forbidden place

Chapter 182

Han Hui stood still, relying on Yuyue's peak strength, and did not make the slightest movement of resistance. The faces of the two girls in the Caifengmen chain clearly showed contempt.

"When did you establish your country in the desert? What is the realm of your princes? How many princes does your king have? It's fine if I don't provoke the Seven Sects and Six Bandits. Do the Seven Sects and Six Bandits dare to provoke me?" Han Hui said. Said.

In a word, Shi Potian was shocked, not only the three guys were shocked, Ji Yun Jiguang and the others, as well as the lotus fairy Xiang from the Caifengmen, were all stunned.

Isn't this guy timid and cowardly?Why are you talking so crazy?

The two brothers of Ji's family are crazy enough, but they can't compare with Han Hui. They are crazy, at most they want to show off their family, and Han Hui directly targets the seven sects and six bandits.

"Your mouth smells bad, cut off your own tongue now, I will save your life, otherwise, I will send you to the west." Han Hui said lightly.

"Hahaha, I really laughed to death, kid, didn't you become obsessed with practicing kung fu, did you practice stupidly? You actually said such death words, brother, I will definitely torture this kid to death." The big man holding a long knife With a turn of the long knife, huge power came straight to Han Hui.

The light guarded by Xiaoqi was like shaking with a huge force, causing layers of ripples. Ji Guang said: "This matter has nothing to do with us. We just met Han. You have to fight Han. Don't hurt us." .”

"I didn't have any excuses at first, but now I have this excuse. You provoked me first, even if I kill you Caifengmen, I have nothing to say." The big man with the knife said.

"Brother, it is said that the girls from the natural door are not only beautiful, but they also have the function of double cultivation and can even break through the realm. After playing with them, the big brother must let us play." Another big man who has never spoken, He also said with a yin smile.

"Hmph, that's about the same level. If you want to break through to the ecstasy level, at least you have to double-cultivate with the female disciple who is at the peak of Yuyue. Only then can you have a chance to break through, and it's extremely difficult, but it's just a chance." The disheveled, The leader holding the Zen staff said.

The faces of the two girls from Caifengmen changed, and Na Premiere continued: "You don't have to try to send a message, I've already sealed the whole house, there's no way you can escape."

Fairy Lian said: "Senior, we don't know this person. He provoked Senior and has nothing to do with us. If you kill us, Caifengmen will definitely retaliate."

Ji Yun flipped his palm, and the light of the small flag flashed across Han Hui's body. Instead of protecting Han Hui, when the light left his body, Han Hui felt a murderous aura rushing towards his face.

He snorted coldly, 24 vortexes in the sea of ​​consciousness were running at the same time, and a group of people could not see the sword array of divine consciousness rushing out of his sea of ​​consciousness, directly bombarding that person's sea of ​​consciousness.

The man's sword light had just reached the depth of the cold glow, and suddenly dissipated, and his body froze there without moving.

Then, with a bang, he fell to the ground, breathless, and was killed by Han Hui instantly, without any ability to resist.

Everyone was stunned, including the big man with disheveled hair. His eyes shot out a fierce light, and his consciousness swept thousands of miles around, but he didn't find the slightest figure.

The other person looked at the proudly standing Han Hui with flickering eyes: "What kind of magic power did you use? Well, you Caifeng and Donglai Ji's family actually colluded with the magic sect. No one can keep you, and your sect can't help you!" be destroyed by it.”

The big man with disheveled hair suddenly said loudly: "That senior made a move secretly, this junior really didn't mean to offend, please forgive me, senior."

The other person was stunned when he heard the disheveled man say this: "Brother, is there anyone else?"

"Your spiritual consciousness is very strong, comparable to the middle stage of trance. I'm very curious. What method do you use to condense your spiritual consciousness? You must know that the secret method of condensing spiritual consciousness is very rare, very rare." Han Hui said nonchalantly.

Although it seemed nothing happened on the surface, he was already happy in his heart. His attack with spiritual sense was so effective, and he killed a master of the same level without a sound.

"How do you know? Impossible? Who told you? Our prince will arrive tomorrow, and we will wait for our prince to come. Our prince will naturally give an answer to the seniors. The seniors will not offend our Great Desert Empire, the Great Desert." The empire has just been established, and it is the time when it is necessary to stand up, even if the senior is in the Guihai state, it will not be good, and besides, we have not really hurt this brother."

The man with disheveled hair was told by Han Hui that he had the strength of his consciousness in the middle stage of trance. He was startled suddenly, and instantly remembered that there might be hidden a strong man at the peak of trance and the state of consciousness returning to the sea. He immediately became frightened and shouted loudly .

"I said before, your mouth is too stinky, not everyone can scold you, cut off your own tongue, I will spare your life!"

"Killing is nothing more than nodding, we already know we were wrong, and one person died, so don't push yourself!" Another person said coldly.

"Hum..." Han Hui snorted coldly, the Earth Fiend Sword Formation was in motion again, and the shadowless and invisible spiritual consciousness bombarded out again, this time he attacked the two of them at the same time.

The other person naturally said that he was coming, and fell to the ground in an instant. The man with disheveled hair showed panic on his face. The small flags of the two fairies of Caifengmen fluttered.

It turned out to be a master of ecstasy.

Primordial spirit out of body!

This person turned out to be reborn, no wonder he has such a powerful spiritual sense.

Because he had been prepared for a long time, the death of their companion just now was too strange, and he wanted to get out of his soul and escape at any time.

Sure enough, at the same time he felt the threat of death, his primordial spirit came out of his body and rushed outside like lightning.

"Spiritual consciousness??????"

What he wanted to say was soul attack.

The speed of the soul of a person far exceeds the speed of the physical body. This is also the reason why the soul of many masters of trance has been destroyed, but the soul can escape.

It's a pity that Han Hui is not a physical body, he is chasing with his spiritual consciousness, and his spiritual consciousness can reach tens of thousands of miles in a flash. The man's primordial spirit just escaped to the door, and the five-element sword formation trapped him, 24 invisible swords With a slight stir of the sword, his primordial spirit was shattered.

Even before he finished his last sentence of Yuanshen attack, Yuanshen was strangled and dissipated between heaven and earth, leaving only the lingering sound of the two beings of the divine consciousness echoing in the room.

The four members of Ji's family and the two fairies from Caifengmen were completely stunned, staring blankly at everything in front of them, as if in a dream, they were actually facing a strong man in a state of ecstasy.

The most dreamy thing is that the soul of this strong man came out three-dimensionally, and he still couldn't escape the fate of being strangled. Could it be that this man wearing a bronze mask is a master of Guihai Realm?

However, who in the Guihai realm would be so disregarding their status and discuss friendship with their brothers?

Han Hui flicked his sleeves, and all the corpses disappeared in an instant. He collected them in Mangdang Mountain and handed them over to Song Shixiong and the others to search for things and destroy the corpses.

After taking the corpse away, Han Hui looked at the six people and said lightly: "The family is not enough to rely on. The only thing you can rely on is your own strength. You are right, this place is very dangerous."

At this time, the crowd came to their senses, but they all looked at me and I looked at you, dumbfounded and didn't know what to say.

Jiyun was even more ashamed, but he had just accepted Xiaoqi's protection from Hanhui, and Hanhui suddenly went mad, even if you are a senior in Guihai, you can't play with people like this.

"Senior, Lian'er has blind eyes, and I hope you don't blame me!" Fairy Lian came to her senses first, bowed gracefully, and apologized to Han Hui.

The rest of the people also reacted, and bowed down one after another, Han Hui lightly waved his sleeves and said: "Forget it, I don't blame you, I don't want to spread the matter today, don't cause trouble for me, otherwise? ?????"

"Senior, don't worry, we will never say anything."

"Today we were just chatting with seniors, where did anything happen?"

Several people hurriedly said to Han Hui.

Han Hui waved his hand and said: "Today I will stay with you for a night, you can do whatever you want."

Saying that, he stepped into a stone room.

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