forbidden place

Chapter 188

Although the old man Huang He was seen by Han Hui, but he has lived for many years, and he has long been ignorant of embarrassment. He smiled slightly and said: "My old eyes are not blind yet, there is no force that would abandon my little friend It’s waiting for a genius to do this kind of thing.”

"Xiang Xiaoyou's realm, if he can have such attainments in restraint, he will definitely become a famous person in the world in the future, and he will be a hundred times stronger than me. At least when I am in the Yuyue realm, if I lose to my little friend, use it. Such a genius, come to exchange me for a map, Prince Hildo is not such a fool." The old man Huang He said with a smile.

Xildor also smiled slightly and said: "Since the old man Huang He said that you are a peerless genius, why hide your head and show your tail, let me see, when did such a strange person appear in the world? Can you beat the old man Huang He by a hundred times? Your Excellency is not Someone with no name and no surname? To be able to withstand a blow from the little Mie Hunling, the divine sense is indeed extremely powerful, is he from the crafting family?"

Prince Hildo spoke, his eyes shot towards Han Hui, as if he wanted to see all the secrets hidden deep in his heart.

In this world, there are so many techniques for practicing qi, but very few techniques for exercising spiritual consciousness. Whether you are a craftsman, a formation master, or even an alchemist, you need a strong spiritual consciousness. The higher the success rate, the better the quality of the treasures and panacea.

Even, when masters are fighting with each other, their spiritual consciousness is strong, and if they activate treasures and kung fu, they can quickly gain one point, and the manipulative treasures can be added one more. This one point is often the difference between life and death!

"Hmph, mere spiritual attacks can't do anything to me, Prince Hildo, please!" Han Hui snorted coldly, pointing to the runes slowly appearing on the jade disc.

At first glance, the runes were disorganized and disorganized. With the sunlight shining on them, they twisted slowly, as if being injected with vitality and vitality by the sunlight.

Yes, it was injected with vitality and vitality by the sun, and these forbidden runes were actually related to the sun.

Prince Xildor stood beside Yushan and said, "How about we break it at the same time? There are 36 sets of restrictions here. Let's see which one of us can break the most!"

Hearing what Prince Hildo said, the old man Huang He's eyes suddenly glowed deeply. This rune is extremely magical. After getting it, he didn't research too many tricks, but only cracked some fur, so as to participate in the rune. I realized this magical gathering spirit formation.

It can be said that his Spirit Gathering Formation was inspired by these rune restrictions, and it is precisely because of this that the old man Huang He has been tirelessly seeking answers here.

He didn't expect Prince Hildor to be able to tell at a glance that these runes consist of 36 groups.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that Prince Xildor's uncle, Master Sanwu Zhaizhu, is indeed better than me in restraint. There was a match a thousand years ago, and it was evenly divided. Now it seems that his attainments in restraint have far surpassed mine." Mr. Huang He said.

When he said this, everyone understood that the reason why Hildor could see at a glance that all the restrictions were composed of 36 restrictions was that he was instructed by his uncle Sanwu Zhaizhu.

"Who is the Master of Sanwu Zhai? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Isn't the prohibition here forbidden to rubbing? This Yushan was sealed by the old man Huang He, who can rub it? Could it be that the Sanwu Zhaizhu came here? Who is the Sanwu Zhaizhu?"

Facing everyone's questions, one person shook his head and said: "You have lived in the middle of the earth for a long time, and you don't understand the things in the desert. The master of Sanwu Zhai is like the sky in the desert. Back then, he once enlightened three times in one day and created Come up with a set of formations to attack the divine sense! At that time, he was only in the realm of diving, but he was able to use the formations to blast out the masters of the gods!"

"What? Yuyuehong killed himself in a daze? This Sanwu Zhaizhu is too heaven-defying?"

"It's not impossible. After all, relying on the power of the formation, you know, why are we obsessed with the way of restraint? It is because the restraint knows that it is in harmony with the way of heaven. It will only appear in the middle!" A person said proudly.

It was as if he was the one who had realized three times in that day, and Yu Yue could use the formation he had researched to kill a master.

Han Hui also couldn't help his heart moving, he knew how terrible the divine sense attack was, and he never thought that someone would research a formation that could bombard people's divine sense.

Of course, the attack of spiritual consciousness is only useful for people with spiritual consciousness, and those who have not yet reached the realm of diving will not be troubled by this kind of attack.

However, others can even kill Yuyue, why are you jumping without Yuyue, killing you is not like crushing an ant?

"Hehe, senior Huang He has won the award. My uncle said that you and senior Wan Qianji are the ones who have never been seen before in the way of restraint." Prince Xildor said with a laugh.

At this time, the old man Huang He also knew that he was being tricked. This Prince Xilduo looked like an idiot, but in fact he had a delicate mind, and the idiot was just pretending on the surface.

Han Hui broke the restriction at the door and won the praise of Peng Pi Shenghui. He was afraid that he would start planning, and all his actions were pretending to be crazy.

Xildor walked to the side of Yushan, cupped his hands at Han Hui and said, "This prince has made a move!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand towards a restriction and suddenly pointed out his finger. The gentleman stood there in a daze, his body motionless. Han Hui glanced at Yushan, then at Prince Hildo, without any movement.

It's normal to not make any movements, and the crowd sighed. After all, there are many restraint masters in Middle-earth here, and Bordeaux is a person in the desert after all.

They took it for granted that the person who opposed the prince of the desert must be the genius of the middle-earth formation. Besides, Bordeaux was not planning on Han Hui alone, but also the old man Huanghe, their master of prohibition in the middle-earth.

"This restriction is too difficult and unfair at all. It seems that Xildor has studied the Jade Mountain Mystery and received his uncle's instructions, but this is the first time this dear friend has seen it."

"Yeah, I watched it for three days before I realized that these restrictions are made up of groups. If it weren't for what Prince Xildor said, I wouldn't even know it was the 36 ancestors. The lower level also thinks they are geniuses of restrictions." , facing this kind of prohibition, I can only sigh silently."

"This person is still too young, and accidentally took his own life."

"Yeah, it's a pity that those two women will be widows for the rest of their lives. I'm afraid Xildor won't let them go. How about we help these two women?"

Han Hui is not dead yet, and some people have already started plotting against Fairy Lian and Fairy Xiang. Although these people speak in a low voice, they can't hide it from them.

For a moment, the faces of the two were red, and the people below saw the shyness of the two, and each of them became more unscrupulous, with eyes as if they wanted to strip them both naked.

Forbidden Genius Gate is also a man!In the world before Hanhui traveled, these people were standard technical nerds, and seeing a woman was like a wolf seeing a little white rabbit in the dark.

Hearing what everyone said, the man in a daze laughed and said, "What are you looking at? This is my prince's trophy. This kid who hides his head and shows his tail is dead. Everything on him, including these two women They belong to our prince, this is the rule, presumably the old man Huang He will not stop it."

Seeing that Han Hui was motionless, the old man Huang He sighed in his heart, and was very annoyed. He didn't have time to care about the ownership of these two women.

Fairy Xiang suddenly looked at her and said: "We just met this senior Han yesterday. We didn't know each other before, and we have nothing to do with it. I just heard that we are going to come here to see and see, so I brought us here."

"So, we have nothing to do with Senior Han, let alone Prince Hildo's spoils!" Fairy Xiang said.

Han Hui thought to himself, Caifeng's woman is really powerful, Fairy Yu is really out of mud but not stained, she is clean and not demonic.

"Hmph, if you say it's not right? After this kid dies, you will go back with my prince obediently and be maids. That's your blessing." The ecstatic man said with a smile.

Here they are arguing about the spoils of war, while Prince Hildor is sweating profusely, trembling all over, and his eyes seem to be shining brightly.

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