forbidden place

Chapter 424 Finding the Medicine Garden

> "

Han Hui nodded, there is a special thing in the surrounding air, this thing can slowly poison the body of a murderer, making people confused, and when they reach the state of ecstasy, relying on the unity of soul and soul, they can still maintain Sober, if you are a Qi trainer who has just reached the Yuyue realm, you will be tainted with madness when you come here.

Even if a master who has jumped out of the realm of the gods can resist the hallucinogenic factors in the air, his body will still be polluted and decay.

"This is the poisonous gas leaked from the rotting fairy grass. My medicine garden should be here. It is too old and has not been watered and fertilized. Almost all of these fairy grasses have withered. After the rotten fairy grass, the poison produced Xing is naturally much stronger than ordinary herbs, because it contains more energy." Princess Scorpion said.

Han Hui stretched out his hand towards the upper left, and slashed lightly with his finger like a knife, a flash of lightning flashed in the void, the air suddenly froze, and Lang San instantly felt like the world was collapsing.

"What a powerful restriction!" Han Hui couldn't help admiring: "What kind of state is the state teacher of your Demon Scorpion Empire? The depth of understanding of the restriction is simply unimaginable!"

"These restrictions are completely hidden in the void, and they have not disappeared after thousands of years. They can automatically absorb the vitality of the world to maintain the restrictions. It is unimaginable, unimaginable." Han Hui repeatedly praised.

In fact, his eternal restriction also has such an effect, which is almost indelible. However, the way of yin and yang has been used to spy on the most original thing of the restriction, with the help of computer programs.

This national teacher completely relied on his own ideas to arrange a set of infinite looping formations. Hanhui's restriction is like an immortal person who will never die.

However, the prohibition of the national teacher is like human society, death keeps coming, but vitality keeps sprouting, it seems that this is the real truth of the Dao.

The entire universe is a combination of birth and death, not eternal life!

Princess Scorpion's palm lightly stuck to the void, and then slowly closed her eyes. The moment she closed her eyes, Han Hui saw the air condense together, and a figure appeared.

This person seemed to have no face, and he could only see endless brilliance. With the appearance of this figure, the surrounding space seemed to freeze, and time seemed to stop flowing.

"Princess, you are back? What kind of magnificent era is the era you live in? Is there any great person like the emperor? By the time you see me, I have become the food in the belly of the monster. The emperor also It has long been returned to dust, but don’t be sad, the way of heaven is reincarnation, birth and death always continue, if you are successful in cultivation, don’t peek into the highest realm, unless you have enough accumulation!” said the figure made of light Words that shocked both Han Hui and Princess Scorpion.

A big man and super expert with unfathomable cultivation, who even surpassed the heaven and earth, was eaten by a monster?

"When you came, the fairy grass in the medicine garden may have been rotten, but it doesn't matter. Do you remember the reincarnation technique I taught you? You can perform the reincarnation technique and use the restraining power of the bluestone slabs in the reservoir. Let the fairy grass be reborn, turn the power of decay into supreme vitality, these medicinal materials can be reborn, and the medicinal effect will become stronger, giving you an extra chance to save your life in this troubled world!"

"However, remember, don't practice until you make up your mind. You will only become food for monsters at that time. The most peak masters in the world are nothing but monsters. If you practice all the way, it is a dead end!" Lonely and emotional.

Princess Scorpion's tears had already soaked her clothes, and the radiant figure exploded, and the ray of light enveloped the two of them, and they got into the heavy restrictions and entered the medicine garden.

The death energy inside was astonishing to the extreme, if there was no light curtain guarded by the light man, Princess Scorpion would have died in an instant.

Her body in a trance state could not resist the poisonous gas attack at all, even the body of Daoist Hanhui Jindan was extremely difficult to resist the poisonous gas.

Seeing the decline of the whole garden, Princess Scorpion, who had been prepared for a long time, couldn't help squatting on the ground and crying loudly. Han Hui bent down and patted her on the shoulder and said: "Recover these medicinal herbs, your father is dead, It is the continuous movement of the great way of heaven and earth, as for the matter of the national teacher being swallowed up, as long as you practice hard and achieve the highest level, you can know the truth!"

Princess Scorpion's eyes lit up: "I must cultivate to the highest level, and see what kind of monster devours the national teacher. There are still monsters that can swallow the national teacher in the world. It's unbelievable, it's unbelievable!"

"You cast the Heaven and Earth Reincarnation Technique to revive these fairy grasses, stimulate the medicinal energy, and release your own body. I think the realm of your body must not be lower than that of Jindan Daoist?" Han Hui asked.

There is also a basis for Han Hui to say this. From Princess Moxie, it can be heard that he is not very satisfied with Fairy Yu's frail body.

The scorpion puppets produced by the Scorpion Empire can be killed, so how could the Scorpion Princess not surpass the Guihai realm.

"Huh, the golden elixir master you speak of, I will kill it if I say so. After my body recovers, you accompany me to the Golden Desert to kill the Golden King. This is what my father left me to restore the Demon Scorpion Empire in later generations." I must get something of glory!" Princess Scorpion said.

"Your father left you?" Han Hui was puzzled.

"Do you think the Golden King can be resurrected by relying on the desert? It's not because of the supernatural means of the father and the national teacher. Even if the Golden King has the supernatural power of resurrection, the golden kingdom has fallen into the hands of the father. It is not just a snap of his fingers to kill his chance of resurrection." Things?" Princess Scorpio explained everything now.

His kingdom disappeared, and the final illusion collapsed. Princess Scorpion quickly accepted the reality, and wanted to restore her body, improve her strength, conquer the world, and aspire to the highest realm. Let's see what kind of demon can devour the Supreme Qi Cultivator!

Princess Scorpio raised her hand to the sky, and a scorpion made of light flew out from her head. The scorpion hooked its tail upside down to form a circle.

"The four seas are churning, the Qiankun Palace is here, life and death are disillusioned, endless reincarnation!"

A force that turned everything upside down erupted instantly, and the bluestone slab exploded, turning into a disk, and the restrictions on it circulated continuously, as if to swallow everything and send it into endless samsara.

All the restrictions in the medicine garden were triggered, and a hole of tens of thousands of miles was opened in the sky, and the mighty vitality of heaven and earth kept falling from the sky.

This is the prohibition method that seizes the world's fortune!

Princess Magic Scorpion's Heaven and Earth Reincarnation Technique is just an introduction, and everything is still at work by these restrictions. The boundless vitality is transformed into the breath of reincarnation, and injected into the disc formed by the bluestone slab.

The disc whirled and turned, and life and death were immediately reversed.

Han Hui watched a miraculous scene, countless rotten medicinal herbs revived, and the rotten poisonous gas in the world also turned into immortal energy.

With a flick of the Scorpion Princess's sleeve, the ginseng fruit also flew out. Seeing the ginseng fruit changing in the air, all the rotten aura on it was eliminated, leaving only the pure medicinal aura.

After a full three hours, all the vitality in the world was replaced, and the medicine garden tens of thousands of miles away became a fairyland on earth.

"This medicine garden is dozens of times bigger. After seeing me sleeping, people have been watering and fertilizing here. It was only after the fall of the Scorpion Empire that no one took care of it, causing the herbs to rot!" Princess Scorpion looked at. Looking at the medicinal materials in the garden, I feel emotional in my heart.

At this time, a peaceful light is emitted from the ginseng fruit of the breath soil, so that the viewers can feel a sense of soul soaring at a glance. a feeling of.

"Sure enough, it is the supreme treasure of enlightenment. Where is the blood sesame grass? It is also something that allows people to peek into the artistic conception of Taiyin, and it can help us achieve Taoism!" Han Hui asked.

Princess Scorpion hadn't spoken yet, a thunderous voice sounded, the sky and the earth were shaking, and the restrictions around them shook one after another. These restrictions had already broken when they turned the dead energy into life, and they couldn't resist it when they encountered a strong force. live.

Sudden eye pain, one eye is closed and I am typing. .Book friends, please leave a book review, so that I can know who is reading the book. . .thank you

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