forbidden place

Chapter 186 Spirit Gathering Array

Han Hui said in his heart, if it wasn't for the big array to hide, I would never come to you, as long as I use my spiritual sense to gain insights.

"Senior Huang He, I came here this time just to take a look at the map, I wonder if the old man will agree!" Han Hui sincerely begged.

"I already know the intention of the little brother coming here. Naturally, you will not come here to worship me as a teacher with such a shocking means. Of course, you can show the rubbings, but you have to agree to my request." Old Man Huang He said.

"Senior, it doesn't matter what you say, as long as the junior can do it, everyone will obey!" Han Hui said respectfully.

He had a good impression of Old Man Huang He. Firstly, Old Man Huang He didn't put on airs of a senior in front of him. Furthermore, Old Man Huang He was very satisfied with his attitude towards Prince Hildo, at least he was not a follower of power.

But he didn't understand that the old man Huang He treated him very well because of his deep understanding of the way of restraint.

As for Prince Xildor, maybe he is really influential in the desert, but no matter how influential he is, how can a little Qi trainer at the Fish Leap Realm still want to fight against the formation master at the Guihai Realm?

Killing directly with a wave of hands does not violate the rules of the Qi training world, but because the current demon sect is rampant, the conflict between Middle Earth and the desert has been temporarily replaced, and the two sides are unwilling to have large-scale friction.

"I was in a historic site, and I came across a strange restriction. I couldn't figure it out. It has troubled me for 3000 years. I don't know if my little friend can explain it to me?" Huang He said.

"Of course, you don't have to decipher the detailed information, as long as you can provide some suggestions. My friend's restraint method is so clever, I must have studied under a famous family. I don't know who is the disciple of a strange person from the past. I have seen this kind of restraint in the master's school." Maybe." The old man Huang He explained.

Han Hui smiled and said: "Senior Huang He has won the award, but this junior can't afford such praise. This kind of restriction has plagued the senior for 3000 years. If the junior can break it with a glance, wouldn't he be immortal, haha."

The two of them didn't take a few steps until they arrived at the side of a rockery. The rockery was four or five feet high, carved with a kind of beautiful jade, and its brilliance was like a mirror.

There are slow streams flowing around the rockery, and these streams exude a fragrance. Han Hui took a deep breath, and couldn't help being shocked: "Senior Huang He really has an earth-shattering method, which is able to make the water contain such a strong fragrance. Heaven and earth vitality!"

"This is not an earth-shattering method. It's just setting up a spirit gathering array to strengthen the vitality of the heaven and earth in the water and nourish the flowers and plants here." The old man Huang He said with a smile.

"This spirit-gathering formation is not perfect, and I'm improving it step by step." Although the spirit-gathering formation is not perfect, there is still a hint of color on the face of the old man Huang He.

The spirit-gathering array Han Hui had also heard it in the classics and notes brought by the masters he beheaded. It is said that it has been lost for a long time. Chapters can also gather aura, but they can't guide vitality like a finger.

For example, in Kunlun, the aura is a hundred times stronger than the outside world, relying on the effect of the spirit gathering array, but Kunlun's spirit gathering array cannot allow the aura to be autonomously mastered in the water and injected into the flowers and plants.

Some medicinal materials for alchemy need to be aged for a thousand years, and you have to wait for a thousand years. There is no other way. Even in Kunlun, the aura of heaven and earth is a hundred times stronger than that of the outside world. At most, only 800 years can be compared to a thousand years. What these herbs can absorb is also limited. After all, they are not human beings and can absorb and transform.

And the old man Huang He's spirit-gathering array can already infuse vitality into the river, and there must be a way to purify and transform the vitality.

What kind of concept would it be to be able to instill it directly instead of relying on plants to absorb it autonomously? Maybe a thousand-year-old medicinal material can be cultivated in 100 years.

This is horrifying to the extreme. You must know that Han Hui has always relied on elixirs for cultivation, but his elixirs are not elixirs refined by alchemy masters, but black inkstones that absorb the essence of the desert golden python's blood energy and refine them. .

It is countless times better than the elixir refined by ordinary alchemy masters. The core disciples of some great sects rely on elixir to practice, instead of just swallowing the vitality of the world, which is too slow.

Just think of Prince Hildo, who was born a dandy, how could he reach the peak of Yuyue at such a young age?But it is formed by the accumulation of pills.

If a person with the same talent was born in an ordinary family in Mocheng, I'm afraid it's just an embryonic state. This is the difference in fate, and you can't accept it.

"Such a formation is really amazing. Senior Huang He is worthy of being the master of the formation. This junior is far behind you. I'm afraid I won't be able to reach your realm in my lifetime." Han Hui said sincerely.

The old man Huang He was very satisfied with Han Hui who was able to say such words of praise. He laughed out loud and modestly, then pointed to the stone wall and said: "Every day for another quarter of an hour, the stone wall will automatically appear. Forbidden runes, anyone who comes in can study and comprehend them.”

When the old man Huang He said this to Han Hui, people came over one after another, most of these people were in the Yuyue state, and some Qi practitioners were in the state of ecstasy.

When they saw the old man Huang He, they just saluted from a distance, and didn't step forward to disturb him. These people were all masters of the restriction who broke the restriction at the door and came in.

Some want to worship old man Huang He as their teacher, but they can't break the magic ban of old man Huang He's apprenticeship, so they can only settle for the next best thing and get some opportunities here.

The restraint that can make the old man Huang He helpless is extremely rare for them. Regardless of their qi training level, these people are without exception geniuses in restraint, otherwise, it would be impossible to stay here.

After casually exchanging with the old man of Yellow Crane Tower about the way of prohibition, Han Hui felt that he benefited a lot. Although his understanding of the way of restraint is extremely deep, after all, he has such a supreme classic as the Forbidden Code of Peeping the Truth in his hand.

However, due to the short training days, he didn't know many details of restraints and formations, and the old man Huang He had practiced for many years, and just a word could make Han Hui's eyes shine.

However, when Han Hui occasionally said a word, it could also make the old man Huang He's face startled, showing joy. To him, although Han Hui didn't talk much, he said every word clearly, and every sentence had an idea On the surface, it is a bit like turning stone into gold.

While they were talking, Prince Hildo came to this secluded courtyard angrily with a livid face, leading the master of ecstasy.

Looking at Han Hui from afar, Prince Hildo's eyes shone with hatred. In his opinion, the old man Huang He didn't accept him as a disciple on the spot. It was Han Hui's fault. Without Han Hui, he would never so embarrassing.

For people like Prince Xildor, Han Hui simply dismissed him, if he hadn't estimated his prince status, he could have killed him with a wave of his hand.

Others did not dare to disturb the conversation between the old man Huang He and Han Hui, but Prince Xilduo didn't care. He walked up to the old man Huang He and Han Hui proudly and said: "I can break the restriction, no Knowing the prohibition on the Jade Mountain in the legend, can you, a guy who hides his head and shows his tail, be able to break it?"

Han Hui was talking about the excitement with the old man Huang He, when Xilduo suddenly appeared, no doubt when he was eating deliciously, he suddenly found a fly in the bowl, which made people feel sick and want to vomit.

Isn't that the case with the old man Huang He? Han Hui only spoke a few words, and there was a sense of cheerfulness in him, and any casual sentence made him more savored and more reasonable. Han Hui said a few words casually.

The old man Huang He is even better at hating Prince Hildo. Han Hui is enjoying eating, and suddenly found a fly at the bottom of the bowl. The old man Huang He was eating and eating, and suddenly found half a fly in the bowl. Half of it was swallowed by him just now.

"Hmph, you don't have the right to speak here, step back!" the old man Huang He said in a deep voice.

"Senior Huang He, it doesn't matter if you don't accept me. My uncle's attainments in the way of restraint may not be worse than yours. Besides, the way of restraint is all-encompassing. I don't necessarily have to learn your principles of restraint. I am interested in creating such a magical spirit-gathering array with another idea." As he spoke, Prince Hildor pointed to the slowly flowing water channel.

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