forbidden place

Chapter 162 Slaves

What he said is indeed the truth. The general iron-blooded formation flag definitely does not have such a high conversion efficiency, and it can't even reach this third. Killing three masters of ecstasy is not as good as killing a master of ecstasy here. The murderous intent is strong.

After absorbing everything, Han Hui took the bodies of the three elders into Mount Mangdang. In his heart, Mount Mangdang was a safe place to hide.

"You two, you saw something you shouldn't have seen, so you have to follow these three elders." Han Hui said coldly to the second daughter of Kunlun.

As a disciple of Jianzong, Han Hui killed three elders of Jianzong without blinking. The two girls panicked when they saw his cold eyes.

"Senior, I can hand over this wooden god's ladder to senior, just ask senior to spare the life of junior!" said the woman in red.

Han Hui showed contempt in his eyes, the ladder of the wood god will naturally belong to me if you kill you, why do you need it?

Suddenly, Han Hui's complexion changed, and with a twitch of his sleeve, the flag spun, and everything disappeared from the original place. In half a breath, he took everyone and hid in the Mangdang Mountain.

Just now he felt a strong sense of consciousness coming over, at least it was the consciousness of a master of ecstasy, and he just killed the elder Jianzong, so he can't attract other masters.

After hiding in Mangdang Mountain, Han Hui sneered and said: "After killing you, everything you have is mine, why should I let you give it away? Besides, you just made a choice and left me. I have nothing to kill you." The psychological burden, if my strength is a little weaker, I think you will not be lenient in the murderous spirit."

As he said that, Han Hui flicked his sleeves and was about to shoot out his sword energy and kill the two girls. Cui Zhongqing suddenly said, "Master, why don't you take these two as slaves as well, since these two girls are pretty good, you can Serve the master, and besides, these two girls are very powerful, maybe they will be useful in the future."

Han Hui's hand stopped immediately, he was surrounded by enemies now, it would be a good thing if he could really control the two women.

But, can the ghost of life really control these two people?Will Kunlun have a secret method to break it?

"Hmph, you want us to be slaves? What a wishful thinking!" The woman in green immediately yelled at Cui Zhongqing with an angry expression on her face.

"Hehe, when you say that, I really think I should take two servants. If I don't kill you, I have formed a good relationship with Kunlun after all, and I will talk to Kunlun masters in the future." Han Hui suddenly laughed.

"No one in the world can make us slaves!" The woman in red said coldly.

Han Hui smiled coldly: "You have stayed on Kunlun Mountain for too long. I saved your lives twice in a row. It is time for you to take the initiative to repay me as slaves."

"If you really don't agree, I'll let you out. When do you want to be my slaves? When do you call me?" Han Hui said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, let the two girls stay for a while, let them go, and let them call them when they want to be slaves?Could this guy's brain be broken?

Before they could react, Han Hui stretched out his fingers, and two blood-red grimaces appeared on his fingers, twisting and dancing above his fingers. It entered between their eyebrows and disappeared in an instant.

"This is the restriction I imposed. It is the price you pay for offending me. You have countless masters in Kunlun, and you must not be able to stop them. If you want to be my servants and maids, just think about it, and I will immediately feel it. Get it!" Han Hui said to the two girls with a smile.

The faces of the two were cold, and before they had time to speak, they felt that their eyes dimmed, and they appeared on the plain just now.

A gloomy old man in a black and white robe looked at them with a yin smile on his face: "Haha, the great yin and yang god treated me well, and even gave you two down to let me practice yin and yang, the law, Thank you Yin Yang God, thank you Yin Yang God!"

The two women looked at the crazy old man in front of them, and didn't understand what he meant for a long time.

But the old man suddenly shot at them, stretched out his hand and grabbed the sky, the black and white air flow instantly enveloped them, and the two women were so depressed that they could vomit blood.

Because the strength is limited, the treasures on the two of them can't be used, and they can't exert their strength, so they are easily controlled.

The woman in green was about to reprimand and tell others that she was from Kunlun's background, and something horrifying happened to her. The man's palm lightly grabbed their clothes, and their clothes were torn apart in an instant.

The two girls were about to pass out immediately, but they encountered a demon!

"Hmph, old man Xin, just wait, I will surprise you soon!" The old man in the black and white robe said with a cold snort.

"Bold, you dare to attack us Kunlun! Aren't you afraid of being wiped out?" The woman in red and the woman in green roared at the same time.

"It doesn't matter where you are from? I fought with Xin Lao Er, and I was seriously injured. If I was caught up by him, I would die immediately. How can I care about the future?" The old man in the robe said, his eyes became With two colors of yin and yang, two rays of light were shot out, and the two women felt their minds were shaken. A primitive desire emerged from the bottom of their hearts, a desire to show up to the old man in the robe between the heaven and the earth.

The two girls were shocked, and they exchanged their remaining consciousness at the same time: "We are willing to surrender and be your maids!"

In an instant, the two of them felt their souls shake. They felt that their whole body, including their souls, had been watched in an instant, and they no longer had the slightest secret.

The old man's face was blank, he obviously didn't understand what the two said, he didn't make them submit as handmaids, did he?

Immediately he understood that the big hand had been falling from the sky, and the power of the peak of Guihai Realm was exposed on the big hand, which made his heart shake.

How much of this devil's plain has returned to the peak?

Before the old man had time to say anything, he opened his mouth to take a picture, and black and white air flow flew out of his mouth, sweeping towards the giant hand in the sky.

He is a master of the Yin Yang sect, at the peak of ecstasy, but because he was seriously injured in a fight with others before, the strength of this blow is obviously not enough.

With just a slight sway of the big hand in the air, a strange vortex appeared in the palm, and a huge force gushed out, instantly shattering the black and white airflow.

The big hand pressed down on him, the old man gritted his teeth, his eyes showed a decisive cold light, and he was about to make a move, suddenly his body froze and a blood hole appeared on his head, Han Hui's body flashed in the air, and his sleeve flicked Shaking, Cui Zhongqing and Kunlun's two daughters, including the old man's body of Yin Yangzong, all disappeared.

"Now you are my servants, do you know what to do?" In Mount Mangdang, Han Hui asked the two girls with a smile.

The woman in green sneered and said, "Even if I die, I won't be your servant!"

"Now that I've said it again, is it possible that Kunlun is such a repeated villain?" Han Hui sarcastically said.

"You don't have to worry about who I am, Kunlun, at least I'm better than someone like you who disregards his status and takes advantage of the fire!" The woman in red was also very angry.

"You don't need to be angry, and you don't need to feel that you have lowered your status. The masters at the peak of Guihai are all willing to be my servants. You two are not even in the state of ecstasy, especially you, the green shadow girl, are only in the early stage of Yuyue. .” Han Hui said with a sigh.

"I don't want you to be my slaves forever. If you don't become my slaves, I will kill you. My secrets are not allowed to be revealed. Don't tell me that you can promise not to tell me. I can't trust you! As long as you pass through Kunlun I will let you go when I take revenge for this level, or when my secrets no longer need to be hidden!"

"It's useless for you to object. My restriction is planted deep in your soul. Even if you succeed in destroying your body, you still cannot escape my restriction. With one thought, I can make your life worse than death."

Han Hui's voice was cold and full of threats: "You can't even commit suicide, do you still have the right to object? It's just like when we haven't entered Shimu Cave, we Jianzong disciples didn't have any choice. , come out to hang out, you must know how to bow your head!"

"What's more, I won't really treat you as slaves. If you follow me, you will enjoy inexhaustible benefits, as long as you are loyal enough!" Han Hui said.

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