forbidden place

Chapter 24 Counterattack

Fairy Qingyun from Caifengmen had a playful look on her lips, looking at Han Hui who was oppressed by the air current, her eyes were filled with deep contempt.

This is the character of the fairies of Caifengmen, each of them looked dignified, but in fact they were extremely worldly in heart, although Fairy Qingyun's expression was extremely subtle, she couldn't hide it from Han Hui.

Zhang Guang's face was ferocious, and his palms became heavier and heavier. With the weight of his palms, the airflow became more violent. Han Hui's clothes were blown up by the strong wind, and his black hair was flying around.

It seemed that as long as Zhang Guang exerted more force, Han Hui would be completely crushed.

Zhang Guang's palm vibrated suddenly, more powerful force spewed out, and he shouted: "Kneel down!"

Han Hui's eyes flashed, and he said with a smile, "It's better for you to kneel down!"

In an instant, the aura on Han Hui's body changed. He was just like duckweed in the wind, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a majestic Mount Tai. With a lift of his palm to the sky, the air flow from above was blown away, and his body stood proudly, exuding The momentum shocked the audience.

People standing around could hear the sound of true energy rushing in his body, like rivers flowing in the meridians.

It was also the first time for Han Hui to experience the power of the Pentium Realm. On the day when he was imprisoned in the secret room, he finally opened his tendons, opened the chains, and achieved the Pentium Realm. Disciple, if you expose your strength, you will have a trump card to win by surprise.

As long as he breaks through the big pass, the small pass will not be the slightest obstacle for him, "click" and "click" twice, and he will smoothly enter the peak of the galloping state.

Enjoying the rush of true energy in his body, Han Hui was in high spirits.

Zhang Guangke was miserable, his face turned livid on the spot, his mouth was open for a long time and he didn't know how to close it, his eyes were full of shock.

He is the closest to Han Hui, and he can clearly hear the sound of the true essence rushing in Han Hui's body, like the Yangtze River, this is a real rushing state!

A few months ago, a junior in the early stage of Qi Condensation who had been submissive to himself, how could it be possible to become a great master in the Pentium Realm?

Pentium Realm can be regarded as a combat power group in any sect. If you really have a certain combat power, start to lead the team, and practice with junior juniors who are first-level and second-level Qi Condensation Initiation Realm, and really start to gain status.

Such a character can kill or kill disciples who are in the Qi Condensation and Germination realms, and has absolute authority. For first and second-level disciples, that is an existence that they look up to.

Han Hui suddenly showed the strength of Pentium Realm, which frightened Zhang Guang, not only Zhang Guang, but also the graceful Qingyun Fairy.

Shocking light shot out from the beautiful eyes, the small cherry mouth slightly opened, isn't he sealed?Didn't it mean that only the strength of the peak of the initiation stage?Now it looks like there is Pentium Realm.

After Han Hui's rushing palm shattered the airflow in the sky, he flipped slightly and pressed down, and a huge force came to the top of Zhang Guang's head.

Without the life-saving talisman, Zhang Guang couldn't resist, and fell to his knees all of a sudden. The gap between the initial stage of initiation and the peak of the Pentium Realm was too great.

He couldn't resist at all, although he desperately wanted to stand up, his face flushed red, but it didn't work at all, and he actually knelt down at Han Hui's feet.

"There is strict order in my natural sect. You, Zhang Guang, a second-level disciple, dare to openly attack my third-level disciple. This is an offense against the superior, and the superior shall be punished!" Han Hui said in a cold voice, spitting out each word When it came out, like a sword, every word pierced Zhang Guang's heart.

He regretted it in his heart, why did he use it like that when he made a good talisman, if he had this life-saving talisman now, the one kneeling on the ground should be Han Hui.

Xu Zhe, who had his last breath left, suddenly brightened his eyes. Hanhui was actually at the peak of the Pentium Realm. It seemed that he had hope for revenge. It doesn't matter anymore.

When he closed his eyes, the expression on Xu Zhe's face was half gratified and half regretful. A master who had practiced Qi for a hundred years and reached the Pentium Realm, just passed away.

The three giants of the Raindrop League were also stunned. They didn't know how this trick changed. The fish to be slaughtered suddenly jumped out of the cutting board, and the beast in the cage suddenly became a hunter.

Han Hui waved Zhang Guang, who was high above the ground, and fell to his knees. His face was red and his neck was thick, but he was gasping for breath, and he didn't even have the strength to speak.

When Zhang Guang heard Han Hui say the following sentence, he suddenly raised his head, tried his best to get rid of Han Hui's air pressure, and roared hoarsely: "You don't dare, if you dare to do it, The elders will crush you to ashes!"

"No elder can surpass the law of my natural gate!" Han Hui's voice was calm.

The palm of the raised palm suddenly jumped, as if a heart suddenly grew out of the palm, and the heart beat, making the sound of a river rushing.

The air current suppressing Zhang Guang's body suddenly became more ferocious.

The sound of "click" and "click" kept ringing.

Zhang Guang's eyeballs burst out all of a sudden, all the bones in his body were crushed, and his internal organs became a mass of paste without the protection of his ribs.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

As the voices sounded one after another, all the tendons in Zhang Guang's body were broken, his head was tilted, and his cervical spine was crushed by Han Hui.

Zhang Guang, who didn't even have the strength to groan in pain, just fell to the ground and died silently.

After killing Zhang Guang, Han Hui smiled slightly, looked at Fairy Qingyun and said, "Who is Junior Sister Qingyun of Caifengmen? I made you laugh when I punished the unworthy disciple of Jianzong just now, but you also happened to be a witness to prove that he A second-level disciple Gou dared to attack me, intending to kill me."

Fairy Qingyun Qiqi Ai Aidi didn't know how to respond. Just now she was still coquettishly seducing Zhang Guang, who had a great background in Jianzong, to cooperate with his humiliation of Han Hui.

In the blink of an eye, the genius of the sword sect with an amazing background turned into a pool of mud, and the traitor of the sword sect whose meridians were sealed turned into a great master of the Pentium realm.

Han Hui didn't care about Fairy Qingyun's affairs, and originally wanted to kill all of them, but after seeing the magic talisman on Zhang Guang, he changed his mind again.

Who knows if there are any life-saving things on other people, if one is escaped, he will really become a traitor of the Wumen Sword Sect.

Maybe he will be labeled as a demon, but everyone will be punished. No matter how fast he advances, no matter how powerful the scorpion puppet is, he may not be able to save his life.

It's the one who can avoid messing with one person, and he is not in the mood to care about these flashy women. It is a tradition brought over from the earth not to hit women.

After saying these words, Han Hui stretched out his hand and grabbed the corpses of Zhang Guang and Xu Zhe, and two treasured long swords flew into his hands.

It wasn't until this time that the other disciples of Jianzong realized from their horror that Han Hui had killed Zhang Guang, and they all didn't know what to say.

"Brother Han Hui, although we all can't understand Zhang Guang's actions, but after all, he has ancestors who are elders of the Sword Sect. I'm afraid it would be inappropriate for you to kill him like this!"

A person boldly said to Han Hui.

Han Hui held a long sword in one hand, felt the aura flowing from the treasure, and said calmly: "Can elders ignore the laws? Besides, which elder didn't rise up from disciple step by step? When I become an elder, he What can you bear with me?"

These words choked everyone who wanted to speak back on the spot. Yes, every elder came from disciples, but how many disciples can become elders?

However, in an instant, they figured out the origin of Han Hui's arrogance, that is, his cultivation speed, which is absolutely terrifying and boundless, but they don't believe that such geniuses really exist in the world.

Throughout the ages, I have never heard of such an existence. In just a few months, I have cultivated from the early stage of Qi Condensation to the peak of Pentium.

This is something that others can do in a hundred years, and he did it in just a few months?There must be some adventure.

But no one doubted that Han Hui had hidden his strength at the beginning. If he really had strength, why did he hide it?Besides, you have to be able to hide in the sect.

Even if it can be hidden, there is no fool who would hide it. The difference in treatment between first-level disciples and third-level disciples is too great.

Remuneration is resources, how can you practice without resources, pills are the biggest reliance for cultivation, and pills rewarded to first-level disciples are rubbish in the eyes of third-level disciples.

Han Hui is out of his mind, does he have to be a third-level disciple to pretend to be a first-level disciple?

"This Raindrop League was founded by me alone, and Ehushan is the residence of our Raindrop League. If you want to live here, I welcome it very much. If you don't want to live here, please feel free to do so. I won't force you to stay!"

After finishing speaking, Han Hui stepped out of the hall.

Fairy Qingyun didn't expect Han Hui to let her go, could it be because of her beauty?No, I didn't see a hint of obsession in his eyes at all.

Or is it that they dare not offend Caifengmen?

"Hmm! It must be like this!" Fairy Qingyun thought.

Although Han Hui clearly didn't care about her, she didn't have the heart to stay here anymore. If she had known that this kid was so tough, who would care about Zhang Guang.

Seeing the back of Liu Fei walking out, Fairy Qingyun regretted it in her heart, and Han Hui killed decisively, even facing Zhang Guang who was supported by Elder Trance behind him, she beheaded without mercy.

Sorry for the first time.

The disciples of Jianzong looked at each other, they didn't know what to choose, it was too dangerous to stay here, this Han Hui acted decisively, even dared to kill Zhang Guang, why didn't he dare to kill them?

Besides, the big brother Xu Zhe who led the team died here, and the elder's direct blood died here, so they had to go back and report quickly.

In the end, everyone reached a consensus, and all packed up and went down the mountain.

The three giants of the Raindrop League suppressed the agitation in their hearts and began to discuss the future path. Their leader seemed to be much stronger than they imagined, which gave them hope for the rest of their lives after the catastrophe.

Qi practitioners are expected!

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