forbidden place

Chapter 195 The Great Army Arrives

To others, it is like the wonderful situation of the magic scorpion with unfathomable power, but to Han Hui, it is a scum, and he easily entered it and hid it.

It's just that his rubbing map is not complete, so he can only hide in it. He also has no choice but to kill Xildor, the desert can't return, the middle earth can't return, and a sword sect can kill him.

In desperation, Han Hui chose to hide in the formation, looking for opportunities, and waited for other formation masters to come with rubbing crystal money, whether he exchanged or snatched it, in short, he had to make up enough formations.

Ever since Hanhui entered Ru, he has been sitting in the cave, nourishing his body and nourishing his spiritual consciousness. The 24 vortexes in the sea of ​​consciousness are constantly rotating, and his spiritual consciousness will grow stronger if he does not rotate once. Some, although seemingly insignificant, but the speed of progress of this kind of spiritual consciousness is more than a hundred times faster than others.

Even if there is only one vortex in his mind, the speed of spiritual cultivation is several times faster than others, not to mention there are 24 vortexes in it?

He was playing with a jade ruyi in his hand, only at this moment did he realize how valuable this jade ruyi was, it was much more valuable than primordial stones.

This is the jade transformation of vitality. Normally, for some reason, the vitality of the heavens and the earth gradually accumulates and condenses into primordial stones. Primordial stones are generally about the same size. Perhaps it is because of the restrictions of the rules of the heavens and the earth that it is impossible to have so much primordial qi gathered in one place. Do not leak together.

Yuan Yu is a fragment of an ancient treasure, buried in the ground, gradually absorbing the essence of the earth, absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth, and transforming into it.

Of course, this is all the speculation of the predecessors, but Han Hui very much agrees. After all, he traveled from the earth and knows how oil and coal are formed.

Vitality is filtered by the earth, and it is possible to form this kind of magical thing. Han Hui is holding Yu Ruyi in his hand, and there are traces of white gas permeating from Yu Ruyi. This is extremely pure vitality. His pores entered into his meridians, constantly nourishing and strengthening his meridians.

The last trace of Mangdang Mountain in his dantian is left, and he can touch the core. As long as he can touch the core, he can break the deepest restriction and harvest the inheritance of the entire Mangdang Sect.

Han Hui slowly opened his eyes, half a year had passed, and he hadn't paid attention to the outside affairs in the past six months. Although he had a strong spiritual sense and could investigate everything, he couldn't always use his spiritual sense to check all directions.

He knew that he would be promoted to the state of trance immediately, and getting this jade ruyi would completely strengthen his meridians. As long as he was willing, Mount Mangdang could be refined immediately, and he would be able to become a trance master immediately.

Unlike others, he had to adjust his mentality, prepare resources, and even find someone to protect the Dharma when he had to attack the realm.

The reason why he opened his eyes was because he felt that at this juncture, no matter what, he had to take a rest, relax, and his consciousness swept out.

Suddenly, his expression changed. A man in white was sitting on a high platform, with a simple qin in front of him.

This man is Hildor's uncle Sanwu Zhaizhu, and this old guy is finally here.

Under the high platform stood pairs of soldiers wearing armor, one of the generals in a blood red battle robe was Mo Liang whom Han Hui had seen before.

At that time, he was majestic and majestic, and he was the chief general of the army. At this time, he was not so majestic. There were dozens of generals wearing the same armor as him, standing under the high platform.

Hundreds of thousands of Qi practitioners will gather thousands of miles away, and the murderous aura will sweep across the world, causing Han Hui to twitch his brows.

What's going on here, how come there are so many troops?It is enough to be comparable to the people of Jianzong, what is the desert empire going to do?

Wouldn't it be the other party who made a special trip to come over?Don't you have such a big face?Use enough power to deal with Jianzong, to deal with an abandoned disciple of Jianzong like himself?

In fact, the army outside is not as fierce as Han Hui thought, although their number is similar to that of Jianzong, it is because Jianzong recruits fewer disciples, and Jianzong has more high-end power than here.

The real decision to determine whether a sect is strong or not does not depend on how many disciples the sect has. What's the use of having tens of thousands of disciples in the Qi Condensation Period?One trance can wipe them all out.

"I founded the country in the desert to fight against the Demon Sect, and also to fight against the Middle Earth Dao Sect! Although the Demon Sect looked overwhelming, it could not succeed after all. We were trapped in a poor desert with scarce resources because of the Demon Sect. Is it? No, it’s not! They’re all Middle-Earth Daoist sects!”

Han Hui's eyes lit up immediately, what does this guy mean?Listening to these words is like an oath, are they going to start a war against Middle-earth?

But like the development of Middle-earth, why do you have to swear an oath here?

"We have been fighting in the desert for many years. Which of the seven sects and six bandits is not a big force? Not enough to fight against the twelve sects in the Middle Earth? However, we are not in harmony. We consume our own strength, and we are finally suppressed by ourselves. Now, we have finally established a country. The desert has been unified under the rule of His Majesty Emperor Xingxiu! We are going to enter the middle land and occupy it!"

"Now, I have brought you here to solve the wonderful situation with the Scorpion. I have already found a way to solve this wonderful situation. The people from Middle Earth killed my nephew, the great Prince Sildor, God gave him the aura of wisdom, but he was despicably killed by the Middle Earth people!"

"This is cutting off our descendants!"

Han Hui frowned, what is going on with this guy, is he targeting him?If he starts a war with Zhongtu, he will start a war, and he can just kill Jianzong directly, so why hold an oath master meeting here.

"That boy who hides his head and shows his tail stays here. I have a feeling that he is not dead yet. I have already notified the experts in Middle-earth. People from the Twelve Great Sects are here to help me open the magic scorpion. Boy, otherwise, hand over this kid's sect. If you don't come to help me open the trick, and you can't hand over this kid's sect, I will cast a heaven-defying restraint, destroy this place, and let the people in the ancient tomb All of them were buried together, of course, there were also some of our own people inside, they died, in order to apologise, I will lead you out of the desert and conquer Middle-earth!"

Han Hui shook his head when he heard this, is this guy the legendary Veterinarian who realized three times a day?Was he mad by himself?

I feel a bit idiot to speak, why not just kill a nephew?As for?It's not his own son!

Wait, thinking of his son, Han Hui showed an evil smile, could Hildo be the son of this Veteran?

"It seems that I have to rush to the level of ecstasy, and things will change later. This guy actually found such an excuse, but the soldiers below are not bad. Even if I can't fool me, who else can I fool? I want to start a war with Middle-earth , is the dream of the Seven Sects and Six Bandits, this time I finally found an excuse."

Han Hui, who was talking to himself, suddenly had a cold light in his eyes: "You guys fight as much as you want, why use me as a shield?"

Han Hui was talking to himself, and there was a loud roar from outside: "The people of Middle-earth are despicable and shameless, and plotting against me, Prince Hildo, a heavenly wizard. We must conquer Middle-earth and take back that colorful world!" !"

"Hmph, Lord Sanwuzhai speaks so loudly, you can conquer the Middle Earth, and you can conquer the Middle Earth?" A cold voice came.

Hearing this voice, Han Hui's body couldn't help trembling, he remembered this voice, it was Sun Tianya, the chief law enforcement officer of Jianzong, the one who almost killed him and Cui Zhongqing last time.

Belonging to the same sect, Han Hui was the most severely persecuted by Jianzong, and wanted to destroy Jianzong the most, but Gongsun Tianya also came.

In an instant, Han Hui had thousands of plans in his mind, thinking about how to keep Gongsun Tianya in the desert forever.

Behind Gongsun Tianya, Jianzongs lined up neatly in the sky, and Jianzong actually mobilized a large number of people to come.

"Gongsun Tianya, Ximen Mingyue, you two are here? Some people say that man is a disciple trained by your Sword Sect?" Master Sanwuzhai said to the sky coldly.

There was a flash of sword light in the void, and as soon as a figure appeared beside Gongsun Tianya: "Haha, Zhaizhu has good eyesight, he was able to detect my existence, but a wise person like Zhaizhu should know that rumors only stop with wise people. Such a genius, why not protect him and let him come to such a dangerous place as the desert?"

"Hmph, right and wrong are judged by themselves, everyone says that man is Han Hui, if you catch him, you will know if it is true or not!" said Master Sanwuzhai.

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