forbidden place

Chapter 187 Gambling

Old Man Huang He displayed this spirit-gathering formation in a big way, and countless masters of forbidden arts came in and out here, which in itself meant to show off. Although it can't be said that everyone knows about it, all the forces that can get on the stage know about it.

This is very good for improving the status of a master of prohibition. In the future, others will ask him to describe the prohibition on the treasure, and the price will be higher.

Hearing what Prince Hildo said, the old man Huanghe laughed: "Hahaha, I can't think of it, I can't think that you, a junior, have become so arrogant, thinking that I, old man Huanghe, can't be made of mud?"

Prince Xildor also laughed wildly: "Senior, don't be angry. Considering how noble your status is, you shouldn't do anything to me, a disciple who hasn't been in a trance. I didn't come here empty-handed this time, and Yu Ru Jade is the ceremony of worshiping a teacher."

Although he knew that Prince Xilduo had been playing with Yu Ruyi all this time, he hadn't paid much attention to it, and only after hearing what Prince Xildor said, did he put his divine sense on the one-foot-long Yu Ruyi.

I just feel that this jade ruyi contains extremely tyrannical power, and the vitality of heaven and earth seems to be like the abyss of the sea, which makes people palpitate.

"Hmph, arrogant junior, do you think that Ruyi crafted with a handle of Yuanyu can make me fall in love? You really look down on me, Old Man Huang He, and He Gu too much." Old Man Huang He obviously knew about this jade for a long time. Ruyi is extraordinary.

Hearing the word Crane Valley, Han Hui couldn't help but think of the inexplicable and powerful Zhongli Qiuyu in the City Lord's Mansion, Zhongli Qiuyu escaped from the city's Lord's Mansion, and the rest of the people fell in it, flesh and blood souls all turned into mad monks. The nourishment for the son to be promoted to the Demon Lord.

This old man of Yellow Crane is also a master of He Gu, He Gu is really extraordinary, he always produces some people who defy the sky, no wonder He Gu's status in Yin Yang is so weird.

The Twelve Schools of Middle Earth are very powerful, with hundreds of thousands or even millions of Qi practitioners, and the Sword Sect alone has hundreds of thousands of disciples.

Strong enough to compete with a country, especially with high-end combat power, it can deter the empire, and the empire can't control these immortal sects at all.

The more people there are, the more powerful they are, naturally there will be various small circles and various powerful officials just like a country.

In Natural Sect, the rise of Jianzong completely overwhelmed the limelight of other sects, and one family dominated, while in Yinyang Sect, the people of Hegu could simply ignore the orders of the head teacher, do their own way, and act recklessly.

This old man Huang He is a master of Crane Valley, no wonder he acted so high-profile!

"Senior Huang He, since you don't like Yu Ruyi, then I have nothing to say. I have broken the restriction at the door, so I can watch this Yushan restriction?"

"Go away and look aside, the old man feels like vomiting when he sees you." Old Man Huang He said angrily.

Xildor looked at Han Hui and said provocatively: "Why don't we compete? Let's see which of us can break the most restrictions. If you win, I will give you this jade wishful. If you lose, you will commit suicide!" "

Han Hui was so angry that he almost kicked this guy out. If I win, I want you to be a jade ruyi. If I lose, I will commit suicide?

What the hell are you calling this abacus?No matter how precious Yu Ruyi is, she is no more valuable than her own life!

"Very good, Prince Hildo has a good plan, but just a jade ruyi, I'm afraid it won't be worth Han's life. If you have any other good things, take them out together." Killing intent was revealed.

He has already decided to find a chance to kill Prince Hildor. Anyone who wants to commit suicide must be killed decisively.

"Do you know what this Jade Ruyi is? It is made of underground Yuanyu, which is full of vitality, even hundreds of yuan crystals can't be exchanged!"

Hundreds of yuan crystals?Han Hui knows that Yuan Jing is precious, he killed so many people, and got some Yuan Jing, even a master of ecstasy does not have a few Yuan Jing.

"Is the prince's life worth hundreds of yuan crystals?" Han Hui said coldly.

"I really don't know what to do, you hide your head and show your tail, how can your life be comparable to that of the prince?" The tranced man shouted wildly.

Han Hui had seen ecstasy masters in Mocheng before, all of them were immortal, even if they were sometimes wretched, they seldom had a calm temperament.

This guy exploded at every turn, without any dignity that a master of ecstasy should have. He worked as a bodyguard for a prince, but he didn't know the shame at all.

"What's your name here? Can you interrupt me when I'm talking to your prince? It's just a dog." Han Hui reprimanded coldly.

Those present who were waiting to watch Yushan's restriction all gasped. This is a fish jumping realm, scolding a master of ecstasy, the world has fallen into a dream, isn't it?

"Things that hide their heads and show their tails, you will pay the price for your words, and your soul will fall into hell!" The tranced man suddenly became furious.

As soon as his body moved, a strong aura oppressed him, like a mountain toppled over. He wanted to use his own aura to suppress Han Hui until he made a fool of himself on the spot.

One level and one level, this is the truth in the world of qi training.

If it is an ordinary Yuyue realm, it is really possible to make a fool of yourself on the spot, but Hanhui is different. He mobilized the Mangdang Mountain in his body, and now Mangdang Mountain has been refined by [-]%.

Although it can't be said to be like arm and finger, it's not too bad. A more powerful aura rises from Han Hui's body, and the huge pressure is counter-pressed towards the ecstatic man.

The big man's face changed, and he flipped his palm, and a purple bell appeared in his hand, and he shook it lightly.

"Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang" the small bell made a sound like a giant bell, shaking the entire manor.

This sound was nothing when it fell into the ears of others, but it changed when it fell into Han Hui's ears, like stones falling madly into the sea of ​​consciousness, shaking his sea of ​​consciousness.

It turned out to be a consciousness attack!

Of course, if each stone really falls into a candy, it may destroy the entire pond; if it falls into a big river, it will only stir up a few waves; It's just a ripple.

Han Hui's Sea of ​​Consciousness at this time is truly like the sea compared to ordinary Yuyuejing practitioners, even if he forcibly resists the bell's attack, there is no problem.

However, Han Hui didn't intend to resist forcefully, a vortex in the sea of ​​consciousness shot up into the sky in an instant, turned into a sword light, and smashed all the falling stones from the sky.

"Stop!" The old man Huang He kept drinking all his life, as if a thunderbolt directly hit the chest of the master who was holding the bell.

The big man groaned for the rest of his life, and took three or four steps back before he staggered to his feet. The sound of the bell was completely interrupted, with a look of shock on his face.

"Unexpectedly, you still have a treasure to protect your spiritual consciousness. After you commit suicide, this thing will be mine!" Prince Hildor said again.

"Haha, since the prince wants to gamble, we might as well bet a big one. If I lose, I commit suicide on the spot. How about adding a hundred primordial stones to this jade ruyi?" Han Hui said coldly.

"Okay, but I have to add another bet. If you lose, Senior Huang He will hand over the formation map of the Spirit Gathering Formation to me! I don't know if Senior Huang He dares to bet!"

"You know, when I broke through the ban, the forehead on your door was just to invite you in. When this person broke out, the forehead on the door was full of brilliance! If you dare not gamble, it proves that you are just a waste of money!" False name, the words on the forehead are just deceiving people!" Prince Xilduo suddenly said to the old man Huang He.

"Good! Good! Good! It's true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push forward the waves ahead. I didn't expect you to be a person who is not afraid of death in the desert. The map with me is fine. You must have enough bets!" The old man Huang He was also irritated up.

"Of course there is a bet. I still have [-] primordial stones here. If he wins, these primal stones will belong to you. If he loses, he will commit suicide. Give me the map!" Xildor said.

The old man Huang He took a deep breath, looked at Xierduo and Han Hui coldly, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll bet you!"

Seeing the cold eyes of the old man Huang He, Han Hui instantly understood what the old man Huang He meant. The old man Huang He was afraid that he would link up with this person and deliberately lose the formation plan for him.

"Senior Huang He, don't worry, I will never lose! I will not lose on purpose, even if I lose my life, I have to stay here on the spot!" Han Hui said firmly.

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