forbidden place

Chapter 177 Revisiting the Ancient Tomb

After all the pain disappeared, Han Hui sat for a full month without getting up, and after completely controlling the 24 whirlpools, he slowly opened his eyes, took a deep breath, and there was a hint of shock in his eyes.

Even after subduing the vortex for a month, Hanhui couldn't help shivering at the thought of the pain. It's not something people can resist. He would rather not improve his strength and hide in Mangdang Mountain for hundreds of years. Mount Mangdang was completely refined and turned into a natal treasure, and he could no longer take risks, Han Hui secretly made up his mind.

At this time, his sea of ​​consciousness is vast and boundless, like a real sea, with a slight movement, it can cover a radius of ten thousand miles, and within ten thousand miles, insects and ants can be clearly seen.

The fact that the spiritual consciousness can cover thousands of miles so clearly is completely at the level of a Qi trainer in the Guihai realm, and Han Hui showed a smile on his face.

It is said that the greater the effort, the greater the reward. A Qi trainer at the peak of the normal Yuyue state can only cover a radius of a hundred miles.

The gap between them is huge, not to mention that his consciousness can directly attack other people's consciousness, and slowly activate 24 consciousness vortexes, and suddenly there is a huge wave in Han Hui's sea of ​​consciousness, and his consciousness suddenly explodes. It became more ferocious and covered a wider range, extending to [-] to [-] miles away.

Forty to fifty thousand miles is definitely beyond the distance that ordinary Guihai peak experts can spy on, Han Hui is overjoyed, it is a huge harvest.

After feeling how powerful he was, the pain that lingered in his mind seemed to have faded a lot. He couldn't help but find a master of trance, and try to bombard him with his consciousness.

If you can really kill the ecstasy masters all at once, then you are really developed. As long as you are not too arrogant, there is absolutely no problem in saving your life.

Now Han Hui doesn't dare to think like he used to think. After being promoted to ecstasy, he can run rampant all over the world without hindrance. Now it seems that Guihai Peak may fall at any time. Cui Zhongqing is an example.

And Mount Mangdang is not absolutely safe, a finger blasted in, although I don't know the reason, after the finger came in, it didn't attack itself, but decomposed into three beads, but this also proved that hiding in the It is not absolutely safe here, as someone can find out and come in.

If Mangdang Mountain's hiding method doesn't work, then Han Hui really has nothing to do. After seeing countless real masters and knowing that this place is not absolutely safe, Han Hui no longer has the same thoughts as before.

With a movement of his palm, three light blue beads appeared in Han Hui's palm. These three beads had been floating in the cave, and he felt that there was more life in his cave, and his meridians were strengthened. Both are much faster.

He also sacrificed the black inkstone, but the black inkstone did not devour the three beads. Now that these three beads are so miraculous, he would not sacrifice the inkstone to test.

Gently stroking these three beads, the water of life seemed to enter Han Hui's meridians along the palm of his hand, continuously nourishing his meridians.

A smile appeared on the corner of Han Hui's mouth, the harvest was so great that he didn't dare to think about it before, and it was much bigger than what he wanted to plan when he entered the Jianzong's hidden sword pavilion.

Now, there is no need to go to the Sword Sect, the little golden sword on Elder Gong's body is enough for him to practice. At this time, the outside is no longer the devil's plain, but yellow sand all over the sky.

The mysterious disappearance of the Devil's Plain is no surprise to Han Hui, after all, when he first came to Mangdang Mountain, he also heard about it.

The Devil's Plain is mysterious and unpredictable, and it just appeared suddenly. The Demon Lord can only be born on the Devil's Plain. Now that the Demon Lord has died, or the birth is successful, the Devil's Plain will naturally have no effect and will disappear by itself.

Han Hui didn't go out hastily, let the three beads float above his head, clapped his palms, and a small golden sword appeared in front of him.

He wanted to practice in seclusion. After seeing too many masters and having so many resources in his hands, Han Hui finally settled down and began to practice.

The most important thing is that this life-and-death experience has changed his mentality. He can't bear to stay at home alone for half a year on earth, and he always has to go out to meet people.

This time he sat for ten years, ten years passed by, Han Hui opened his eyes again, and checked Cui Zhongqing's situation by connecting with Mangdang Mountain's mind.

Cui Zhongqing had completely controlled the demon's body at this time, and the huge bloody light on the demon's body gradually disappeared.

Look carefully, there is a trace of black air, intertwined with blood light, this is Cui Zhongqing practicing the Great Heitian Demon Art, which can stimulate the body's potential and double the attack power.

However, this kind of magic power damages the body and damages the meridians. Once it is used, it will leave great sequelae. However, now that he has the body of the demon king, everything is different.

The Demon Lord is a legend of the Demon Sect. Not only is his body extremely powerful, but he can also increase his own strength by devouring others. This is also the fundamental reason why Zhengdao formed such a luxurious lineup when he heard that the Demon Lord was coming.

As long as something happens to the demon king, it will definitely set off a bloody storm in the qi training world, devour countless masters, and make himself stronger.

Seeing that Cui Zhongqing was still cultivating, Han Hui's spiritual sense penetrated tens of thousands of miles around, but he didn't find anyone spying on him. He swayed and left Mount Mangdang.

A scorching desert breath hit his face, but with his current cultivation base, no matter how powerful this breath was, it would not be able to affect him.

With a strong spiritual sense, it is much easier to survive in the desert. Countless poisonous insects and beasts are under the detection of his spiritual sense, so he can avoid them early and avoid unnecessary troubles.

Han Hui wanted to go to the ancient tomb. He also knew that the ancient tomb was dangerous, but Fairy Yu of Caifengmen was kind to him. He knew that Fairy Yu would fall there or be imprisoned there. After that, don't look around, this is not Han Hui's character.

He now has more control over Mount Mangdang. Because of the three mysterious beads, [-]% of Mount Mangdang has been refined. Originally, he wanted to refine Mount Mangdang in one fell swoop.

However, there was a problem in the last step of refining Mangdang Mountain. The three beads seemed to feel that their vitality was extracted by the cold light, or they entered a strange state, restraining their essence. Moisturized by the mysterious atmosphere, Han Hui had no choice but to leave the level.

However, it's nothing, because he also discovered the core secret of Mangdang Mountain. At the core of Mangdang Mountain, he vaguely felt that there was a huge restriction at the core of Mangdang Mountain. As long as the restriction was broken, Mount Mangdang will become his natal treasure.

Unable to rely on the power of the light blue beads, the effect of retreating is not great, so Han Hui put Mount Mangdang into his dantian to warm up slowly, and when the essence slowly penetrates to the edge of the restriction, he can break the restriction, in one fell swoop Refining Mount Mangdang.

It wouldn't take much time, if it wasn't for him breaking the restriction, it would be called a miracle, without the help of beads, it would take at least decades to warm up slowly.

However, now, as long as he can touch the edge of the restriction, he can successfully refine Mangdang Mountain at any time, and he can directly crack it if others need to be nourished.

What Han Hui didn't know was that the three beads didn't restrain their essence when they felt his extraction, but that these three beads had the effect of restraining their essence, otherwise the person who died under the thunder calamity Sanxian Jingyuan will not be preserved either.

At the beginning, the three Guihai masters used their own essence to stimulate the power of Sanxian's finger, and the dissipated existence in it has now been slowly closed again.

If he reaches the Guihai Realm, he can activate these three mysterious beads again to extract the essence inside. Of course, if Han Hui reaches the Guihai Realm, he doesn't need the power of the three beads to nourish himself at all. It is used to enhance the strength of subordinates, or to form a single finger of Sanxian to destroy the enemy.

According to the stars in the sky to identify the direction, Han Hui arrived at a distance of [-] miles from the ancient tomb in a few days. He fully activated his spiritual sense to investigate and found that there were many masters around the ancient tomb tens of thousands of miles away.

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