forbidden place

Chapter 161 Killing the Palace Elder

Han Hui coldly looked at the two people behind Elder Jun. The aura of these two people was also unfathomable, with a kind of ecstatic aura. They were also the two ecstatic elders of Jianzong.

"What about Zhang Shouli and the others? Did you kill them? You hid it so deeply! I'm afraid that when you joined the Sword Sect, you already entered the Demon Sect. You demon cubs are so bold! You dare to provoke even my Sword Sect! Seeing that Han Hui didn't answer, Elder Jun shouted angrily.

The faces of the two girls in Kunlun were startled, obviously they did not expect Hanhui to be from the Demon Sect. Even though Kunlun is powerful, he is very scrupulous about the Demon Sect.

The two involuntarily moved away from Han Hui, and understood why Han Hui had such an incredible sealing technique.

Elder Jun saw the two girls leave Han Hui and walked aside, with a sinister smile on his face: "You two girls, you probably don't know his identity as a Demon Sect?"

"It's been a few years since he joined my Sword Sect. From a young disciple in the Qi Condensation Stage to a master at Yuyue Peak, do you think it's possible?" Elder Jun said looking at the two women.

"Come behind me right away, don't be fooled by him, otherwise no one can protect you, not even your master can protect you!"

The woman in red and the woman in green looked at each other, and walked towards the side, Han Hui's face became more and more gloomy.

It wasn't because the two women left that his face turned cold, but because he was once again framed by Elder Jun as a demon: "The elder law enforcement personally cleared up my grievances, and you dare to deny the elder law enforcement's judgment, you are not small!"

"Boy, the law enforcement elder didn't say that you are not a disciple of the Demon Sect, but only said that if you were a disciple of the Demon Sect, he would personally kill you. How can a young Qi practitioner in his 20s become the peak of Yuyue?" ? Can you explain it clearly in front of the law enforcement elders? I'll take you to Jianzong right away." Elder Jun said, his eyes glanced at the woman in red and the woman in green with deep meaning.

No matter how stupid the two girls were, they could see that Elder Jun had bad intentions, and the woman in green said angrily, "We are the disciples of Kunlun, and we are the ones that your Sword Sect can capture?"

"Really?" Behind Elder Jun, a dark-faced old man in his fifties stretched out his hand and suddenly grabbed it, and with a snort, the void seemed to become a curtain, which was torn apart by him at once, and the circling sword nets suddenly Wrap them up.

The two of them didn't even get to base their own treasures, and the meridians were sealed by Jian Guang.

"Disciple of Kunlun? What a big name? You two are also witches who have become demons. I think who can protect you?" Elder Jun sneered and convicted the two of them.

"It seems that you don't need evidence to be a disciple of the Demon Sect. You just need someone with a hard fist to speak. If I say that you are a disciple of the Demon Sect with a hard fist, you are also a disciple of the Demon Sect." Han Hui said coldly Looking at Elder Jun, he said.

Elder Jun looked up to the sky and smiled: "Boy, you dare to speak hard when you are about to die. You are not a remnant of the devil's sect, who is the remnant of the devil's sect? Don't worry, I won't kill you on the spot. I will keep you and hand it over to a law enforcement elder to personally kill you." Concoction, these two witches, I want to keep them to myself."

As he said that, there was a smile on his face that disgusted the two girls of Kunlun. Is this Master Jianzong?Why does it feel worse than the magic gate.

"Senior Brother Jun, can't all the benefits fall into your hands? At least we should have some soup to drink?" Elder Jun said with a sinister smile behind him.

"Of course, let's interrogate together to see how many secrets there are in the Demon Sect." Elder Jun said, looking up and down the two girls, as if trying to see through all the secrets in their bodies.

It's not that Elder Jun is not afraid of Kunlun at all, he doesn't think these two women who are mixed with Han Hui are Kunlun disciples who have long been hidden from the world.

At that time, he didn't see these two women suddenly appear and killed the incarnation of the birth talisman he had given to Zhang Shouli. He just thought that these two were just Pentium Realm, even if they were really Kunlun disciples, it was nothing.

Could Kunlun be able to fight against Jianzong because of such two young disciples?

As long as he firmly insists that these two are disciples of the Demon Sect and have a deep relationship with Han Hui, Kunlun will also suffer from being dumb.

Han Hui sneered, shook his sleeves, and twelve small flags came out one after another, occupying twelve directions, forming a big formation of iron and blood. As the big flags swayed in the wind, a series of strong magic spread all over the world.

Elder Gong's complexion changed, when Han Hui flew out the formation flag from his sleeve, he didn't pay attention at all, with their three ecstasy masters present, no matter how Han Hui tossed about, he couldn't do anything.

He didn't expect that after Han Hui's iron-blood formation was deployed, the aura would be so shocking, the murderous aura was so strong that it was almost substantive, and he didn't know how many masters had to be killed to form such a strong murderous aura.

The bodies of the woman in red and the woman in green shook at the same time, feeling that they had fallen into hell in an instant.

Although their meridians were sealed, they still had the cultivation of Pentium realm, but they were deprived of it in an instant. What a powerful murderous aura this is.

As soon as his murderous aura was revealed, Han Hui no longer hesitated, and three scorpion puppets flew out from his sleeves, Cui Zhongqing and Song Shixiong also appeared at the same time.

Although he doesn't care about masters in the state of ecstasy, he has never dealt with three masters of ecstasy at the same time. As long as one of the three escapes, he will be in big trouble.

The lion needs all its strength to fight the rabbit, and the two Kunlun girls have the treasure of the wood god's ladder on their bodies. Who knows what the three ecstatic elders of Jianzong have on them, so don't be careless.

Feeling the strong murderous aura coming, the elders and elders of the palace moved their bodies and were about to attack Han Hui. Three armored scorpion puppets appeared in front of them without any warning, and pointed their scorpion tails at them.

"Impossible, why do you still have the scorpion puppet?" Elder Gong exclaimed in horror.

The voice became sharp because of panic, like a rooster whose throat was pinched. Didn't the law enforcement elders take away the scorpion puppet on Han Hui's body?How can he still have it?

After shouting, the three of them set off at the same time and flew in three directions. The current iron-blooded formation would definitely not be able to trap the three masters of ecstasy.

While flying up, Elder Gong opened his mouth to spit out, a sword light flew out from his throat, and the sword light pointed at Han Hui's throat.

The strong and almost substantive murderous aura could not hinder this sword light at all. With the impact of the sword light, the murderous aura blocking Han Hui's face drifted away one after another.

Open your mouth and spit out, a murderous aura can definitely kill a diving master!

This is the strength of the elder Jianzong, who can kill the Qi trainer in Yuyuejing with a breath.

However, when the sword light was three feet away from Han Hui, it suddenly collapsed. Cui Zhongqing's body suddenly appeared, and a finger was pointed on the sword light.

Seeing Cui Zhongqing appearing and shattering the sword light he shot, Elder Gong showed despair on his face, this despair dissipated in an instant and turned into a sluggishness.

His body also fell from the sky, and a blood hole appeared between his eyebrows, before even his soul could escape, he was killed by the golden light shot by the scorpion puppet.

At the same time as Elder Gong fell, the other two also fell down at the same time, without a breath of life on their bodies, the scorpion puppet is simply the nemesis of the master of ecstasy.

The banner was buzzing, and the soul power of the three masters of ecstasy was all absorbed by the iron-blooded formation, transforming it into a strong murderous aura.

Han Hui arranged the big iron-blood formation, one is to isolate the eyes and ears of others from prying eyes, in this big formation, the consciousness of ecstasy masters will also be troubled, making it difficult to see clearly.

Another purpose is to gather murderous aura, which is also the biggest advantage of the iron-blooded formation. After beheading an opponent, it can absorb the opponent's soul power and resentment, and transform it into a naked murderous aura.

Of course, iron-blooded banners of Hanhui's level cannot absorb the power of the soul of the gods. The reason why they can absorb it now is because the light emitted by the scorpion puppet is too vicious and can destroy the soul of a murderer.

After all, Cui Zhongqing was well-informed, felt the strong murderous aura in this formation, and exclaimed: "Even if this iron-blooded formation is handed over to a Yuyue master to control it, it can trap a ecstasy master!"

"I also have a set of Iron-Blood Formation Flags. The materials are the same, but the conversion efficiency is not so high. I can see that the resentment and souls of these three ecstasy masters have not been missed, and they have all been transformed into murderous aura. The master is indeed supernatural!" Cui Zhongqing He flattered Han Hui repeatedly.

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