing is willing to follow the senior from now on, please the junior under the senior, even if the junior is made a slave, the junior is also willing."

Han Hui waved his hand and said, "Why are seniors not seniors? I'm not your senior."

Cui Zhongqing quickly changed his words: "Cui Zhongqing has seen the master."

Han Hui sighed and said: "Okay, being a slave with me is a hundred times more honorable than being the head of the Cui family!" Although he sighed, he was very happy in his heart.

After accepting a servant who returned to the pinnacle of the realm, wouldn't he walk sideways in the future?Apart from the Twelve Great Sects and the hidden sects like Kunlun, who in the world would dare to provoke him?

"Now I'll take you out!" Han Hui stretched out his hand to grab it, and their bodies instantly disappeared from Mount Mangdang and appeared in Shimu Cave.

This time, neither Song Shixiong nor Kunlun were poisoned again because of Han Hui's departure. Under the circumstances that people like them had already let go of others, they could still protect themselves for a period of time without fighting with others.

Seeing Han Hui suddenly appearing, followed by a masked person, bowing his body behind him in a respectful manner, the woman in red showed doubts on her face.

Didn't Han Hui say to find a sea return expert?Where can he find it?If you can go out, why not go out directly, and you still need to use your own wooden god's ladder?

Could it be that there is a master of returning to the sea hidden in the magic weapon of space that Han Hui carries with him.

Han Hui went to look for it in person, which proved that this master could not be greeted casually. Who knew that Han Hui went to invite him in person but did not invite him back.

The two girls from Kunlun absolutely did not believe that a master in Guihai Realm would respect someone like this, like a slave.

"It's this ladder, try it!" Han Hui ordered lightly.

Cui Zhongqing said respectfully: "Yes, Master!"

Both the woman in red and the woman in green couldn't help trembling all over, what's going on?Let his servants try?

Cui Zhongqing came to the Wood God's Ladder, straightened up, the aura suddenly burst out, and stretched out his hand to slap the Wood God's Ladder.

The ladder of the wood god erupted with endless light in an instant, straight into the depths of the sky, Han Hui's eyes narrowed, each step of the ladder was still so long, but it was full of light ripples, as if it could transport people to infinity The place.

"It's really moving, let's go!" The woman in red didn't care about being surprised, and greeted, and took the first step, stepping on a ladder.

Han Hui led Song Shixiong to follow behind the woman in red, the woman in green walked behind Han Hui and the others, and Cui Zhongqing walked at the end.

Because it was Cui Zhongqing, a master of Guihai Realm, who was controlling the Ladder of the Wood God, Han Hui didn't believe that the two women could carry out any kind of conspiracy.

Stepping out along the stairs, walking over three steps easily, Han Hui felt a change in front of his eyes, and they had already appeared on a vast plain.

The consciousness was spread thousands of miles away, and Han Hui scanned all the things on the plain, and a strange feeling suddenly came to his heart.

There is no life in the huge plain, where is this place?Could it be that these two women plotted to send him to the secret land of Kunlun?

Han Hui stared at the expressions of the two women coldly, and the two women were also stunned, and looked around with their consciousness.

They basically knew the terrain of this road. It was almost one mountain after another. Where could there be such a vast plain.

With a wave of Han Hui's palm, Cui Zhongqing also disappeared, it's better to hide this super trump card first.

At the same time when Han Hui put Cui Zhongqing away, Cui Zhongqing's voice transmission came from his ears: "When I was urging the wooden god's ladder, I suddenly felt an invisible force interfering with our direction. This invisible force is probably related to our coming here."

Han Hui was taken aback, the Wood God's Ladder was disturbed by someone, could it be Gongsun Tianya?

The only person he could imagine was the elder law enforcement elder of Jianzong who had such unfathomable means of cultivation.

Suddenly, the ground trembled, and then a loud rumbling sound came from afar.

The woman in red and the woman in green looked at Han Hui eagerly, their eyes were full of longing, of course it was hope that Han Hui could break the seal on them.

Before Han Hui could open his mouth, there was another loud noise, and following the loud noise, three sword lights shot from the sky.

"Hey, it turned out to be you!" Jian Guang suddenly retracted, and three figures descended.

The leader with white hair was Elder Jun. Elder Jun glanced coldly at Han Hui, his expression suddenly changed.

"How is it possible? What adventure did you have? It turned into Yuyue Realm?" Elder Jun turned pale in shock.

Han Hui secretly sighed in his heart, the two girls in Kunlun didn't know their details before, and they didn't usually enter the world at all. Open the killing ring.

"Impossible, no matter what kind of adventure it is, it is impossible for people to reach the peak of Yuyue realm in such a short period of time. Who are you? Could it be some expert who seized the house and was reborn? cultivation speed!" Elder Jun felt that he was going crazy.

The woman in red and the woman in green looked at each other, and they both saw the deep doubts on each other's faces.

These few sword sect masters seem to have no respect for Han Hui, Han Hui is not the peerless sword sect master they imagined.

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