forbidden place

Chapter 183

After Han Hui hid in another stone room, the remaining six people looked at me and I looked at you, without speaking for a long time. If Han Hui left the stone room directly, they would definitely have a discussion.

However, Han Hui didn't leave, and they didn't dare to speak. Fairy Lian and Fairy Xiang looked at each other and said slowly: "Today's incident proves that neither the family nor the sect can be relied upon. Senior Han is right. We should work hard to practice."

With that said, the two stood up and walked to another stone room. Ji Yun and Ji Guang had just struggled out of the brink of life and death. They no longer felt jealous, each chose their own room, and went to practice with their eyes closed.

Of course, I don't know how many of them can really continue to cultivate, instead of just thinking about it.

Just after dawn, Han Hui came out of the stone room, and the four members of Ji's family and the two fairies from Caifengmen were waiting there early.

"Don't you want to worship old man Huang He as your teacher? How can you find him?" Han Hui asked.

"We only need to go to Luori Hill, there are the disciples of the old man Huanghe, where the old man has arranged three sets of formations, one of which is used to recruit disciples, if we can crack that set of formations, we can become Disciple of old man Huang He."

When Ji Yun said this, he paused for a moment and continued: "Of course, with the mastery of the sky, the senior will not be the disciple of the old man Huang He. The other two sets of formations of the old man Huang He are said to be the old man Huang He. He also couldn't figure out how to get it from an ancient site, if he can unravel this formation, he can get a promise from the old man Huang He."

"The last set of formations is the magic scorpion magic game of the old man Huang He's rubbing. You must crack one of the first two sets of formations before you have the opportunity to watch the Scorpio magic game."

Han Hui nodded. He used his spiritual sense to observe yesterday, but he didn't find any formation at all. This formation was created in the void, and everything was restrained in the air.

If you want to form a ban in the void, you must at least be in a state of ecstasy, condense your spiritual consciousness into a group, and condense it without dispersing, so that you can depict the ban in the air.

However, Han Hui would not have dared to imagine that if the restriction with a radius of ten thousand li could be described, it would be able to possess such power, unless he could become a master of golden elixir.

Such a dangerous restriction is too huge for him to crack. It is like millions of locks placed in front of him. Although he can open them, and they can be opened without any effort, but if there are too many, it will be laborious. He may be exhausted or he may be exhausted to death.

What's more, this kind of restriction falls from the sky and is self-generated. If you unlock a lock, it may not automatically increase one.

Therefore, he had to find the old man Huanghe to see the complete rubbing of the formation. If he could see the whole picture of the formation, he could turn the entire complex formation into a chain, and then he could think about how to break it.

There is no place in the tens of thousands of miles that can hide Han Hui, other people's consciousness will be obstructed by various things, such as restraints, such as formations, but Han Hui's consciousness can easily capture the position Ji Yun said.

The place with a radius of tens of miles has turned into an oasis, with exotic flowers and plants all over the ground, and spiritual birds and animals are walking leisurely.

Looking at the stone house where I and others live, and looking at the super manor with a radius of tens of miles, the sand sea oasis, the gap in strength is immediately obvious, and there is no need to fight at all.

After a few people left the stone house, a few members of Ji's family began to tear down the house. After all, it was the restriction they set up, and it would be much easier to break it by themselves.

Soon, the room was split up and the stones were put into their respective rings. Han Hui asked suspiciously: "Isn't your Ji family famous for refining weapons? Why don't you refine a treasure? It can be played or small, so it will be more convenient to live in it when the time comes? Why do you have to live in this stone house?

Treasures that can become larger are not very rare, but treasures that contain a large space inside small things are relatively rare. Space rings can only hold dead objects, not living people.

What Hanhui was talking about wasn't rings and other treasures like Sumeru, but things that can grow bigger and then people can live in them. Donglai Ji's family definitely doesn't lack such treasures.

Ji Yun sneered and said: "The younger generation and others are considering that living in this kind of primitive stone house is more romantic, so??????"

Having said this, he laughed dryly twice, and did not speak again.

The faces of Fairy Lian and Fairy Xiang also turned red. In fact, the kind of powerful and small treasures that Han Hui mentioned are not applicable in the Qi training world, and are only carried by low-level Qi training disciples.

Qi practitioners above Dingmai can arrange some restrictions. Usually, they will arrange restrictions wherever they go.

Soon, they arrived at Luoriqiu's manor, and when they reached the gate, a Taoist boy blocked their way.

"If you want to enter the Yellow Crane Villa, you must break the restriction at the entrance. This is the rule set by the master. I hope the distinguished guests will forgive me." A pair of eyes were as black as ink.

"Let me try!" Ji Guang took the initiative to walk up.

One is that he thinks that this kind of thing must not be done by Senior Han himself. Senior Han is an existence that may be on an equal footing with Old Man Huang He, so how can he do such a trivial thing.

Furthermore, among his peers in the Donglai Ji family, he has the deepest research on the way of restraint. This time, in addition to pursuing the two fairies who want to pursue the Caifengmen, he also wants to see if he can worship the old man Huanghe. under the door.

I saw that the two sides of the door were like couplets, depicting twisted and circling prohibition runes, and each prohibition seemed to come alive, wriggling and jumping.

No matter how the restriction changes, it is the same for Han Hui, but it is different for others. When Ji Guang walked in front of the restriction, the restriction appeared, which immediately confused his eyes.

A drop of sweat dripped from his head, and he couldn't even break the restriction on the door. Isn't this the restriction on accepting disciples?

It is said that the restriction on accepting apprentices is inside, and only after entering the door can you be qualified to break the restriction on accepting apprentices. Now I have the first restriction among my generation in Donglai, and I, who has been praised as a genius, can't even enter the door?

If this spreads, don't people get rid of their big teeth, and they will be ashamed to see others in the future, not to mention that there are two fairies from the Caifengmen who are following behind. If they really can't enter the gate, they will laugh to death?

However, these restrictions are too strange, one is like an earthworm, constantly changing, which is simply beyond the scope of what he can crack.

This kind of restriction can only be broken by the elders of their family. If he wants to break this kind of restriction, he will have to practice for a hundred years until he breaks through the state of ecstasy.

Seeing Ji Guang's expression, Ji Yun showed a smile on his face. His cousin actually wanted to snatch the two fairies from him.

I met these two fairies first, and now I am fine. I was defeated in the way of restraint that I am best at, and I can't even enter the gate. Let's see how he will raise his head in front of the two fairies in the future.

At this time, Ji Yun was still thinking about jealousy, which shows how much influence the two fairies of Caifengmen have on him.

"Hmph, if you can't crack it, just get out of the way and don't block the door!" A rude voice sounded, following the voice, a ray of light appeared through the air, and the ray faded away, dozens of people appeared in front of everyone.

Although there were dozens of people, the rest were obviously followers, only one young master who was wearing a brocade robe, a jade belt hanging from his waist, and playing with a jade ruyi in his hand was the core of the crowd.

The one who opened the mouth to ask was a big man, about 40 years old, exuding a mysterious aura from his body, he was in a state of ecstasy.

Han Hui frowned, this was the first time he had seen someone in the trance state serve as a bodyguard, and that young man was obviously just in the Yuyue state, and hadn't advanced to trance yet.

How high is the state of ecstasy?For ordinary Qi practitioners, being in a trance is already an immortal, eternally at ease.

Now, a fairy acting as a bodyguard for a mortal?Still lead the way like a servant?

What kind of background is this young man?Even the young master of the great sect doesn't have such pomp?

Among the twelve major sects, masters of trance are not bodyguards, not servants, but elders!

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