forbidden place

Chapter 174 1 Finger

At the same time, Kuangsha, who bombarded the two and three Guihai Realm masters, moved toward the center and instantly transformed into an old man in a khaki Taoist robe.

Two identical old men, these twins are too awesome, they have grown up like this, and they still look exactly the same, without any change.

"Master Kuangshamen, I can't think of it. You hide so deeply. For the sake of your son becoming a demon king, you have been suppressing your cultivation and not entering the golden core realm. I, Gongsun Tianya, admire you." Gongsun Tianya said when he saw the old man appear. .

"Haha, Gongsun Tianya, others don't know you, so don't I know you? After that incident, you will never be able to advance to the Golden Core Realm, and you can only die of old age in the Guihai Realm, although your cultivation is infinitely close to the Golden Core Realm. , but it’s not Jindan after all, since I’m here, you don’t want to talk about my son’s promotion!” The two old men actually spoke at the same time, with the same tone and expression.

Han Hui frowned, what's going on?

"I didn't expect you to have cultivated the skill of transforming the soul into demons, but how many clones have you transformed? Can they block my sword?" A strong murderous aura swept towards the old man from Gongsun Tianya's body.

The old man sneered: "To deal with you, I alone is enough! My avatar will kill these three people, and use their heads to congratulate my son on becoming a demon king!"

As soon as the words fell, Gongsun Tianya's long sword had already arrived in front of him. Although Han Hui was only observing with his spiritual sense, he could fully feel the killing intent of this sword.

The head of Kuangsha sect shook his body, and a golden scimitar appeared in his hand. With a horizontal scimitar in his hand, with a "ding", it collided with Gongsun Tianya's natal sword.

The two retreated at the same time, but the Kuangshamen master stood on the ground, his body moved towards the rear, and forcibly plowed a deep ditch in the ground.

And Gongsun Tianya's body was thrown in the sky towards the distance. The blow just now was without any fancy, it was completely a confrontation of skills, and the two were evenly divided.

The two sides fought outside, the force penetrated, and entered the red light ball. Han Hui only felt the red mist in the light ball, which became turbulent.

The wriggling figure in the depths of the ball of light also seemed to become agitated, and waves of powerful aura came out.

"Old ghost Kuangsha, I didn't expect your strength to reach such a level. No wonder you dared to let your son challenge the position of Demon Lord. If not, you would definitely be able to challenge the Golden Core Realm!" Gongsun Tianya said, his body facing The head of the Kuangsha sect flew over, with the long sword in his hand, he slashed in the air.

The golden scimitar in Kuangshamen's hand also slashed towards the sky and said: "Even if I don't achieve Jindan, no Jindan real person can kill me. People like you came here today and set up a big formation. It's not the same It's useless, in another half an hour, my son will become a Demon Lord, if you don't leave now, you won't be able to leave if you want to."

In the midst of swords, lights and swords, the two were still fighting with each other. Gongsun Tian turned the long sword in his hand, and a network of swords shrouded down from the sky.

"Old ghost, do you really think that I have sent so many masters from the Middle Earth University and can only fall short? You underestimate my Gongsun Tianya too much, you also underestimate the myriad of fellow Taoists, and you also underestimate the high level of Qi training in the Middle Earth!" It's dead!" Gongsun Tianya said loudly.

"Extinguishing Immortal Sword Net!"

"Gongsun Tianya, your Immortal Extinguishing Sword Net is more powerful than it used to be. Unfortunately, this sword net is just called Mi Immortal, and it cannot really Exterminate Immortal!" Suddenly cut towards the surroundings.

Like a flash of golden lightning, a crack was cut in the net of destruction formed by the sword light, and his body turned into mad sand, rushing out of the crack.

However, as soon as he rushed out, his complexion changed. At some point outside, a big man in pitch-black armor appeared outside, holding a strangely shaped hammer and bombarding towards the top of his head.

There was a sound of "Boom", like a thunderstorm, violent sand splashed in all directions, and the wail of the Kuangsha Sect Master came from the void.

At this time, the avatar of the Kuangshamen master who was fighting with the other three suddenly raised his head, looked towards the void, his eyes shot Jing, and he opened his mouth, a black light shot into the sky.

The void suddenly changed, and the surrounding vitality gathered automatically, turning into two colors of black and white, forming a black and white vortex of air flow.

The black air spit out by the Kuangshamen master's avatar was immediately absorbed by the black and white vortex, and then, the black and white colors flickered, turning into an old Taoist wearing a black and white Taoist robe.

This old Taoist is about 80 or [-] years old, with white hair and a childlike face, and his eyes are full of the light of wisdom that understands the way of heaven and earth.

"Guo Laogui didn't expect you to come out of the mountain. It seems that you are also hopeless for the golden core, otherwise, you don't think you will come out at this time!" With bloodshot eyes, he laughed wildly and said.

"Hmph, I don't even know I'm about to die!" The man known as Guo Laogui suddenly grabbed the void, and the black and white air surged, turning into a big black and white palm, The mad monk master arrested him.

At the same time, Gongsun Tianya also let out a long howl, turned his body, and merged with the sword in his hand, turning into a sword light that cut open the sky and the earth, and slashed towards the head of Kuangsha sect.

The strength of these two people is unfathomable, different from the general return to the sea peak, each of them is an existence that can touch the golden core, the two of them shot at the same time, the power was unmatched, and the surrounding void was blocked.

A fierce light shot out from the eyes of the Kuangshamen master, the long knife in his hand suddenly stopped, and a mirror rushed out of his body, emitting endless rays of light. It became a black and white air current, flying in all directions.

At the same time, the avatar of the Kuangshamen master who was fighting fiercely with the three returning masters instantly turned into a gust of sand, flew towards the sky, and beheaded Guo Laogui in black and white Taoist robe.

Even if the Kuangshamen master has boundless supernatural powers, it is impossible to fight two enemies with one. He can only summon clones to meet the enemy at the same time.

At this time, the two people and the three people were all in a cold sweat. If they were not relying on the treasures all over their bodies, and the cooperation and intimacy of the three, they might have already fallen.

Seeing the avatar of the Kuangshamen master leaving them, the three of them shouted loudly at the same time, each spitting out a light blue bead from their mouths.

Three light blue beads collided together and turned into a light blue finger, which suddenly pointed towards the red light ball.

"No, how is it possible, how are you willing to live with this thing!" Kuang Shamen Master exclaimed in shock with a terrified look on his face.

Under the attack of his clone, the three of them had already received a lot of damage, so his clone flew up decisively, reunited with the real body, and dealt with the two powerful enemies.

Unexpectedly, the three people were suppressed like that by the clone, and they still did not use the method of pressing the bottom of the box. These three light blue beads are made of one finger, which can definitely severely damage his clone, and even kill him. Doppelgänger.

The head of the Kuang Shamen cracked his eyes, and with a long howl, he was about to rush over, but the black and white vitality scattered around by the Kuang Sand Mirror suddenly ignited, forming a black and white sea of ​​flames.

At the same time, with a flick of Gongsun Tianya's long sword, a sea of ​​swords was instantly formed, blocking the Kuangsha sect master and his clone.

Han Hui suddenly had a feeling of fright, as if this thing would sustain him, a feeling of trembling in the soul.

How is this going?

Although anyone outside can kill him, but now he is hiding in Mangdang Mountain, hiding in another space, and it is impossible for others to find him. Although he is shocked by the strength of the masters outside, he will not tremble in his soul a feeling of.

What exactly is this light blue finger?

"You guys are actually able to condense a Sanxian finger, and you are willing to throw it here. You are so brave, so brave!" Kuangshamen shouted madly, being held by Jianhai and Huohai.

With the combined efforts of the three, it seemed that none of them could move the Sanxian's finger. The Sanxian's finger moved extremely slowly, like a snail crawling.

A gap suddenly opened in the sky, and a ray of water cut through the sky and fell towards the top of the three people. At the same time, a voice said: "With my thousand chances, the demon king will never be born!"

The light of water entered the bodies of the three of them along their Baihui acupoint, a layer of water light appeared on all three of them immediately, and the speed of their fingers became faster.

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