forbidden place

Chapter 189 Wisdom Aperture

This restriction is full of vitality and changes. Even if his uncle taught him some ways to break it, he will not know until he really faces this powerful and inexplicable Jade Mountain Mystery. terrible.

His uncle once hid his identity and came to observe the magic ban on Yushan, and he used the means against the sky to rub the ban from Yushan.

Helpless, to hide his identity at that time, the old man Huang He set up restrictions to prevent people from rubbing away. Therefore, his rubbings were not complete, but only some partial restrictions.

However, relying on the supreme wisdom of his Sanwu Zhaizhu, he still researched some clues. It is impossible to completely decipher it, but it is still possible to decipher some.

Han Hui sighed softly and said to the ecstatic master: "The two of them really have nothing to do with me, how many people in this world have anything to do with me? It's because they have nothing to do with me that I can't protect them. If it has something to do with me, can a dog like you be able to flirt with it?"

After finishing speaking, someone said to Prince Xildor: "Prince, didn't your uncle teach you the way to break it? It's ridiculous that you can't break a set of restrictions after making yourself like this. How did the name pass down, isn’t it just a vain name?”

Prince Xilduo forgot both things and me, and was focused on breaking the restriction. He didn't even think about what happened outside, but the big man in a daze couldn't stand it anymore, and roared: "Boy, you are provoking my majesty. I will kill you, which is in line with Qi training." According to the rules of the world, no one can save you!"

As he said that, he raised his hand to kill Han Hui, a stern light flashed in the eyes of the old man Huang He, and an invisible cry came to the man's head.

"Ah, it turned out to be a spiritual attack. Old man Huang He, you, you, he provoked me, Wanyan Lie, to offend me. If I kill him, no one can say anything. Why did you stop him!" The big man Wanyan Lie screamed, Angrily reprimanded the old man Huang He.

"Hmph, I said long ago that you can't do it with me. If you do it with me, you just don't give the old man face. I can kill you at any time! Who can say anything? You are also guilty of the following and do not abide by the rules of the Qi training world. Rules, besides, I have a bet with your prince, if this person dies, I am not destined to lose? Do you dare to play this kind of trick in front of me and make me lose for no reason?" Huang He The old man said angrily.

Suddenly, Prince Hildor's body was shaken, and he swayed twice before regaining his footing. A strange light flashed in his eyes: "I have already cracked the first ancestor, boy, if you don't do anything, are you admitting defeat?"

Han Hui smiled slightly and said: "Prince Hildo, you can crack it with confidence. Let me see how much you can crack it? If you crack it before, Hui will form a new forbidden group later. What's the use of cracking it?"

"Hmph, don't force your words here, so many restriction geniuses are watching here, you don't want to face the old man Huanghe, even if a new restriction is created after breaking it, it will always be broken, isn't it difficult? Is it so easy to break the restriction of the old man Huang He? Where do you put the old man Huang He?" Xildor said coldly.

"Haha, do you really think that this restriction has troubled the old man Huang He? Senior Huang He just wanted to help the younger generation, so that many prohibition masters can understand it, so he made this Jade Mountain public. It's not like your uncle Sanwu Master Zhai, although the means of restraint are not bad, but he is extremely selfish, he only knows how to learn other people's restraint secretly, and he doesn't know how to help newcomers."

"However, he sent you here because he underestimated Senior Huang He. If he worshiped Old Man Huang He as his teacher, Old Man Huang He might not teach him the way of restraint. You will be able to dominate the desert." Han Hui seemed to be serious, and said earnestly.

The face of the old man Huang He couldn't help but jump, what kind of person is this Sanwu Zhaizhu, and his skills even surpassed the old man Huang He, isn't Han Hui saying that Sanwu Zhaizhu is worthless?

"Hmph, you bastard who hides his head and shows his tail! Don't be sharp-tongued. You humiliate my uncle like this, and your fate is doomed. No one in the world can save you. In front of you, I will die!" Prince Hildor said angrily.

"Senior Huang He, this person is so arrogant that he doesn't want to compete at all. I don't think there is any point for us to continue the competition? You hand over the formation map, and this kid will kill himself on the spot. I will go back with the formation map. Everyone is happy. Your identity will not be reckless?"

"Hmph, Hildo, let me show your uncle some face. Don't act like a good boy in front of me. As long as we lose, the array map will definitely be given to you. Did your uncle only teach you this? You can only crack it until Can't do it here?" Old Man Huang He said with a cold face.

Even if he is tricked today and wants to hand over the formation map, he must show such anger. Can't you break the restriction?Then crack it and see how long you can last.

Han Hui suddenly interjected: "Senior Huang He, let's stop playing with him."

As soon as he said this, the complexion of the old man Huang He suddenly changed, becoming extremely gloomy, as if he could drip ice scum.

Han Hui actually said that he didn't want to play anymore, your life is worthless, and the old man's formation map can't be given away casually, damn it.

However, Han Hui didn't wait for him to attack and said: "You have been mature for a long time, and you can hold your breath. I am still young and can't sit still. It's better for us to crack it for half a day. He cracks it for the first half of the day and I crack it for the second half. Who can crack it?" Whoever has the most wins!"

"Anyway, I can crack the prohibition with a single shot. If two people crack it at the same time, who can crack it successfully?" Han Hui talked eloquently.

Hearing what Han Hui said, the old man Huang He's complexion eased. He was very depressed because he was plotted by Master Sanwuzhai and Prince Xilduo.

Even though he knew that Han Hui would lose, he still wanted Prince Hildo to break through the restriction. Even if he knew some methods, it would be too difficult for a Qi trainer in the diving realm.

Han Hui looked indifferent, and told himself not to play with them, as if he was [-]% sure. Others would definitely think that he was very sure, and maybe they would feel that he was already prepared, and vice versa. Calculate Sanwu Zhaizhu.

Seeing Han Hui's appearance, Xildor was also puzzled in his heart. He snorted coldly and said, "Smart teeth, the way of restraint is like the deep sea, it's not about talking, so I'll let you live for a while!"

As he said that, Hildor glanced at the people who were watching and said, "I'll let you see today, what is a forbidden genius!"

"I, Hildo, have been suppressed until now. My brothers are all much higher than me in cultivation, making me unable to hold my head up. Only my uncle has pity on me. He knows that my talents are in the way of prohibition. I have always I’ll let you see the unrevealed strength of restraint today!” The more Hildo spoke, the more excited he became.

After he was born, he was not taken seriously. After all, his talent for cultivation was mediocre, far inferior to his brothers. Now that his father has become the emperor, the family is more powerful, and he also wants to compete for the position of heir.

This time, it was for the sake of making a big splash. If he could successfully force to death a peerless formation genius in Central Earth, plot against the old man Huanghe, and obtain the magical drawing of the spirit-gathering formation, it would surely be widely recited and enhance his prestige in the desert.

Suddenly, a strange light flashed above Prince Hildor's head, and the strange light retreated instantly, like a halo surrounding his head.


Han Hui's eyes widened suddenly. How could this guy behave like the Buddha in the murals on the earth?

He doesn't have any Buddha here at all, they are all Qi practitioners, why is this Xildor so weird?

Seeing this scene, the old man Huang He suddenly changed his expression: "Wisdom Aperture, why do you have a Wisdom Aperture, genius, genius!"

Seeing the excited look of the old man Huang He, Han Hui frowned. What exactly is this wisdom aperture?

Seeing the doubts on everyone's faces, although he knew that there was no possibility of winning, the old man Huang He couldn't help but feel agitated.

"What is the wisdom aperture? There is no final conclusion in the Qi training circle. It is just known that everyone with a wisdom aperture has great wisdom. They must have great achievements in refining weapons, alchemy, or formations. Although their cultivation base cannot be regarded as Decision, the status in the Qi training world is extremely high!"

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