forbidden place

Chapter 425 Yin Yang Gourd


"It turned out to be him?" Han Hui was taken aback.

The tall figure outside is the mysterious man who was playing with skulls in the black market of Yunmo City. I didn't expect him to show up here, and I don't know if he came after Hanhui, or he himself wanted to come to Heitian to get the lotus outside the sky. Take a chance.

The restraints impacted by the bone-white airflow collapsed one after another, and Han Hui hurriedly said: "Princess, the restraints were damaged in the process of reversing the life and death of the fairy grass, and it is no longer enough to protect this medicine garden. Put them in Mangdang Mountain, otherwise they will all be destroyed." it's here!"

Princess Moxie didn't care about thinking too much at this time, she nodded repeatedly, Han Hui turned around, and Mount Mangdang flew out of his body, turning into a huge vortex in the sky, and the incomparable tearing force spread down from the vortex, life-threatening Medicine garden cutting.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

The earth trembled, and the universe split.

The medicine garden tens of thousands of miles away was cut off from the ground, and a large piece of land tens of thousands of miles away was uprooted by Han Hui with the help of Mangdang Mountain.

Mount Mangdang is extremely vast, and it is constantly expanding every day. When it was just promoted to an eleven-star treasure, it was millions of miles, and it has expanded to tens of millions of miles these days.

It is countless times larger than the earth. If Hanhui can reach the realm of Sanxian, or the realm of saints, he can re-open up space in it. Every portal in the holy map of the way of war can open up a huge space.

"It turned out to be you! There's nowhere to find it if you break through the iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get it!" After the mysterious man blew away the restriction, he happened to see Han Hui collecting boundless herbs.

"Boy, hand over the lotus flower outside the sky, and I will spare your life, otherwise, this day next year will be your taboo!" While speaking, the mysterious man spewed out bone-white vitality, sealing off the void tens of thousands of miles around .

Han Hui didn't answer, and with a thought, Mangdang Mountain spun and smashed over. The current Mangdang Mountain's strength is astonishing, and its strength is unknown.

At the time of the ten-star treasure, he was able to escape from the Golden King and Thunder Kou ancestors. Now there is only an eleven-star treasure left, and Liu Mian was suppressed on the spot. Liu Mian survived six thunder disasters in one breath. of horror characters.

There was a loud "hum".

The boundless white vitality was scattered around by the shock, the mysterious man showed shock on his face, feeling that the laws protecting him in front of him collapsed one after another.


Han Hui shouted loudly, and the loud shout contained Dao Dao's sigh. This is his comprehension of the rules. Since he came into contact with Lian Er, his comprehension of the rules of dreams has deepened.

The mysterious man instantly felt that he was in Abi Hell, and his soul seemed to be judged by the supreme king of hell. At the same time, Han Hui's consciousness formed a formation of earth-shaking swords and strangled towards the mysterious man's sea of ​​consciousness.

The mysterious man suddenly roared wildly, stretched out his hand and grabbed it suddenly, the void burst, and a big bone hand stretched out from the void, like a thousand-mile snake, like a bone dragon.

With the arm of the bone in the palm, it tore through the void, and ruthlessly grabbed towards Mount Mangdang.

At the beginning, in the Yunmo black market, with the help of Lian Er, Han Hui felt the threat of this bone hand.

Now, the bone-like hand finally appeared and struck him violently.

"This is the hand of destruction that I smashed the body of an eight-star treasure and refined it with the help of the bones of an ancient beast. Let me see how you can resist it?" The mysterious man resisted the impact of his consciousness, and shouted at Han Hui !

"Hmph, this is not the black market in Yunmo. I just need a magic weapon to control the group of soldiers with the help of the Gate of Nine Weapons. Your Destructive Hand is just right for you!"

Mount Mangdang rotated, and the aura of fighting and attacking on it circulated endlessly, and gates rose and fell one after another, slamming into the big bones of the bones.


There was a loud bang, the big white bone hand trembled, and the bone meal fell down, and the power of rules contained in it was lifted by the huge force.

The body of the mysterious man collapsed, and his feet sank into the ground. With him as the center, the earth trembled and tore apart with a radius of thousands of miles, and shocking cracks rumbled.

The cold radiance was so overwhelming that Mount Mangdang rotated, revealing four portals layer upon layer on top of it, and a knife light that illuminated the heaven and earth shone from the portal.

There is a sigh in the light of the knife, the sigh of the great way!

Like a dream!

The eyes of the mysterious man were blurred. This is the most domineering knife light in the world, cleaning out all disobedient existences.

This is the will of the military strategists, and it contains the compassion of Dao.

The world collapsed, the law was shattered, and the big hand of bones greeted him, and the light of the knife hit the big hand of bones.

"Boom" with a loud noise.

Huge fingers were thrown into the sky one after another, and the bone meal fell like snowflakes. The mysterious man leaned back and disappeared instantly, as if he disappeared directly from this space.

This is entirely the power of rules. After comprehending the magical rules of space, he instantly transfers from one space to another, appearing more than ten thousand miles away.

With a tiger roar, Han Hui flicked his sleeves, and took Princess Magic Scorpion into Mangdang Mountain. At the same time, he pushed Mangdang Mountain fiercely with his palm.

At the same time, an ax light flashed out, and a huge phantom ax cut out from Mount Mangdang, containing the will to destroy everything in the way of war, penetrated nothingness, and chased after the mysterious man's head.

It can be said that within a day, Hanhui's two weapons have been strengthened, the strength of the soldiers in Mangdang Mountain has been strengthened, and new treasures have been continuously cast.

The mysterious man was just standing still, when he looked up and saw a huge ax in the sky, descending with a boundless aura of destruction, he roared angrily: "I am the elder of the Demon Sect, the Demon Sect will not let you go!"

As he spoke, his body shook, and a ray of light jumped out of his body. This light was the mysterious person's soul.

How fast the soul of the Sanxian master escaped, it almost surpassed the boundaries of time and space, and he was hundreds of thousands of miles away in an instant.

Without the primordial spirit, no matter how powerful the body was, it would be a dead thing. With a flash of the knife, the body of the mysterious man was split into two parts.

Cui Zhongqing flew out of Mangdang Mountain, his body exploded, wrapped the two corpses, and swept into Mangdang Mountain.

Han Hui checked the storage bags of the mysterious man, his eyes sparkled suddenly, there were only 800 million primordial stones, as well as various treasures and various rare materials.

After counting the things, Han Hui jumped up, wanting to leave here quickly, when a black spot landed in the sky, rushing towards Han Hui's head and exploded with a bang.

Han Hui looked up to the sky and let out a long cry, and there were many gates all over his body, among which the gate of the Nine Earths was the most prominent, and the good defenders were hidden under the Nine Earths!

The exploding power in the sky couldn't get close to Han Hui's body at all, and they were all drawn under the Nine Earths by the Gate of Nine Earths.

Now, with the improvement of Hanhui's realm and the integration of the holy map of the way of war and Mangdang Mountain, Hanhui can exert more and more power of the holy picture of the way of war.

He has explored the mystery of the holy picture of the way of war, and with the accumulation of time, his understanding of the holy picture of the way of war will become more and more profound.

Because, the holy map of the way of war has been fused with his natal treasure, and when the fusion is completely completed, the holy picture of the way of war has become a part of his treasure, and he can fully exert the power of the holy map of the way of war.

And he himself became a soldier saint!

However, several times of being with the Dao made Han Hui not satisfied with becoming a soldier saint. He created the sigh of the Dao himself and is still in the process of perfecting it.

Life is like a dream, and the avenue is like an illusion.

He wants to achieve the Dao, travel through the ages, swim in the long river of time, and become a truly supreme existence.

"Thief, stay!" A huge sound shook in all directions, a gourd was spinning in the sky, surrounded by layers of clouds and mist, and a two-headed monster was depicted on the gourd.

The monster opened its mouth with one mouth and closed the other mouth. The opened mouth shook, and a black spot bombarded down, exploding around Han Hui.

This force destroys everything, thanks to Han Hui's possession of the Holy Map of the Way of War, which can directly tear through the void and reach the top of a person's head.

It's almost equivalent to a Jindan real person blowing himself up on top of your head.

"How is it possible? Why can't it break through his rules? This yin-yang gourd was sacrificed by the ancestor himself, and even people who have experienced five thunder disasters can't use the rules to avoid it!" A figure on the gourd screamed.

I am typing with one eye closed, brothers, take pity on me, leave me a book review and let me see you. .

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