"Presumptuous! Do you know who you are talking to! Forgot the sword sect's law?" Xu Zhe's eyes flashed fiercely, and he shouted at Zhang Guang.

Zhang Guang froze for a moment, as if frightened by Xu Zhe's sudden outburst. After all, Xu Zhe was a third-level disciple, and he could completely decide the life and death of a second-level disciple.

However, after a while, Zhang Guang came back to his senses. He was afraid of him because he had a sure-fire weapon. He twisted his neck and said with a sneer: "There are laws in the door, and those who betray the master will be killed! This Hanhui betrayed the master!" Sect, use the nine-star treasure that I am going to dedicate to the sect, in exchange for my own benefits, and hand over the treasure to the evil spirits, shouldn't I kill him? Senior brother still wants to protect him, is he planning to betray the sect?"

"Hahaha, okay, okay, Junior Brother Zhang is indeed a heroic young man who dares to slander a third-level disciple. Today I will let you know that even with the protection of the elders in the sect, I will kill you! I will let you know what the law of the sect is. Example! Those who commit the following crimes will die!" Xu Zhe took a step forward, turned his palms over, and slapped Zhang Guang on the top of his head.

Caifengmen Fairy Qingyun and the others were stunned. In the blink of an eye, the natural sect itself had internal strife, and it was a life-and-death confrontation.

At this time, Han Hui's face was calm, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and he calmly looked at everything that happened in front of him.

Fairy Qingyun's heart was shocked, she was already at the peak of the initiation stage, and she had the highest cultivation level among Caifengmen. She had gone out to experience, and seeing Han Hui's expression, a big question mark rose in her mind.

Isn't this man afraid of death?His two senior brothers had already fought to the death for him, his meridians were sealed, he was completely an ordinary person, and he was not afraid at all.

Zhang Guang stared straight at the palm that Xu Zhe slapped, his face was full of ferocious sneers, Han Hui wondered, could this kid be stupid?

He, who was in the early stages of development, dared to provoke Xu Zhe, a master of the Pentium Realm, no matter what background he had, he would definitely suffer from this immediate loss.

It's useless to have any treasure on his body, unless he really has a nine-star treasure. You must know that Han Hui still has a scorpion puppet on his body, so he still has no chance to use it.

Xu Zhe's palm was about to touch the top of Zhang Guang's head, and a dazzling light suddenly rose from Zhang Guang's body.

A figure with white beard and hair appeared out of nowhere, stepped out from Zhang Guang's body, and stretched out his hand to block Xu Zhe's slapping palm.

There was a loud bang, and everyone in the hall was stunned. They watched Xu Zhe's body fly straight out, hit the wall of the hall, and when he slid down from the wall, he spit out a big mouthful of blood. , his eyes were dim, and after falling to the ground, he didn't even have the strength to look up.

Han Hui was stunned at the time, even the Cui Hanhui he possessed had no experience in this field in his mind, how did Zhang Guang become so powerful all of a sudden, who is this old man who came out of his body?

Squinting his eyes, the sea of ​​qi was churning, and Han Hui could undo the seal at any time and release scorpion puppets to fight against the enemy. He felt the danger of death.

Xu Zhe, who was in the Pentium Realm, had no strength to resist, and was beaten into such a state all of a sudden. The only thing that could save his life was the scorpion puppet.

Han Hui's eyes were narrowed together, only a little cold light was exposed, staring at the old man shrouded in the light.

The old man had a white beard and hair, with a hairpin on top of his head, dressed in shabby clothes, with no expression on his face.

After one blow, the light around his body gradually dissipated, and his body also gradually faded away. Only then did Han Hui realize that the old man was not a real entity at all, but a phantom.

"Could it be the soul?" Han Hui thought.

"Xu Zhe intended to betray the family, and when he killed me, he was killed by the name-protecting talisman given by the elder. Do you have any objection?" Zhang Guang glanced at the disciples of the Sword Sect.

The many disciples of Jianzong were all stupid. They never thought that the ending would be like this. Xu Zhe, who was high in their hearts, was crippled after meeting him. Seeing that he only vented his breath but not breathed in, it might happen at any time. kill.

At this time, even Xu Zhe's cronies dared not say a word, and the illusory figure gradually disappeared like a bubble.

"Life-saving talisman! It turned out to be a life-saving talisman! Junior Brother Zhang is really amazing, he has such a treasure on his body!" Fairy Qingyun's eyes shone with a shocking light, and her small mouth grew big.

Losing the life-saving talisman made Zhang Guang feel extremely heartbroken, but it was worth it to be able to achieve such an effect and shock Fairy Qingyun.

"I made the fairy laugh, it was just given by the elders in the sect, because I want to go out to practice, the family patriarch gave me this life-saving talisman, if it wasn't for Xu Zhe's intention to betray the sect, I wouldn't have used it! " Zhang Guang said modestly, but his face was full of showing off.

Seeing the puzzled face of the same door behind her, Fairy Qingyun suppressed the shock in her heart and explained: "This life-saving talisman is a treasure refined by a master in the ecstasy realm. I attach the god of my body to the talisman, and call out the talisman , can be inspired by thoughts, and can exert a part of the power of a master of ecstasy!"

This said, everyone understood it, even Han Hui understood it. It turns out that such a thing can be stimulated with thoughts, no wonder it was able to resist Xu Zhe's blow in time.

"However, this talisman is useless once it is used once. Once the spirit attached to the talisman by the ecstasy master is exposed, it will completely dissipate." Finally, Fairy Qingyun's tone darkened, obviously using this ecstasy on Zhang Guang. Fu is very sorry.

Zhang Guang himself was also extremely heartbroken, but at this time he could only stand upright, and said with a proud smile: "Isn't it just a piece of magic talisman? This time I came in a hurry, and the ancestor only gave one. At worst, I will go back and ask the ancestor for help." Here are a few pictures, if Senior Sister Qingyun likes it, you can give some to Senior Sister!"

This is just talking nonsense, the talisman is extremely precious, even the masters of the ecstasy can't refine it just because they want to, the materials are scarce.

This time it was he who made a great contribution, and the school gave him many rewards, which allowed him to cross over into the Infant Realm, and he had to come to experience it. The ancestor of the family was afraid that something would happen to him, so he gave him a life-saving talisman.

Liu Fei sighed, what kind of idiot is this? If you don’t say that you don’t have a life-saving talisman, I still dare not do it. You’ve already said that??????

"Junior Brother's kindness, Qingyun appreciates it. How can he accept such a valuable thing? However, Junior Brother is surrounded by elders, and he is extremely talented. He will definitely shine in the future. When Junior Brother can refine the talisman by himself, Qingyun will definitely I beg your brother to refine it!" As he spoke, his eyes moved, revealing all kinds of amorous feelings.

Zhang Guang was dumbfounded on the spot. He smiled silly and didn't know what to say for a long time. Although he lost his composure like this, no one dared to persuade him.

Qing Yun laughed and said: "Junior Brother, what is going on with this Han Hui?"

Hearing Qingyun mention Hanhui, Zhang Guangcai came back to his senses, snorted coldly, his face covered with frost, turned around and said viciously: "Boy, today I must ask you to live or die!"

"I didn't expect this person to be so shameless. Not to mention cheating the treasures of the younger brother, he even sold them to evil heretics. If the younger brother doesn't deal with him, we Caifengmen will also take action against him! He will definitely regret being born in this world! "Qing Yun stared at Han Hui with a bad expression.

This is the level of Fairy Qingyun. There is a rule in Caifengmen that only disciples in the embryonic state can go out to practice. After all, if you don’t enter the embryonic state, your lifespan is limited, and you will also age. You cannot marry talented people. What is the significance to Caifengmen? Not big.

In the embryonic stage, with a long lifespan of 500 years and a youthful appearance, he will definitely be favored by real talents and gain benefits for Caifengmen. This Qingyun is already at the peak of the embryonic stage, and he has experienced many times down the mountain, so he naturally knows how to please Zhang Guang. man, reap the benefits.

"Haha, Fairy Qingyun Yujie Bingqing is chivalrous and courageous, Zhang Guang admires it, but this kid is also my sword sect disciple, not to mention he lied to me, I will definitely ask him for it!" Zhang Guang was seduced by Fairy Qingyun for a while, and then The arrogance dried up.

"Boy, fairy, you kneel on the ground, learn from a dog, climb around, and let the fairies see it. If you can make them laugh, maybe I'll let you go when I'm in a good mood!" Zhang Guang sneered Said to Han Hui.

These words made the fairies of Caifengmen burst into laughter, especially Fairy Qingyun shrugged her turbulent breasts at Zhang Guang, which made Zhang Guang's blood spurt.

The other disciples of Jianzong dared not speak out. This is to humiliate the disciples of their own sect and please a group of women. If Xu Zhe hadn't learned from the past, maybe someone would have taken action.

Han Hui sighed in his heart, after all, he still wanted to kill, could he really only betray the natural door?

"Are you going to ask me for it yourself? I'm afraid you don't have the qualifications! When you fought against me in the hall, you were beaten like a dog by me. Don't you forget?" Han Hui was the former king of the underground after all, Cruel and ruthless, after having a plan, the mind becomes tough.

I must kill Zhang Guang today. If I don't kill him, I will die in his hands sooner or later. Even a third-level senior brother dares to kill him. What else is he afraid to do?

"Why do you have to do it, any junior sister from Caifengmen can teach him a lesson!" Fairy Qingyun said to Zhang Guang with her eyes rolling.

Zhang Guang's face was ferocious, as if he had returned to the humiliation of being slapped by Han Hui on the spot, his eyes flashed coldly, interrupting Fairy Qingyun's proposal.

"You will pay the price for your actions, and immediately you will regret being born in this world!" Zhang Guang said, stretching out his hand and pressing towards the void, the air current in the sky churned and pressed down towards Hanhui.

He wanted to press Han Hui's body into pieces, kneel on the ground for him, kneel at his feet, and wash away his humiliation that day.

The eyes of the three giants in Yudian State all showed regret, Han Hui is still a good alliance leader, and it seems that he is doomed today.

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