forbidden place

Chapter 185 Old Man Yellow Crane

Han Hui let out a cold snort, and wanted to use Cui's consciousness to kill the prince. Although there were so many people watching, he was still fearless. Anyway, he changed his appearance and covered it with a mask. No one would think of their own faces.

Now that the demon gate is surging, the whole desert must be having a headache about it, it is impossible to draw out a master to deal with him, is he still afraid of the general return to the sea?They all came as treasures for themselves.

If you are timid about everything, you will not have the mentality of a strong person. If you cannot be a strong person in your mentality, you are destined not to be a strong person.

In the past, the realm was too weak, and any one of them could kill him, so Han Hui had to keep a low profile and keep a low profile.

It's different now, with a move of his consciousness, he can obliterate the supernatural master, and make the supernatural master completely wiped out. If he is still so timid, he doesn't need to practice anymore.

Before he could mobilize his consciousness, a crane blew, and the sound shook the heavens. Prince Xildor of the Desert Kingdom changed his face, and so on, he took several steps back.

Following the sound of the crane's crowing, a golden light came from the sky far away, and within a few breaths, it arrived in front of everyone, and a yellow crane several times larger than an elephant descended from the sky.

Every feather on this yellow crane is made of pure gold, exuding brilliant brilliance. An old man is sitting on the yellow crane.

The old man's beard and hair are white, and his eyes are deep and transparent, as if he can see through everything in the world, and he seems to have insight into all truths.

This person is the old man of the Yellow River, exactly the same as the vitality avatar formed by the life-saving talisman activated on Daotong's body.

Seeing the old man Huang He, Han Hui cupped his fists and said, "This junior has seen Senior Huang He!"

The old man Huang He waved his hand and said: "It's just a whim to build an oasis here and build a manor. I just tried my luck. I didn't expect to meet such a peerless genius as Xiaoyou."

"Little friend can come, the humble house is full of brilliance, please!" After speaking, he jumped off Huang He, took the lead, and walked towards the door with Han Hui.

This time, Prince Xilduo quit, and hurriedly said: "Senior Huang He, I am Prince Xilduo of the Desert Empire, I want to worship under your sect, learn the restraint formation from you, and hope that senior will accept disciples! "

As he said that, Prince Xildor knelt on the ground and kowtowed, but the old man Huang He ignored him, stretched out his hand and pulled Han Hui, and walked towards the door.

Ji Yunjiguang and Lianxiang, two fairies from Caifengmen, were stunned. They never expected that Hanhui would receive such treatment from the old man Huanghe. Could it be another chance?

Thinking of another Wanqianji slipping away from her, Fairy Lian and Fairy Xiang are going crazy. Although their disciples of Caifeng practice Qi to seek longevity, they are only women after all, and they still have to pick a strong man to marry Well, they can't do it if they don't want to marry. The sect has spent so much time cultivating you, and they want you to marry.

The stronger the married man, the higher his status in the sect. Now that a man who is comparable to Qianqianji appeared in front of him, they didn't even catch it.

Even being a concubine is fine, if they can be concubines of thousands of chances, their status in Caifengmen will be improved a lot in an instant.

But what did they do?Not only did he fail to grab people firmly, but he also sneered and ridiculed, showing extreme arrogance, really wanting to cry without tears.

At this time, without thinking too much, the two women turned around and hurriedly stepped forward and shouted: "Senior Han, let's also enter Senior Huang He's manor, and experience the supreme way of restraint."

Han Hui glanced at the old man Huang He, and the old man Huang He laughed: "Since the two girls are so elegant, naturally there is no problem. This little friend is surnamed Han, and his attainments in the way of restraint are really as deep as Yuanhai!"

Han Hui said modestly: "Your junior is just getting started, so you can't be praised by seniors, seniors please!"

The old man Huang He was obviously very happy to see Han Hui, the master of restraint, and walked towards the door first, while Han Hui accompanied the two before and then walked in the door.

Fairy Lian and Fairy Xiang followed behind Han Hui and also stepped into the gate. Ji Yun and the others hesitated for a long time but did not dare to follow after all.

Seeing that the old man Huang He ignored him and entered the villa with Han Hui, Prince Hildo stood up abruptly from the ground.

"Can mere restrictions be hard for me?" With a flicker of the jade in his hand, a bright jade-like light shrouded the restrictions that had just changed.

After a full cup of tea, the prohibition dissipated, and two large characters appeared on the forehead - please come in!

It turned out to be please come in!

Many sighed, if this prince Sildo was not so arrogant, he would have conflicts with others as soon as he came up, and as a result, one of his ecstasy subordinates was defeated by the ecstasy talisman, which was embarrassing.

Instead, breaking the restriction by himself as soon as he came up, and getting the word "please come in" is enough to get everyone's reverent eyes.

It's a pity, with Hanhui Pearl and Jade in front of him, his invitation to come in is still nothing.

As soon as Prince Xilduo waved his hand, dozens of subordinates behind him were about to follow him in. The Taoist boy stretched out his hand lightly: "Whoever can break the restriction can pass!"

"Hmph, didn't the kid in the mask just bring two girls in? Why can't I bring someone in?" Prince Hildor was furious.

Hearing that Prince Xilduo said that Fairy Lian and Fairy Xiang are girls, Ji Yun and Ji Guang showed anger on their faces. They respected these two fairies very much and treated them like gods. How can they not be angry that they have become girls?

It's a pity that the gap between the two sides is too big, and there are still supernatural masters guarding them, otherwise, with just this sentence, both of them would dare to go up and kill people.

"If you can make the pears appear on the forehead, you can naturally bring people in, but the word "please come in" is definitely not enough!" Xiao Daotong looked down on this Prince Xilduo very much.

"If they can break the restriction, of course it's another matter. Anyone can try to break this restriction!" Dao Tong said, looking at the people behind Prince Hildore.

Although he said that anyone can try it, the tone of his speech and the look on his face fully showed his disregard. Don't try to crack it like you!

"Hmph, let me crack it!" How could the ecstatic master be so angry that he swung his hand again and again, and streams of air twisted like insects flew out from his fingers, rushed into the restraint, followed by wriggling restraints Fight up.

It took a full cup of tea to break all the restrictions. At the same time, because he was too concentrated, his forehead was covered with sweat.

The golden light shone, and a simple word appeared on the forehead——Enter!

With just one word, all the people who watched showed disdainful expressions on their faces. They were in a state of ecstasy. After all, they were also god-like figures among Qi practitioners. It turned out that it was just a simple word, worse than that Prince Xildor.

"Hmph, what do ignorant people know? Every time the restriction is different, it is even more difficult for me to break it. How can it be as simple as that masked boy?" The big man said to everyone with a cold snort.

Seeing the fierce light in his eyes, the ridicule in everyone's eyes disappeared. This is a master of ecstasy.

In fact, although the restrictions arranged by the old man Huang He are ever-changing, the difficulty is exactly the same, there is no slight difference, just like a hundred numbers are arranged and combined with each other, and the values ​​obtained by addition, subtraction, multiplication and division may be different, but the numbers do not change at all.

According to his speed, it should be invited in, but he is a master of ecstasy, and his spiritual sense is much stronger than Yuyue. It took so long to crack it, which is already very wasteful.

This is also what the old man Huang He set up at the beginning of the restriction. As long as the ecstasy master can break the restriction, no matter how long it takes, he will let in. After all, he will not casually humiliate a strong person in the state of ecstasy.

"Little friend, do you want to comprehend the wonderful situation of the magic scorpion?" On the way, the old man Huang He said to Han Hui.

"That's exactly what I mean, I'm afraid the lower realm is too low, it's always good to just want to see it!" Han Hui said.

"When the Scorpio wonderful situation just came, the divine light flickered within thousands of miles, and you could clearly see the general context. After a year, it was completely hidden. Now unless you break into the formation, you can arouse the reaction of the large formation, but Anyone who breaks into the formation will definitely be sealed in the formation, what a wonderful situation that cannot be solved!" Huang He said regretfully.

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