forbidden place

Chapter 178 Invitation

There have been scorpion puppets that can kill masters from the ancient tomb, and so many masters from the ecstasy are missing, there will definitely be masters from various sects coming to investigate.

Thinking of the scorpion puppet, Han Hui couldn't help but took out his only scorpion puppet that hadn't been opened yet. The restriction of this scorpion puppet was esoteric to others, but to Han Hui, it was nothing. Han Hui also tried to crack it.

However, after the restriction was opened, the scorpion puppet did not change at all, which made him unable to figure out what was going on. The scorpion puppet was not obtained from an ancient tomb, but a statue enshrined by a tribe. Could it be that it was enshrined? related, or is this simply a knockoff?

Thinking of the imitation, Han Hui shook his head abruptly. From the fact that the scorpion puppet has more complex restrictions than the bronze shoe puppet, he can deny the conjecture of the imitation. It is impossible for the imitation to have such an exquisite restriction.

After thinking for a long time, he still put the scorpion puppet in his arms, took out a bronze mask, and put it on his face. These bronze masks all have rune restrictions carved by him himself, which have the effect of isolating the prying eyes of people's spiritual sense.

After getting everything ready, Han Hui suspended his body in the air and flew towards the ancient tomb. He knew that there were several people camping ten thousand miles ahead. Ordinary people camp in tents differently.

What can't they carry in their storage rings?

This group of people lived in houses built of huge stones, which were hundreds of square meters in size, no different from villas in modern society.

There are also various runes engraved on the boulder, which can isolate people's consciousness and enhance the resistance of the house. Even the strong wind in the desert can't blow the house. Of course, if ghost sand forms, it will be another matter. Never mind.

However, this kind of restriction that isolates the consciousness has no effect on Han Hui, and even one sweep can clearly see the scene in the house.

There are six young people in the house, four men and two women, both women are extremely beautiful, but their cultivation bases are all at the peak of Dingmaiji, two of them are men, two are at the peak of Dingmaiji, and one is at the peak of Dingmaiji. One Yuyue is in the early stage, and one is at the peak of Yuyue.

There are few female Qi practitioners, and there are even fewer beautiful female Qi practitioners. The only place that can mass-produce beautiful female Qi practitioners is Caifengmen.

That's why Caifengmen is the most popular and influential sect among the twelve sects. Last time, the formation master Wan Qianji who arranged a large formation on the Devil's Plain was Caifengmen's guest elder, Married to a female disciple of Caifengmen.

According to Cui Zhongqing, the sect they are most afraid of in the desert is not the natural sect, the Yin Yang sect, or other powerful sects, but the Caifeng sect, which is dominated by female cultivators.

Except for the suzerain who is a man, the other organs of power in Caifengmen are all controlled by women. Even the suzerain is only able to be the suzerain because of his wife, and Caifengmen is using it as an example. Want the status of a man, hold the man up.

Therefore, they will still train a few talented male disciples to be the head of the sect in the future. All such male disciples are peerless geniuses that are rare to meet once in ten thousand years.

Looking at the attire of the two women, it can be seen that these two women are disciples of Caifengmen. Han Hui has no habit of spying on other people's sexual organs, and he has no way to spy on them. Go in that direction with confidence.

Ordinary qi practitioners at the peak of the Yuyue realm can only spy a hundred miles away, but Han Hui deliberately avoided the prying of those people's spiritual sense and passed two hundred miles away from the stone house.

Suddenly a voice sounded: "Brother, the further you go, the more dangerous it is. It is very dangerous to explore such an area alone, but come and chat, we can exchange cultivation experience, so as to impact the mysterious and unpredictable state of ecstasy .”

It was the voice of a young man, Han Hui's face changed, and there were still undiscovered masters within the scope of his spiritual consciousness, what kind of realm was this?

Following the sound, he detected his spiritual sense, and laughed in surprise. It turned out that the person who greeted him was the peak Yuyue qi trainer in the stone house.

It seems that people in the world should not be underestimated. It is understandable that the Yuyue realm qi practitioners who dare to come here are not equipped with secret skills, and their spiritual consciousness is stronger than the average Yuyue realm.

Wanting to understand this, Han Hui stopped in the air, pretending to look around.

A bronze mirror suddenly appeared in the hand of the man who was jumping to the peak, and he rubbed it lightly with his hand, and the bronze mirror instantly became larger, becoming as tall as half a person.

The image of Han Hui standing in the air and looking around suddenly appeared, the two women teased covered their mouths and laughed straight away, the flowers and branches trembled wildly, and the four men beside him were stunned.

The two women were obviously very satisfied with their charm. Seeing the four people looking at them, they stopped laughing and said, "Brother Ji, don't lead him the way. This senior brother should also be our comrade. Maybe he is from a famous family. We have offended you." Not good."

The man who didn't want to be Senior Brother Ji hadn't opened his mouth yet. The man next to him at the pinnacle of Dingmai said with a sneer: "What is my Donglai Ji family afraid of? This kid came to the desert alone, and there is no elder from the master sect." I'm afraid I'm just a stupefied young man with no companions to accompany me."

Han Hui heard these words sincerely, and said in his heart: "I am afraid that you are the most stunned person here. Your cultivation is only at the pulse-fixing stage, and you still want to show off in front of the female disciples of Caifengmen. You really don't know how to live or die."

Han Hui didn't have a good impression of Caifengmen's disciples, but he had a better impression of Yu Xianzi and the others. He felt that Caifengmen had cultivated so many beauties to influence men all over the world, and there might be some hidden conspiracy behind them.

Even if there is no conspiracy, these women are much more scheming than ordinary men. The main reason is that men want to get them, hold them high and regard them as nine-day fairies, and they will naturally become idiots.

The peak qi trainer known as Jixiong Yuyue stretched out his hand towards the mirror, and a strong light was naturally shot from the mirror, and the strong light came to Han Hui in an instant.

The real speed of light, fortunately, only light is the only thing with the speed of light, and light will not produce any lethality. If a weapon that can produce lethality can have the effect of the speed of light, it will basically sweep away Qi practitioners all over the world.

The reason why Han Hui's scorpion puppet was able to kill the trance expert was because the light emitted from the tail of the scorpion puppet was so fast that even the trance expert couldn't dodge it.

This ray of light rushed to Han Hui's side and stopped instantly, forming a road composed of light, leading directly to the stone villa two hundred miles away.

"Brother, we don't have any malicious intentions, but we just want to invite you here because it's too late," said the loud voice.

Han Hui shook his head and sighed. These people are really idiots. Seeing that they were wearing a mask, they obviously didn't want to meet people, and they invited themselves enthusiastically, but they didn't know what they were thinking.

"My name is Ji Yun, a member of Donglai Ji's family, you can reach us along this light path." The Qi trainer who jumped to the top said through voice transmission.

Han Hui slandered in his heart: "Is Donglai Ji's family famous? Those who come here are either from the Seven Sects and Six Bandits, or from the Twelve Sects of Middle Earth, or the masters of the Demon Sect. What are you Donglai Ji's family?"

But he didn't know that Donglai Ji's family was indeed very famous, it was a family of qi training, although there was no existence at the level of cultivation, it was also a famous big family in Donglai.

The family is good at refining weapons and is proficient in the way of prohibition. Even the twelve sects of Middle Earth have to give some face, but Hanhui doesn't know it.

Han Hui hesitated for a moment, his body flickered and flew along the light path, he also wanted to inquire about what happened in this ancient tomb.

"Hmph, hesitating, he must not look like a Qi fighter. I really don't know how a person like him dares to come to the desert to die." The person who was at the peak of Dingmai just now saw Han Hui's hesitation in the mirror, Said disdainfully.

"Ji Guang, don't be unreasonable when this brother comes. Although we can keep him at any time, there is no need to offend people and make people laugh at my Donglai Ji family!" Ji Yun said to Ji Guang reprimanded.

Ji Guang glanced at the two beauties, his face was full of uneasiness, after all, people like him are most afraid of losing face in front of beauties.

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