forbidden place

Chapter 175 Road to Heaven

The existence in the depths of the light sphere seemed to feel the danger coming, and the speed of creeping became faster. The red mist outside vibrated, and the twelve vortexes gradually stopped spinning. The red figure rushed forward.

Han Hui looked at the fingers outside, and the fingers had already touched the red light ball.

With a bang, the finger pierced in at once. After entering, the finger turned slightly, stirring the vitality of the world, and the red mist exploded one after another. , took a step forward, with endless fierce lights shining on his face, and slapped towards that finger.

After that finger stirred the vitality of heaven and earth, the red light ball that enveloped Han Hui and the others exploded immediately, and the whole sky was filled with red gas.

But that finger ignored the red figure's attack, and pointed towards Han Hui, and now Han Hui's cold hair exploded, and he stood up abruptly.

With a sound of "Boom", the void seemed to be pierced through, and a finger actually broke through the void and entered the Mangdang Mountain, but after entering the Mangdang Mountain, it immediately turned into three light blue beads, suspended around Hanhui.

An incomparably pure feeling filled Han Hui's cave, just by absorbing the breath emanating from the light blue beads, Han Hui felt refreshed.

Before Han Hui could feel anything, a red figure also entered Mangdang Mountain, and at the same time, twelve vortexes also entered.

Now Han Hui was stunned, what the hell is going on?In the past, Guihai Peak couldn't find his hiding place, as if he didn't exist in this world at all, why did everything come in today?

But he didn't know that these three beads were a loose fairy who fell under the catastrophe. His own vitality collapsed and was collected by strange treasures.

The level of Sanxian is already unfathomable. They are no longer Qi practitioners, but actual immortals. Immortals have no comparison at all.

Hanhui's Mangdang Mountain is hidden in the Tongtian Pagoda in his dantian because he sacrificed the treasure of the city's natal treasure in Yuyue Realm, and no one else can see it.

But he didn't fully practice it as a life-giving treasure, and the breath leaked out after all. To put it bluntly, this Mangdang Mountain is just an eight-star treasure, and it can't be separated from the perception of Sanxian masters.

Suddenly caught by this finger with instinctive consciousness, breaking through the void and entering it, as for why the finger entered it only turned into a bead and did not hurt Han Hui.

That's because of the road to heaven.

When Hanhui had just practiced Mangdang Mountain as a treasure of fate, there were countless beings who calculated that the world was about to change drastically, and some people tried to climb the road to heaven.

The road to heaven means that when there is Tongtian Pagoda in the dantian, sacrifice natal treasures in Tongtian Pagoda. It is said that in this way, you can find the way to heaven.

Of course, Hanhui didn't know about this kind of legend, even the ecstatic master of the Yin-Yang sect didn't know. There is an iron law in the world of Qi training. Absolutely can't achieve ecstasy.

I don't know how many talented masters tried to refine the natal treasure at the Yuyue realm, hoping that the natal treasure would be upgraded when they achieved ecstasy, but they fell and died.

Gradually, sacrificing natal treasures in Yuyue Realm became a taboo, and no one tried such an impossible thing anymore.

Those people suddenly deduced that someone was trying to ascend to heaven because the treasure that Hanhui refined was too powerful, and it was an eight-star treasure.

You must know that eight-star treasures may not be possessed even by the heads of the twelve sects. All of them are things that suppress the sect, and determine the luck of a sect. real person.

Even if some people don't know how powerful they are and want to sacrifice their natal treasures in Yuyue Realm, they won't alarm these old guys who have escaped from the world.

The main reason is that the eight-star treasure is too amazing. These people deduced that the breath of the eight-star treasure entered the faint heavenly road in the dark, so they thought about it one by one.

Those who can use the eight-star treasure must know that the road to heaven is difficult, even if he still uses it, what does it mean?

It shows that he has at least a certain degree of confidence. If there is no certain treasure, who will lose a disciple of a peerless genius, plus an eight-star treasure that suppresses Qi Yun?

If the road to heaven is opened, there will be some changes. Those ancient existences have prepared with great fanfare one by one.

But they don't know that Han Hui is a stunned young man, he doesn't know what's going on on the road to heaven, and he doesn't know that there is such a big risk in refining natal treasures in Yuyue realm.

He was completely fooled by the cheats of the cult, and besides the fact that others cannot advance, he is not worried about advancing, the key is the refining time.

That red figure was the Demon Lord who was about to be born, and he was only a little short. He fell short, and his strength couldn't meet the requirement at all.

In a fit of rage, he struck the finger, who knew that the finger broke through the void and entered the Mangdang Mountain, and he followed behind, killing in before the void healed.

The twelve vortexes themselves absorbed the evil spirit of the earth, and the evil spirit of the earth was naturally the most abundant on the demon's body. Under the guidance of the opportunity, he also entered the Mangdang Mountain.

Then, the space was closed, and no breath could be felt outside. The red mist drifted across the sky, and everyone's spiritual consciousness probed it, wanting to see the end of the Demon Lord.

You must know that as long as it is not successfully broken out of the shell, it cannot be regarded as a demon king, and even the body, spirit and soul may collapse and fall.

Under the prying eyes of Kuangshamen Master, he didn't find the slightest trace of his son. With a loud shout, his avatar rushed directly through the sea of ​​flames and rushed towards the three of them.

Immediately, the yin and yang flames ignited this clone, Gongsun Tianya's expression changed, and with a single finger, all the swords in the void were swept away, and he didn't dare to stop the clone.

When the three of them saw the avatar of the Kuangshamen master blazing towards him, their faces changed drastically: "Gongsun Tianya, you old man, you will die badly."

"Boom" sounded loudly, and the avatar blew itself up.

A master at the peak of Guihai blew himself up, and the three of them were no more than the middle stage of Guihai. Naturally, they couldn't resist. They were blown up all of a sudden, and disappeared into the world.

Seeing that the Kuangshamen master was so crazy, Gongsun Tianya naturally didn't dare to stand up, anyway, the Demon Lord had been killed, so there was no need for him to stay here to fight the Kuangshamen master who had already developed a will to die.

The long sword in his hand melted into the void and disappeared in an instant, only a ray of sword light disappeared into the sky from a distance.

The master of the Yin Yang sect naturally didn't dare to stay in the slightest, the black and white air flow spurted out from his body, instantly melted into the void, and fled away.

The head of the Kuangshamen had a miserable expression on his face. He didn't really want to work hard. Although this time the plan failed and his son died, everything came to nothing, but he didn't have a real will to die.

He used such a thunderous method, abandoning a clone, just to scare away the masters of Gongsun Tianya and Yin Yangzong, if the two of them plus the three below, and even have a thousand tricks, maybe even him All will perish here.

In desperation, he blew up a clone to show his determination to die and scare the two of them away.

With a long sigh, the Kuangshamen master's body suddenly dispersed, turning into a pile of yellow sand and disappearing.

Everyone thought that the Demon Lord had already fallen, and the fairy's finger had disappeared, so he should have died with the Demon Lord.

But they don't know, now, both the Demon Lord and the finger are in Han Hui's Mangdang Mountain, although the finger has turned into three beads, floating beside Han Hui, there is no threat at all.

The Demon Lord had red eyes, moved his body, and grabbed Han Hui.

Han Hui was shocked, and with a thought, the power of Mangdang Mountain was mobilized, and huge pressure was pressed towards Mozun's body.

Now Han Hui has not controlled Mangdang Mountain, so he cannot mobilize all the power of Mangdang Mountain, otherwise this Demon Lord Hui will be suppressed all at once.

Even so, Mozun's body swayed a few times, his body was unstable, twelve whirlpools in Hanhui's mind started to run crazily.

He has no way to fight against this kind of existence. Cui Zhongqing was injured and lost his body, so it is impossible to resist this kind of existence.

Song Shixiong was only in a state of trance, and it was even more impossible to fight against this demon who exuded a terrifying aura all over his body.

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