forbidden place

Chapter 194 Entering the magic scorpion game

Rao Xilduo has the potential to be a hero, and he didn't know what to do for a while, Han Hui was too fierce, and all the fish jumping masters who were in the same realm as him fell to the ground and died, and he didn't see how Han Hui made a move.

Consciousness shock, a terrifying spiritual shock.

Turning over his palm, a ray of light lit up on his body. This is an iron plate with layers of runes engraved on it, and there is a shape of a sword on it.

"Boy who hides his head and shows his tail, since you have killed so many of us with the impact of divine sense, I will let you privately under the impact of divine sense!" Hildo's face was grim.

With one stroke of the iron plate in his hand, the entire chariot vibrated, and an invisible impact of spiritual consciousness came towards Hanhui's sea of ​​consciousness.

Han Hui let out a cold snort, and formed an Earth Fiend Sword Formation within the sea of ​​consciousness, easily crushing the impacting consciousness.

This kind of chariot can not only block the attacks of the divine consciousness, but also actively launch the divine consciousness attack, and can remember the divine consciousness of the guards engraved with the ban on destroying the gods on all the armors on the chariot.

Concentrate these spiritual senses and attack a person's sea of ​​consciousness. There were originally six people in the car wearing the armor of destroying gods. The gathering of sword and divine senses can instantly kill Yuyue masters. , will also be severely damaged.

However, now that those six people are all dead, they can only mobilize the spare power stored before, which is not enough to fight against Han Hui.

With a movement of Hanhui's consciousness, the earth-shattering sword array of Earth Fiend once again operated at full force, and the 24 vortexes merged into one, turning into an invisible sword of consciousness, and rushed towards Hildo's consciousness.

There was no way to do this, Han Hui didn't want to expose Cui Zhongqing's words, so he could only attack with his most powerful spiritual sense.

Under the full power operation, the spiritual consciousness will naturally increase several times. Even the masters of the Guihai realm and the treasures without protective spiritual consciousness may be killed all at once.

"Boom..." Hildor only felt that something in the sea of ​​consciousness shattered, and with the sound of shattering, the crystal ball at the core of the chariot exploded.

Han Hui's face was pale, this time he attacked with all his strength and finally killed Hildor, but his spiritual consciousness was seriously depleted, and he felt an indescribable pain in his soul.

As soon as Xilduo died, the figure of the man in white, no longer caring about beheading Song Shixiong, turned his long sword and stabbed towards Han Hui.

Han Hui's consciousness was running crazily again, 24 vortexes merged together, and an invisible vortex slashed towards the man in white.

There was a loud bang, and the man in white was terrified, and his body was instantly shattered into countless pieces.

Song Shixiong's face was pale, he landed on the chariot, and gently lifted Han Hui up, Han Hui's internal organs were displaced at this time, and half of his bones were broken.

"The life-saving talisman can be so powerful. Isn't this a mass production of masters?" Song Shixiong said with lingering fear.

With a thought, Han Hui disappeared out of thin air, and everything including the chariot entered the Mangdang Mountain.

He doesn't care if others have any treasures to see this scene, even if they see it, they will only be amazed by the magic of their escape method.

Song Shixiong took out a elixir and put it into Han Hui's mouth. After a long time, Han Hui sat up straight slowly.

The life-saving talisman entrusted a trace of Sanwu Zhaizhu's spiritual thoughts, gathering the vitality of heaven and earth, fighting against the enemy, Han Hui mobilized his spiritual consciousness, and was defeated in one blow, so he saved his life and did not expose Cui Zhongqing.

It took a full six hours before Han Hui opened his eyes again. At this time, the injuries on his body had recovered completely, only his spiritual consciousness had not fully recovered.

After opening his eyes, Han Hui cursed angrily in his heart, not Prince Xildor, nor Lord Sanwuzhai, he was cursing himself, the last blow did not need to mobilize such a powerful divine sense, causing His consciousness was severely damaged.

A life-saving talisman, no matter how complex and profound the depiction is, and no matter how powerful the power is, it is impossible to have too much spiritual consciousness entrusted to it.

He opened his eyes at this time because dozens of chariots and tens of thousands of soldiers in armor surrounded the place.

These soldiers all had cultivation bases in the joint construction period, and some generals with advanced cultivation bases were set up, with the aura of a strong pulse-fixing person on their bodies, flying in the air one by one, like heavenly soldiers and generals.

Han Hui had never seen so many master builders in an army, it was like the heavenly soldiers and generals in fairy tales.

From a chariot, a general in deep red heavy armor floated down. This man scanned the void in all directions with his spiritual consciousness.

"It's been six hours. I don't know where that person fled to. The atmosphere here is already very weak. You must report the disappearance of Prince Hildor and send it to His Majesty the Emperor Xingxiu through a formation!" the general said. Said.

A person beside him bowed and said: "General, what should we do now? After all, Prince Hildor sent us a message earlier and called us here. Now that we have arrived, Prince Hildor is still alive and dead. I am afraid that His Majesty the Emperor Xingxiu will Condemned."

"Hmph, we were ordered to come here, and there was no delay on the way. When we arrived, even the breath was so weak, what do you want us to do? Let us all commit suicide and be buried?" General Hongjia said coldly.

"Our Mo family is not easy to bully. Let me, Mo Liang, stand at the forefront of the desert. I rushed to the forefront in several conflicts with the Middle-Earth Empire. What a credit I have made. This Hill is too dandy. Wushuang, if I die, His Majesty the Emperor will not blame me for this."

At this moment, this Mo Liang didn't know that the incomparable dude Prince Hildo he was talking about was a rare genius surrounded by a halo of wisdom.

With a big wave of his hand, he waved the flag, and the armored army like heavenly soldiers and generals broke through the air like lightning.

Han Hui glanced over with his spiritual sense, and couldn't help being secretly startled, he had also seen the army of the City Lord's Mansion in Tolo City, and the formation of that army was already very terrifying.

These people are arranged in formations, their forces interact with each other, and their flying speeds far exceed the speed that their own realm can achieve.

The marching speed of the entire army definitely surpassed the peak of Dingmai, and was comparable to Qi trainers at the early stage of Yuyue.

You must know that most of the soldiers here are only at the cultivation level during the joint construction period, and their flying speed has almost reached two great realms.

A day later, Han Hui's body flickered, and he appeared from the void red, turning into a long rainbow, and flew towards the depths of the ancient tomb.

There is also a rubbing spar on Hildor, but it is not complete, but Hanhui has no place to go now, and the news about Prince Hildor will soon spread. The people who came this time did not find themselves, Sanwu After the vegetarian came, it was hard to say.

The three beads on the Devil's Plain easily entered his own Mangdang Mountain. Who can say that a genius like Sanwu Zhaizhu has no way to find the power.

After much deliberation, Han Hui still decided to enter the magic scorpion, hide himself with the help of the restrictions there, practice in it, and advance to the realm of sound.

"Someone actually entered the magical game of the magic scorpion. My God, he can't find death. He is still a young Qi practitioner in the realm of diving." An old man sat on a sand dune, observing the changes in the vitality in the sky, trying to deduce the magic power. The mystery of the scorpion's wonderful game, but saw a scene that shocked him.

"What's going on? After he entered, why didn't there be a ripple? Could it be that the formation has disappeared? Impossible, the vitality of the world has not changed at all, and the formation still exists." The old man's eyes widened in surprise.

"Old ghost, did you see it? This guy is the kid who made the old man Huang He realize his epiphany. He entered into the magical situation of the devil and scorpion by some unfathomable opportunity, but the big formation didn't respond. Among our formation masters, finally A peerless genius has emerged." At this time, an old voice sounded in the old man's ears.

"What? He is the one who made old man Huang He realize? Are all the rumors true? Old man Huang He retreated to attack the golden core? A master of golden core will appear in our middle-earth formation world?" The old man suddenly became excited.

A golden pill is swallowed into the belly, my life is up to me!

Among the formation masters, although there are countless Guihai masters, there is not a single Jindan master.

They have immersed their lives in the restriction, so it is normal for their Qi training level to increase slowly, but their combat power cannot be underestimated, and they can even leapfrog challenges with the help of formations.

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